Pristine 8'3" Muhr's & Sons Philadelphia 3 Weight Grandfather Clock With Music Roller WorksRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Wonderful Early Tall Case Grandfather Clock, made by Richard Chalken Wrotham Kent 92"T 22"W 12"DSwisher Bros. Auction LLC4.4(251)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Nice Oak 19Th C. Lenzkirch Grandfather Clock With Large Brass Maiden Head CrestRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Thomas Harland Sligh inlaid Grandfather ClockBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
19th C. English George III Mahogany Tall Case ClockPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Antique Original Mahogany Miniature Grandfather/Grandmother ClockHeritage Gallery Auctions4.4(56)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
ANTIQUE TALL GERMAN 3 WEIGHT GRANDFATHER CLOCKRedlands Antique Auction4.8(851)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
SoldFine Virginia Federal Inlaid CherryTall Case Clock attributed to Thomas McCarty, Wellsburg, Virginia, early 19th century, urn and flame finials, arched and painted dial with moon phase, landscape-painted chinoiserie spandrels, BritishSee Sold Price
SoldFine Virginia Federal Inlaid DressingTable, Northern Valley of Virginia or Maryland, 1790-1810, walnut and walnut veneer with yellow pine and cherry secondary, double serpentine front set with two drawers (one with divided interior), proSee Sold Price
SoldFine Federal Inlaid CellaretSouthern, probably North Carolina or Virginia, early 19th century, figured mahogany and cherry with poplar and yellow pine secondary, elaborate quarter fan, fan, line and bellflower inlays, divided inSee Sold Price
SoldFine Virginia Federal Inlaid Serpentine ChestLate 18th / early 19th century, Norfolk or southeastern Virginia, mahogany with poplar secondary; serpentine overhanging top with inlaid edge molding above a conforming case fitted with four graduatedSee Sold Price
SoldFine Virginia Federal Inlaid Walnut Desk and BookcaseFine Virginia Federal Inlaid Walnut Desk and Bookcaseattributed to the Shenandoah Valley, circa 1800-1810, two-part form, yellow pine, walnut, and white pine secondary, dovetailed removable cornice, bSee Sold Price
SoldFine Virginia Federal Inlaid Mahogany SideboardFine Virginia Federal Inlaid Mahogany Sideboardattributed to the Shenandoah Valley, circa 1800-1810, mahogany, mahogany veneer, yellow pine and poplar secondary, shaped top with banded veneer edge, opSee Sold Price
SoldFine Virginia Federal Inlaid WalnutTall Case Clock Fredericksburg area, Virginia, 1775-1785, the case possibly by a member of the Walker family, the unsigned, painted and arched dial with floral spandrels, box face with bookmatched figSee Sold Price
SoldFine Virginia Federal Inlaid Mahogany Chest of DrawersFine Virginia Federal Inlaid Mahogany Chest of Drawerscirca 1800, poplar, yellow pine, and white pine secondary woods, rectangular top with rear overhang and with cross banded veneered edge and borderSee Sold Price
SoldFine Virginia Federal Inlaid WalnutCorner Cupboard possibly Winchester, Virginia area, 19th century, dentil and line-inlaid pediment over two pairs of tombstone inlaid doors, inlaid and deeply shaped skirt, original feet, shelves and hSee Sold Price
SoldSHENANDOAH VALLEY OF VIRGINIA FEDERAL INLAID CHERRY CHESHENANDOAH VALLEY OF VIRGINIA FEDERAL INLAID CHERRY CHEST OF DRAWERS, rectangular dovetailed top above four graduated drawers and cut-out scalloped skirt, raised on straight French feet, stringing toSee Sold Price
SoldVIRGINIA FEDERAL INLAID CHERRY FALL-LEAF DINING TABLEVIRGINIA FEDERAL INLAID CHERRY FALL-LEAF DINING TABLE, rectangular top with two hinged leaves, raised on four square-tapered with bellflower decoration. Old refinished surface with warm color. Early 1See Sold Price
SoldTHE WILLIAMSON FAMILY, SHENANDOAH VALLEY OF VIRGINIATHE WILLIAMSON FAMILY, SHENANDOAH VALLEY OF VIRGINIA FEDERAL INLAID CHERRY TALL CASE CLOCK, brass eight-day works, unsigned painted iron face with sweep second hand and moon dial. Hood with broken arcSee Sold Price
