SoldFOLK ART CARVING BY ERNEST POPEYE" REED (JACKSON,FOLK ART CARVING BY ERNEST "POPEYE" REED (JACKSON, OHIO, 1918-1985). Signed "E. Reed" on her belt. Sandstone carving of an American Indian woman seated on a tree stump with a cradle board on her back.See Sold Price
SoldFOLK ART CARVING BY ERNEST POPEYE" REED (JACKSON,FOLK ART CARVING BY ERNEST "POPEYE" REED (JACKSON, OHIO, 1918-1985). Signed "E. Reed 1975". Sandstone, figure of a person riding a giant eagle. 10 1/2"h.See Sold Price
SoldFOLK ART CARVING BY ERNEST POPEYE" REED (JACKSON,FOLK ART CARVING BY ERNEST "POPEYE" REED (JACKSON, OHIO, 1918-1985). Signed on the prow "E. Reed". American Indian in a canoe. 12 1/2"l.See Sold Price
SoldFOLK ART CARVING BY ERNEST POPEYE" REED (JACKSON,FOLK ART CARVING BY ERNEST "POPEYE" REED (JACKSON, OHIO, 1918-1985). Signed "E. Reed 1975 AD". Limestone bust of an American Indian. 7"h.See Sold Price
SoldFOLK ART CARVING BY ERNEST POPEYE" REED (JACKSON,FOLK ART CARVING BY ERNEST "POPEYE" REED (JACKSON, OHIO, 1918-1985). Signed "E. Reed". American Indian chief's head in sandstone. 7 1/2"h.See Sold Price
SoldFOLK ART CARVING BY ERNEST POPEYE" REED (JACKSON,FOLK ART CARVING BY ERNEST "POPEYE" REED (JACKSON, OHIO, 1918-1985). Signed on the bottom "E. Reed" in marker. Wooden figure of a swimming mermaid. Varnish surface. 5 1/2"h. 7 1/4"l.See Sold Price
SoldFOLK ART CARVING BY ERNEST POPEYE" REED (JACKSON,FOLK ART CARVING BY ERNEST "POPEYE" REED (JACKSON, OHIO, 1918-1985). Signed "E. Reed". Limestone cardinal with inked note on bottom "'76 Ohio State Bird Cardinal". 7"h.See Sold Price
SoldTHREE FOLK ART WHIMSEYS BY ERNEST POPEYE" REED (JATHREE FOLK ART WHIMSEYS BY ERNEST "POPEYE" REED (JACKSON, OHIO, 1918-1985). Two limestone pipe bowls in the form of men's heads. Initialed "ER". 2 1/4"l. And a figural sandstone candlestick with incisSee Sold Price
SoldFOLK ART CARVING BY ERNEST POPEYE" REED (JACKSON,FOLK ART CARVING BY ERNEST "POPEYE" REED (JACKSON, OHIO, 1918-1985). Initialed "ER" under the chin. Sandstone fish. 15 1/2"l.See Sold Price
SoldFOLK ART CARVING BY ERNEST POPEYE" REED (JACKSON,FOLK ART CARVING BY ERNEST "POPEYE" REED (JACKSON, OHIO, 1918-1985). Unsigned. American Indian sandstone bust. 6 3/4"h.See Sold Price
SoldFOLK ART OWL CARVING BY ERNEST POPEYE" REED (JACKSFOLK ART OWL CARVING BY ERNEST "POPEYE" REED (JACKSON, OHIO, 1918-1985). Signed on the base "E. Reed". Sandstone owl with owlets on the base. 9 1/2"h.See Sold Price
SoldErnest Popeye Reed Folk Art Owl Sculpture6" Height, 3 & 3/4" Width, 3 & 3/8" Deep. Packaging, Insurance, Handling And Shipping Are Done In House And Is 65.00 For This Item In The Continental U.S. Or You Are Welcome To Pick Up In Person Or MaSee Sold Price
SoldERNEST "POPEYE" REED FOLK ART SCULPTUREFine sandstone nude Indian squaw sitting on stump breast feeding baby with arms and legs crossed. Nicely detailed. Signed "E. Reed" on front. Excellent condition. 18 1/2" h. 6 1/2" w. 8" d. Found in CSee Sold Price
SoldERNEST "POPEYE" REED FOLK ART SCULPTUREFine sandstone Indian squaw with papoose on back and fringed dress sitting on stump with hands on knees. Nicely detailed. Found in Chillicothe, OH from family who knew and purchased personally from PoSee Sold Price
SoldERNEST "POPEYE" REED FOLK ART WOOD SCULPTURE OF OWLSigned "E. Reed" on back. Fine condition. 9 3/4" h.See Sold Price
SoldERNEST "POPEYE" REED FOLK ART SCULPTUREFine sandstone Indian chief in a head dress and fringed outfit with necklace and belt seated on a stump with hands on knees. Finely detailed. Found in Chillicothe, OH from family who knew and personalSee Sold Price
SoldERNEST "POPEYE" REED FOLK ART SCULPTUREFine sandstone Indian chief in head dress, fringed outfit and necklace seated on stump with hands on knees. Nicely detailed. Found in Chillicothe, OH from family who knew and personally purchased fromSee Sold Price
SoldERNEST "POPEYE" REED FOLK ART SCULPTUREPopeye Reed attribution. Fine sandstone fox, finely detailed, unsigned. Some dirt spotting, otherwise fine condition. 8" L. 16" w. 7" d.See Sold Price
SoldERNEST "POPEYE" REED FOLK ART WOOD SCULPTUREDriftwood sculpture. Signed "E.R." on back. Found in Chillicothe, OH from family who knew and personally purchased from Popeye Reed. This is an original Popeye Reed sculpture. Fine condition. 15 1/2"See Sold Price
SoldERNEST "POPEYE" REED FOLK ART SCULPTURE PLAQUEOutstanding sandstone folk art sculpture plaque of Daniel Boone in buckskin and coonskin cap with long rifle and belt, ax in hand and powder horn hanging from belt, standing above an Indian lying faceSee Sold Price
SoldERNEST "POPEYE" REED FOLK ART LOTLot of 6 pieces including gray sandstone pipe with carved Indian designs, signed "E.R." on bottom, 1 1/2" h. 2 1/2" L.; sandstone bowl, unsigned, 2" h. 6" dia.; polished gray sandstone spike, unsignedSee Sold Price
SoldERNEST "POPEYE" REED FOLK ARTFive pieces including stag handled knife with bone blade signed "E.R." on handle, 8" L.; ring made from deer antler with carving of Indian chief in head dress, 1", unsigned; pipe made from deer antlerSee Sold Price
10 Books Including: The Life of Pasteur, The Geography of Hunger and MoreCain Modern Auctions4.4(44)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Eighteenth Century by Reed and Barton Sterling Silver Honey Dipper HH WS CustomMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Georgian Rose by Reed and Barton Sterling Silver Honey Dipper HH WS Custom 8 1/4Mynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Retro Wooden Female Figure Folk Art Stand, 3 FTThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024