SoldFLOWN NASA, Medallion(1.5" diameter) Bronze color medallion. The obverse reads "National Aeronautics and Space Administration Twenty-fifth Anniversary 1958-1983" and the reverse reads "NASA This Medallion includes metal tSee Sold Price
Atlantis and Mir Flown Metal Medallion NasaCommemorative piece. Contains metal from the Shuttle Atlantis and the Mir Station.See Sold Price
SoldNASA SPACE FLOWN METAL COMMEMORATIVE MEDALLIONSNASA SPACE FLOWN METAL COMMEMORATIVE MEDALLIONS Three NASA commemorative medallions for the Apollo 8 mission, Skylab space station, and ASTP (Apollo Soyuz Test Project). Each containing space-flown meSee Sold Price
SoldFlown ASTP Medallion from NASA Administrator(1.5" diameter) A silver toned bilingual medallion that reads on the reverse "This medallion contains metal from both Apollo and Soyuz that joined together in the first international manned space missSee Sold Price
Sold1982 STS-005 NASA MFA MEDALLION W/ FLOWN METALNASA Manned Flight Awareness issued 38mm medallion issued in 1983 to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of NASA. This is one of the more difficult MFA medallions to obtain. The front side has the NASA 25tSee Sold Price
SoldTwo MFA Medallions. An approximately 1.25-inchTwo MFA Medallions. An approximately 1.25-inch Apollo 11 NASA issued medallion containing flown material from Apollo 11 spacecrafts "Columbia" and "Eagle," encased in a 2.5x3.5 inch plastic display hSee Sold Price
SoldSTS-42, 1992, FLOWN World Space Congress 1992 PapSTS-42, 1992, FLOWN "World Space Congress 1992 Paperweight (2.5x2.5") This metal NASA medallion reads, in part: "This paper-weight contains material flown aboard Space Shuttle DiscSee Sold Price
Medallion Containing Flown Skylab Material NASA(1.5" diameter) containing metal FLOWN aboard Skylab. The obverse of the medal bears an image of the Skylab spacecraft, and the text reading "United States of America". The reverse reads "this medalliSee Sold Price
SoldThree FLOWN Shuttle Medallions. A STS 1 MFA meThree FLOWN Shuttle Medallions. A STS 1 MFA medallion containing flown material from Shuttle "Columbia" * A NASA 25th anniversary medallion containing flown material from STS 5 * A medallion containiSee Sold Price
Sold25th NASA Anniversary Medallion Made from Metal Fl25th NASA Anniversary Medallion Made from Metal Flown on STS-5 (1.5" diameter) A bronze colored medallion celebrating NASA's 25th Anniversary. The obverse of the medallion reads "25 National AeronautiSee Sold Price
Flown STS-3 Manned Fight Awareness MedalSTS 3 Medallion Bronze-colored medallion whose obverse reads "Going to work in space, STS 3, Columbia, March 1982". The reverse reads "NASA, This medallion was made in part from metal that was flown iSee Sold Price
FLOWN STS 5 NASA 25th Anniversary Commemorative(1.5" diameter) Bronze color medallion. The obverse reads "National Aeronautics and Space Administration Twenty-fifth Anniversary 1958-1983" and the reverse reads "NASA This Medallion includes metal tSee Sold Price
1975 APOLLO ASTP AWARD WITH MEDALLION1975 APOLLO ASTP AWARD WITH MEDALLION NASA issued ASTP (Apollo-Soyuz Test Project) participation award with printed signatures of crew members and a medallion made from metal flown on the mission. SiSee Sold Price
Sold1981 STS-001 NASA MFA ISSUED MEDALLIONS (x2)Two NASA Manned Flight Awareness 38mm medallions that contain metal flown aboard the STS-1 Space Shuttle mission. Front side of medal depicts the STS-1 mission emblem. The reverse side states 'Thank ySee Sold Price
NASA 25th Anniversary STS-5 MedallionNASA 25th Anniversary Medallion Marked on the reverse '…includes metal that was flown in space aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia…" and displayed in a plastic case. AttractiveSee Sold Price
SoldSkylab III (SL-4) Flown Material.[NASA] Framed 3.8 cm medallion is marked on the reverse: "This medallion contains metal that traveled through space on the world's first space station." Additionally signed by Commander of Skylab III,See Sold Price