SoldFine Southern Federal Inlaid Cherry Bottle Case*attributed to Mason County, Kentucky, 1790-1810, diminutive form with inlaid top opening to a divided interior, front with compass star inlay, kite escutcheon, flanked by heart and oval inlaid sSee Sold Price
SoldFine American Federal Inlaid CherryCorner Cupboard aattributed to Fairfield County, Ohio, early 19th century, elaborate line, barberpole and lozenge inlays, single door with 12 panes, three interior shelves, lower door opening to singlSee Sold Price
SoldFine Caleb Davis Virginia Federal Inlaid Walnut Tall Case ClockWoodstock, Virginia, circa 1800, painted dial signed "Caleb Davis", swan's neck pediment with floral inlay, urn finials, moon phase painted with farm and ship at sea scene and old inscriptions on reveSee Sold Price
SoldFine Federal cherry inlaid Pembroke tableFine Federal cherry inlaid Pembroke table, with one drawer and bowed ends and leaves, likely Eastern MA area, intricate inlays with old brass pull, Ca. 1800, 29”H x 38”L.See Sold Price
SoldVIRGINIA OR MARYLAND FEDERAL INLAID CHERRY AND BIRCHVIRGINIA OR MARYLAND FEDERAL INLAID CHERRY AND BIRCH PEMBROKE TABLE, the rectangular top fitted with two hinged fall leaves over an inlaid apron to one end and single drawer with banded inlaid decoratSee Sold Price
SoldSouthern Marquetry-Inlaid Cherry Tall Case ClockFine Southern Federal Marquetry-Inlaid Cherry Tall Case Clock, first quarter 19th century, possibly Kentucky, heavily-inlaid throughout, the hood with a swan's neck pediment ending in scrolls with inlSee Sold Price
SoldFine Southern Federal Cherry Tall Case ClockFine Southern Federal Marquetry-Inlaid Cherry Tall Case Clockfirst quarter 19th century, heavily inlaid throughout, the hood with a swan's-neck pediment ending in scrolls with inlaid four-point stars,See Sold Price
SoldA Fine American Federal Inlaid MahoganA Fine American Federal Inlaid Mahogany and Cherry Serpentine Front Chest-of-Drawers , c. 1800, the top with outset chamfered corners above conforming stiles flanking four long drawers, scalloped aproSee Sold Price
SoldFINE MID-ATLANTIC, PROBABLY VIRGINIA OR MARYLAND,FINE MID-ATLANTIC, PROBABLY VIRGINIA OR MARYLAND, FEDERAL INLAID MAHOGANY CARD TABLE, the hinged demilune-form top with line-inlaid edge over a conforming frieze featuring patterned-line inlay, raisedSee Sold Price
SoldSouthern Federal Inlaid Cherry Sugar ChestSouthern Federal Inlaid Cherry Sugar ChestSouthwest Virginia or Tennessee, early 19th century, poplar bottom with oak back board, hinged top with breadboard ends and applied molded edge, open interiorSee Sold Price
SoldSouthern Federal Inlaid Cherry HuntboardSouthern Federal Inlaid Cherry Huntboardattributed to Virginia, early 19th century, poplar and yellow pine secondary, rectangular top on conforming base, central protect door flanked by two deep draweSee Sold Price
SoldNORTHERN SHENANDOAH VALLEY OF VIRGINIA FEDERAL INLAIDNORTHERN SHENANDOAH VALLEY OF VIRGINIA FEDERAL INLAID CORNER CUPBOARD, a fine architectural example, two-piece construction, canted returns, the upper case with deep cove-molded cornice and projectingSee Sold Price
19thc Civil War Engraving, Cavalry Raid, Libby Prison, Richmond VirginiaConnoisseur Auctions3.9(335)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Mackenzie-Dow Benchmade Cherry Dining TableNadeau's Auction Gallery4.7(405)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Vintage Virginia Craftsman corner cabinet, 24 pane individual glass, original finish, solid cherry 4South Jersey Auction by Babington Auction Inc4.6(123)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A FINE SANDALWOOD RUYI INLAID WITH CHERRY WOODWilliam's Auctions, LLC4.3(91)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Very Fine American Federal Fan and Bellflower Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke TableBrunk Auctions4.6(467)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
FEDERAL NORTH SHORE INLAID SIDEBOARD CA. 1800.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
19TH C. NH INLAID CHERRY TALL CLOCK, BARTLETT WRKSHP.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
New England Federal Inlaid Bow Front Chest of DrawwersAlderfer Auction4.6(710)$250(1 bid)291 Lots Away