SoldFine Taino Ancestral Head (1000-1500 CE)Fine Taino Ancestral Head. Very similar to the 3 pointed zemis (1000-1500 CE). Made of a rich blue-grey banded hard stone. Smooth from ceremonial handling, soft edges, concave base. Size: 5.7'' x 3.4'See Sold Price
SoldTaino Ancestral Head (1000-1500 CE)Taino Ancestral Head (1000-1500 CE). Finely detailed head with stylized arms above head and residual legs under chin, forming a full figure. Large heads sometime represent the loci of visions and uncoSee Sold Price
SoldTaino Ancestral Mask Head (1000-1500 CE)Taino Ancestral Mask Head (1000-1500 CE). Nicely delineated facial features with elaborate symbolic carving on forehead. Made of ryolite. Size: 3'' x 2.5'' x 1.5'' (8 x 6 x 4 cm). Provenance: Larry RoSee Sold Price
SoldTaino Ancestral Serpentine Mask Head (1000-1500 CE)Taino Ancestral Serpentine Mask Head (1000-1500 CE) with twin features. Secondary face appears at top of head, a Taino reference to duality of the visible and hidden. Size: 2.25'' x 2.5'' x 0.5'' (6 xSee Sold Price
SoldTaino Ancestral Stone Head or Mask (1000-1500 CE)Taino Ancestral Stone Head or Mask (1000-1500 CE). Closed eyes suggest subject is in a trance. Well define eye surrounds and headband. Made of basalt. Size: 4.5'' x 3'' x 1.5'' (11 x 8 x 4 cm). ProvenSee Sold Price
SoldTaino Ancestral Face (1000-1500 CE)Taino Ancestral Face (1000-1500 CE). A fine grained and smoothly carved stone ancestral face with a well defined eye ridge and exaggerated ear spools; and deep set eyes and expressive mouth. 3.25"L xSee Sold Price
SoldTaino Large Serpentine Head (1000-1500 CE)Taino Large Serpentine Head (1000-1500 CE). Stone heads evolved from the Taino custom of keeping ancestral skulls. Heads like these usually held the ancestor's spirit and were consulted during cohobaSee Sold Price
SoldFine Taino Carved Stone Zemi (1000-1500 CE)Fine Taino Carved Stone Zemi (1000-1500 CE), this form is only found in the Antilles. A very heavy stone for its size. Very complex symbolic engraving. Head on front and feet on rear become a spider lSee Sold Price
SoldTaino Zemi-Like Marble Head (1000-1500 CE)Taino Zemi-Like Marble Head (1000-1500 CE). This type of translucent marble is typically found on the Samana Peninsula in the Dominican Republic. The head likely represents a deceased elite ancestralSee Sold Price
SoldTaino Zemi-Like Marble Head (1000-1500 CE)Taino Zemi-Like Marble Head (1000-1500 CE). This type of translucent marble is typically found on the Samana Peninsula in the Dominican Republic. The head likely represents a deceased elite ancestralSee Sold Price
Fine Taino Freestanding Effigy/Cemi (1000-1500 CE)Fine Taino Freestanding Effigy/Cemi (1000-1500 CE); a very nice large freestanding effigy or cemi. Obvious male with eye and mouth surrounds, raised head band and large ear spools. Gently worn from riSee Sold Price
Rare and Fine Pre-Columbian Taino DuhoRare and Fine Pre-Columbian Taino (1000-1500 CE) Duho. Lignum vitae wood carved ceremonial cohoba stool or platter. Featuring a human like face on a zoomorphic body. The brow forms a bird head with aSee Sold Price
SoldTaino (1000-1500 CE) Ceremonial Portrait HeadTaino (1000-1500 CE) Ceremonial Portrait Head, possibly a deceased ancestor. Made from fine grained hard stone, possibly silicified argillite. Size: 6'' x 4'' x 1'' (15 x 10 x 3 cm). Provenance: LarrySee Sold Price
SoldTaino (c. 1000-1500 CE) Rhinoceros IguanaTaino (c. 1000-1500 CE) fine full figure rhinoceros iguana. Head elevated skyward and feet curl in what appears to be a reverent position. Raised area on nose resembles a frog head when viewed with igSee Sold Price