SoldApollo 11 Flown Manned Flight Awareness MedallionApollo 11 Flown Manned Flight Awareness Medallion given to employees of NASA on the second anniversary of the first manned lunar landing in recognition of their contributions to the space program. TheSee Sold Price
SoldFlown Apollo 11 Flight Awareness MedalFLOWN Manned Flight Awareness Medallion given to employees of NASA on the second anniversary of the first manned lunar landing in recognition of their contributions to the space program. The reverse rSee Sold Price
SoldNASA SPACE SHUTTLE PROGRAM COMMEMORATIVE COIN WITHNASA Memorabilia, Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Medallion; this coin is marked "This medallion contains metal flown on a Space Shuttle mission". It is like new condition and stored in a clearSee Sold Price
Sold1973 NASA WALL PLAQUESA group of three different plaques, each about 6.5x1" in size with multicolor crew patch designs attached. ALSO a NASA 25th Anniversary Manned Flight Awareness medallion containing metal flown on theSee Sold Price
NASA SPACE SHUTTLE PROGRAM COMMEMORATIVE COIN WITHNASA Memorabilia, Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Medallion; this coin is marked "This medallion contains metal flown on a Space Shuttle mission". It is like new condition and stored in a clearSee Sold Price
SoldNASA SPACE SHUTTLE PROGRAM COMMEMORATIVE COIN WITHNASA Memorabilia, Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Medallion; this coin is marked "This medallion contains metal flown on a Space Shuttle mission". It is like new condition and stored in a clearSee Sold Price
NASA SPACE SHUTTLE PROGRAM COMMEMORATIVE COIN WITHNASA Memorabilia, Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Medallion; this coin is marked "This medallion contains metal flown on a Space Shuttle mission". It is like new condition and stored in a clearSee Sold Price
NASA SPACE SHUTTLE PROGRAM COMMEMORATIVE COIN WITHNASA Memorabilia, Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Medallion; this coin is marked "This medallion contains metal flown on a Space Shuttle mission". It is like new condition and stored in a clearSee Sold Price
East Anatolia Antique 3 Medallion Camel Hair Rug 6 ft 1 in x 3 ft 2 in (1.85 m x 0.96 m)Nazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Chinese Export Rose Medallion Porcelain Punch BowlAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Unusual Large Tiffany & Co Sterling Silver Olympian Renaissance Egyptian Medallion Serving ForkHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
(19th c) CHINESE ROSE MEDALLION PUNCH BOWLJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A Relicario Medallion of the Virgin, on Copper.Turner Auctions + Appraisals4.3(313)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
3 Antique Chinese Rose Medallion Covered JarsEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Chinese Rose Medallion Misc. Saucers and CupsEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Vanity Hand Mirror, Hand Painted Medallion PortraitWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A PERSIAN SAROUK ROOM SIZE RUG WITH MEDALLION CIRCA 1900Soulis Auctions4.8(953)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
18th C. CHINESE EXPORT ROSE MEDALLION PITCHERLewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(524)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Vintage Octagonal Shaped Porcelain Planter in Rose Medallion StyleNorthgate Gallery, Inc.4.5(36)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Antoinette Krasnik for Loetz, Papillon medallionToomey & Co. Auctioneers4.7(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
NASA Space Shuttle Atlantis Final Launch Limited Edition 121/135 Signed by Commander Ferguson SpaceGCB Estate Sales4.5(86)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Apollo 11 30th Anniversary Coin - NASA Eagle Moon landing Medallion Medal CoinRichard L. Edwards Auctioneering4.8(2.3k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
NASA Apollo Blueprints – Charles Bell Collection (100+ Blueprints)Cardenas Auctions4.2(7)$850(8 bids)83 Lots Away