Flakon Murano? Glass Flacon PaperweightWohl Murano, 20. Jh.Im Boden und im kugeligen Stöpsel je eine Blumenwiese aus dicht gesetzten, bunten Millefiori- und Stern-Canes. Im Boden mittig gesetzte Jahreszahl "1853". H. 15 cm (34411030)SOLLTSee Sold Price
SoldFlakon Murano glass flaconMurano, 19. Jh. Blaues Glas mit eingeschmolzenem, buntem Dekor: Blütenzweige umgeben von spiralförmigen Milchglasfäden. Inschrift in Aventurin: "Ricordo di Venezia". H. 4,8 cm (33772010).See Sold Price
SoldFlakon Murano glass flaconMurano, 19. Jh. Senffarbenes, in Model geblasenes Glas mit eingeschmolzener Murrine in Weiß, Rosa und Dunkelblau. Spannungsriss. H. 7,5 cm (33772008).See Sold Price
SoldFlakon Franchini Bigaglio Murano glass flaconFranchini-Bigaglio, Murano, Mitte 19. Jh. Aventuringlas mit eingeschmolzener Murrine in Form von Porträts sowie Inschrift "Vichy". H. 6,3 cm (33772009).See Sold Price
Flakon Murano Italy Glass Perfume Bottle FlaconNOTE: FOR ENGLISH DESCRIPTION, CONDITION REPORT AND ADDITIONAL PICTURES ARE AVAILABLE PLEASE CONTACT US Murano, 2. H. 19. Jh. - Ockerfarbenes, grünes und hellblaues Glas mit Silberfolie-EinschlüssenSee Sold Price
3 Briefbeschwerer Glass Paperweights Flacon20. Jh.Briefbeschwerer mit Meeresgrund-Dekor, min. best (Muschel), D. 6,5 cm. Flakon mit Stöpsel mit Überfang in der Art der Scramble-Briefbeschwerer, H. 11,5 cm. Dreiseitiger Obelisk, in die KantenSee Sold Price
SoldSIX PIECES OF MURANO GLASSSIX PIECES OF MURANO GLASS The group consist of one large green ""crackle"" vase, a cane glass millefiori perfume flacon with stopper, an encased butterfly paperweight, a gold flecked apple and pear aSee Sold Price
Flacon. Murano, Italy. 1980s.Flacon. Murano, Italy. 1980s. Coloured glass and gilt foil. size: H. 9,5 cm. Flakon. Murano, Italien. 1980er Jahre. Farbloses Glas. Kugelförmiger Korpus mit kurzem zylindrischem Hals und waagerecht aSee Sold Price
SoldFlacon. Murano, Italy. 1980s.Flacon. Murano, Italy. 1980s. Coloured glass and gilt foil. size: H. 14 cm. Flakon. Murano, Italien. 1980er Jahre. Farbloses Glas. Kugelförmiger Korpus mit kurzem zylindrischem Hals und waagerecht auSee Sold Price
SoldFlacon. Murano/ Italy. 1980es.Flacon. Murano/ Italy. 1980es. Conical clear glass corpus, polychrome smeltings, murrins and golden geegaw. Clear glass nyliner in form of a leaf, golden adored. size: H. 13,4 cm. Flakon. Murano/ ItalSee Sold Price
Flacon. Campanella, Murano/ Italy. 1970.Flacon. Campanella, Murano/ Italy. 1970. Uncoloured glass with polychrome murrines and gold foil meltings. size: H. 14 cm (mit Stopfen). Flakon. Campanella, Murano/ Italien. 1970. Kegelförmiger KlargSee Sold Price
SoldFlacon. Campanella, Murano/ Italy. 1970.Flacon. Campanella, Murano/ Italy. 1970. Uncoloured glass with vertical red glass thread and gold foil meltings. size: H. 13,5 cm. Flakon. Campanella, Murano/ Italien. 1970. Kugelförmiger KlarglaskorSee Sold Price
Flacon. Campanella, Murano/ Italy. Ca. 1970.Flacon. Campanella, Murano/ Italy. Ca. 1970. Uncoloured glass with green murrines and gold foil meltings. size: H. 16,5 cm. Flakon. Campanella, Murano/ Italien.. Um 1970. Zylindrischer KlarglaskorpusSee Sold Price
Flacon. Vetreria Gino Cenedese, Murano/Italy. 197Flacon. Vetreria Gino Cenedese, Murano/Italy. 1970s. Uncoloured glass with amber coloured melting. size: H. 20 cm (mit Stopfen). Flakon. Vetreria Gino Cenedese, Murano/Italien. 1970er Jahre. ZylindrisSee Sold Price
SoldFire & Light / V. Nason Murano Glass Paperweights(1) V. Nason Murano geometric form in pale peach glass. Original label. 2.25" H x 3.5" L x 2" W. (2) Fire & Light recycled pale green glass heart form paperweight. Signed and dated 2000. 2.25" H x 3.5See Sold Price
SoldMurano Glass Paperweight Christmas Tree & GoldMurano Glass Paperweight Christmas Tree and Gold Flake. The multicolor Christmas tree with label is 8 1/4" High. The gold flake labeled paperweight is 2 3/4" High. Condition - Perfect condition.See Sold Price
SoldA Murano Glass Paperweight, Height of tallest 4 1/A Murano Glass Paperweight, having internal fish decoration, together with twelve others. Height of tallest 4 1/4 inches. Property from the Estate of Ruth Regenstein, Chicago, IllinoisSee Sold Price
SoldMurano Glass PaperweightDESCRIPTION: An initialed "G.L." multi colored Murano glass paperweight with air bubble design. CIRCA: 20th Cent. ORIGIN: Italy DIMENSIONS: H: 3" x D: 3" CONDITION: Great condition, slight chipping atSee Sold Price
SoldMurano Glass - paperweight eggMurano Glass - paperweight egg shaped aqua and gold spiral inside - 5"See Sold Price
SoldMurano Glass Paperweight with Original Foil LabelGlass paperweight for floral design and original gold colored foil label that says " Made in Murano Italy "See Sold Price
SoldB. Murrina Murano Glass PaperweightB. Murrina Murano glass paperweight. [3 1/2 (dia) inches].See Sold Price
SoldMURANO GLASS PAPERWEIGHTA-Barbini Murano. Dimensions: H 3.5" x W 8.5" x D 4" Condition: Some areas of dark colored residue to surface.See Sold Price
Fish In A Candy Shaped Bag Murano Glass Paper WeightWeatherham Estate Treasures3.9(157)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Italy Murano Glass Millefiori PaperweightJudd's Auction Gallery, Inc. 4.6(166)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Murano Glass Apple PaperweightM.J. Stasak Jr. Auction and Appraisal Service4.8(2.1k)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024