SoldTaino (1000-1500 CE) Anthromorphic Cemi/StampTaino (1000-1500 CE) Anthropomorphic Cemi/Stamp.Fine grained hard stone. The squatting figure with large head, expressive face and drilled holes next to the eyes. The chest incised with a yonic symbolSee Sold Price
SoldRare Taino (1000-1500 CE) Ceremonial Monolithic AxeRare Taino (1000-1500 CE) Ceremonial Monolithic Axe. Made of a fine grained hard stone similar to basalt. In the form of a snake's head resting at the top of the stone blade, with its tail extending dSee Sold Price
SoldTaino Head (1000-1500 CE)Taino Head (1000-1500 CE), face depicts a deep transcendental state of hallucinogenic intoxication, well engraved forehead depicting complex symbolic notations. Made of a heavy iron rich stone, possibSee Sold Price
SoldTaino Skull-Like Head (1000-1500 CE)Taino Skull-Like Head (1000-1500 CE), made from a heavy iron rich stone, possibly hematite, with well delineated incised symbolic designs. Size: 5'' x 3'' x 2.5'' (13 x 8 x 6 cm).See Sold Price
SoldTaino Serpentine Ancestral Mask (1000-1500 CE)Taino Serpentine Ancestral Mask (1000-1500 CE). Ancestral masks were kept as ceremonial advisors. RichJade-like color, strong eye ridges, expressive face. Size: 4" x 2.25" x 1" (10 x 6 x 3 cm).See Sold Price
SoldTaino Cemi/Stamp Head (1000-1500 CE)Taino Cemi/Stamp Head (1000-1500 CE). Published in "Taino Sculpture: Art Of the Gods" page 47. Picture 59. Reverse, a set of undulating interfacing lines. Made of marble, with well defined face and aSee Sold Price
SoldTaino Stone Ancestor Head (1000-1500 CE)Taino Stone Ancestor Head (1000-1500 CE). Stone ancestor head made of a grayish hardstone. Nice eye and mouth surrounds. Headband runs from ear to ear. Length: 3.2" (8.2 cm). Provenance: Larry RobertsSee Sold Price
SoldTaino Cohoba Pestle with Head (1000-1500 CE)Taino Cohoba Pestle with Head (1000-1500 CE). Used to crush hallucinogenic cohoba seeds for ceremonial consumption. The head is well made with typical eye and mouth surrounds and is wearing a headbandSee Sold Price
SoldFine Taino Marble Anthropic Cemi (1000-1500 CE)Fine Taino Marble Anthropic Cemi (1000-1500 CE). Skeletal body likely depicts fasting shaman. Hands on knees as if sitting in a duho (low bench-like seat). Provenance: Larry Roberts, author of Taino SSee Sold Price
SoldTaino Stone Bird Head Snake Effigy (1000-1500 CE)Taino Stone Bird Head Snake Effigy (1000-1500 CE). A common reference to Quetzalcoatl of Mayan mythology. Twin head bird symbol next to head. Size: 1.25'' x 4'' x 4.75'' (3 x 10 x 12 cm). Provenance:See Sold Price
Colima, Valdivian, & Chupicuaro Pottery Figures (3)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Lot of 5 Ecuadorian Spindle Whorl Beads w/ PossumsArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Chimu Pottery Vessel w/ Supernatural Jaguar DeityArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Native American Eastern Woodland Chert Stone Tools (pr)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Native American Eastern Woodland Chert Stone Hand ToolArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
11 North American Eastern Woodland Knapped Stone BladesArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Assorted Pre-Columbian Stone Beads & Pottery WhorlsArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Arawak Taino Stone Offering Tablet, Crouching FrogArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Panamanian Cocle Pedestal Dish, Two-Headed SaurianArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Tairona Carnelian Bead Necklace w/ Shell Frog PendantArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024