Five Native American Sweetgrass Basket Tray BowlsFive American Indian made basket bowls or small trays, ranging from 6" to 10" in diameter.See Sold Price
SoldFive beautiful Native American basketscollection to include Penobscot 6" x 10" bowl shape with inside basket packet for sewing, sweet grass and ash, c. 1970. Penobscot Indian 4" x 10" all sweet grass and ash sewing basket, Rose and NaturaSee Sold Price
Two Native American Baskets and a Woven TrayFive Native American Apache Woven Basketry Items. Comprising a medium bowl, small bowl, vessel, basket, and a flat tray. All decorated with dark patterns on a lighter ground. {Approximate dimensions fSee Sold Price
SoldFive Native American Apache Woven Basketry Items.Five Native American Apache Woven Basketry Items. Comprising two bowls of differing sizes, a vessel, a basket, and a flat tray. All decorated with dark patterns on a lighter ground. {Approximate dimenSee Sold Price
SoldApache BasketEarly 1900s, Large, exceptional deeper tray/bowl with beautiful stepped "X" or diamond forms, several diamond figures, black five-point center star, and ticked rim. Excellent condition. Museum qualitySee Sold Price
SoldFive Hopi basketsTwo coiled trays, two wicker bowls, and a piki tray Largest example height: 10 1/2 inches Additional Description: From the Estate of Margaret Taylor, Sedona, Arizona Margaret Taylor was a teacher forSee Sold Price
SoldHopi Basketry Groupingfive pieces including a tray, two mats, a small bowl and one double handled coil bowl with geometric decoration. Tray 13 in. diameter. The Native American Collection of Mr. Wayne Lockey of Grand JunctSee Sold Price
SoldFour Apache baskets and bowls20th century Comprising one tray with radiating five-ray sun-motif, one small bowl, one high-sided bowl, and one bowl with whirling motif, 4 pieces Largest: 6.5" H x 11" Dia.See Sold Price
SoldOne Apache and one African basketThe first: early 20th century, Apache, a figural basketry tray, central star surrounded by five eagles (1.5'' H x 10.625'' Dia.); the second: mid-20th century, African, a deep bowl-form basket with abSee Sold Price
Sold5 NATIVE AMERICAN COIL BASKETS BOWL & LID5 NATIVE AMERICAN COIL BASKETS BOWL & LID Lot of five Native American coil baskets, bowl, and lid. Some are decorated with geometric patterns. Baskets; 9.5" - 17" (diameter), Bowl; 5 x 9", and Lid; 5.See Sold Price
SoldCollection of Native American Woven BasketsCollection of Native American Woven Baskets, bowl and tray ca. 1976 Museum of Northern Arizona made by Edith Addington-Shungepori. Lidded basket, Pima, ca.1920. 3 3/4 inches tall.See Sold Price
Large Native American Pima Basket / TrayLarge Native American Pima Basket / Tray 5" x 22" Coil woven bowl, ca. 1930. The Pima Indians, Akimel O'odham, are known for their fine baskets. Pima Indian basket materials are generally Devils Claw,See Sold Price
SoldFive Native American Basketsto include a lidded basket by Betty Antone, with Second Prize ribbon from the 1970 Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial in Gallup, New Mexico (7in.); a fabric coil round tray with label from Alamo Basket WeSee Sold Price
SoldApache/ Native American Basket Trays (2)Circa 1900-1910. Both measuring just under 11.5" diameter. Height of rim edge from the table: 1.5" Bowl with pattern.2.25" Bowl without pattern.See Sold Price
SoldA group of miniature Native American basketsA group of miniature Native American basketsMid/late 20th century; Western United StatesA large group of diminutive basketry trays, bowls, gift baskets, and an olla in various styles including a PomoSee Sold Price
SoldNative American (Pima) Basket BowlNative American (Pima) Basket Bowl Late 19th / early 20th century coiled basket having a geometric fret design Condition: Very Good, five damaged rim stitches; overall light wear consistent with age aSee Sold Price
SoldFive Native American Woven BasketsFive Native American Woven Baskets, comprising a handled form, a deep tapering form, covered form with woven finial and two low bowl forms. Dimensions: ranging from 4.5 dia. -11 in. dia. Condition: GoSee Sold Price
SoldGrouping of 5 Native American Coiled BasketsGrouping of 5 Native American Coiled Baskets. Tray: 10 1/2 x 9 3/4"; Largest bowl: 5"t x 8"dia. Minor losses to edge of tray & one basket.See Sold Price
SoldSOUTHWESTERN NATIVE AMERICAN COILED BASKETS, LOT OF TWOSOUTHWESTERN NATIVE AMERICAN COILED BASKETS, LOT OF TWO, comprising a tray and shallow bowl, each with geometric designs. Mid 20th century. 8 3/8" and 11 3/4" D.Excellent condition with a few minute lSee Sold Price
SoldMission Basketry Bowl, Native AmericanOld Mission basket / bowl / tray, polychrome. Dimensions: 3.5 in. high x 11.25 in. diameter.See Sold Price
SoldAPACHE AND PAPAGO NATIVE AMERICAN BASKETSThe Apache tray or shallow bowl with meander in devil's claw and with matching center area and rim wrap (adhesive on the underside). Plus a tall Papago basket with geometric meander pattern. Measure 6See Sold Price
SoldSix Native American Woven BasketsAn assortment of woven items, including two bowls, a tray, two chargers and a bull-nose basket. Largest 11.5" diameter.See Sold Price
SoldFIVE NATIVE AMERICAN HAND WOVEN ITEMS, American SoFIVE NATIVE AMERICAN HAND WOVEN ITEMS, American Southwest, including: Hopi wicker tray; Navajo "wedding basket" with red and black decoration; three Hopi "sifter" baskets, one of pale green and blondSee Sold Price
Sold(lot of 8) Native American decoratives, including a(lot of 8) Native American decoratives, including a stone axe, woven sifting basket and tray, Hopi pottery bowl, beaded necklace, leather pouch and bone fragments, largest: 15"hSee Sold Price
Silver German Tea Set and Tray - Peter Ditges 1846.63 in silver contentCowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
(4) NORTHWEST NATIVE AMERICAN BASKETSThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
5 Native American Quill Covered BasketsEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Native American Basket Bowl, Attrib. CahuillaStefek's Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(107)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Native American Hupa Mush Bowl Basket c. 1890-1910Stefek's Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(107)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Native American Paiute Woven Basket BowlStefek's Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(107)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Five American Sterling Silver Decorative Bowls and Plate by Various MakersGray's Auctioneers4.5(187)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024