SoldORIENTAL CARPET, Persian Isfahan design, overall scORIENTAL CARPET, Persian Isfahan design, overall scrolling floral vine decoration on yellow-green ground and maroon border, hand knotted fine wool, 9'0" x 12'1".See Sold Price
SoldPERSIAN NAIN CARPET, Isfahan region, overall scroPERSIAN NAIN CARPET, Isfahan region, overall scrolling floral raceme design on rectangular cobalt blue ground and cream border, hand knotted fine wool, 9'6" X 12'9".See Sold Price
SoldFINE SILK AND WOOL HALL CARPET, Sino-Persian, oveFINE SILK AND WOOL HALL CARPET, Sino-Persian, overall floral and geometric floral star medallion design, 367 hand tied knots per square inch (230-line), 2'7" x 10'2".See Sold Price
SoldFINE ORIENTAL AREA RUG, Sino-Persian, floral and fFINE ORIENTAL AREA RUG, Sino-Persian, floral and floral medallion design on ivory ground, 278 knots per square inch (200-line) quality, hand knotted, 3'1" x 4'11".See Sold Price
SoldSINO-PERSIAN SILK RUGSINO-PERSIAN SILK RUG, 10' 6" X 6' 11":Fine weave with center medallion and overall, multi-colored, floral and leaf designs. Colors are pink and mauve with beige and teal. JkingSee Sold Price
SINO-PERSIAN SILK RUGSINO-PERSIAN SILK RUG, 10' 6" X 6' 11": Fine weave with center medallion and overall, multi-colored, floral and leaf designs. Colors are pink and mauve with beige and teal. JkingSee Sold Price
SoldROUND ORIENTAL ACCENT RUG, Indo-Persian, overall fROUND ORIENTAL ACCENT RUG, Indo-Persian, overall floral vine design executed in fine detail on red field with ivory ring border, 5'1" diameter.See Sold Price
SoldA ROUND ORIENTAL AREA RUG, Indo-Persian, overall fA ROUND ORIENTAL AREA RUG, Indo-Persian, overall floral design on green and tan ground, hand knotted fine wool, 6'0" diameter.See Sold Price
SoldDOUBLE SIGNED ORIENTAL INDO-PERSIAN CARPET, IsfahanDOUBLE SIGNED ORIENTAL INDO-PERSIAN CARPET, Isfahan design, overall floral motif on rich burgundy ground and dark blue principal border, 7'10" x 9'7".See Sold Price
SoldA DOUBLE SIGNED ORIENTAL INDO-PERSIAN CARPET, IsfahA DOUBLE SIGNED ORIENTAL INDO-PERSIAN CARPET, Isfahan design, overall floral arabesques on burgundy ground and dark blue principal border, 7'10" x 9'6".See Sold Price
SoldHAND KNOTTED PAKISTANI-PERSIAN CARPET, Isfahan deHAND KNOTTED PAKISTANI-PERSIAN CARPET, Isfahan design, overall scrolling floral raceme decoration on dark blue ground and ivory border, 9'1" x 12'5".See Sold Price
SoldPERSIAN JOSHAGAN CARPET, Isfahan region, overall fPERSIAN JOSHAGAN CARPET, Isfahan region, overall floral "jangali" pattern arranged in repeating diagonal rows of diamond-shaped flower groups around a centralized diamond-shaped medallion on red fieldSee Sold Price
SoldHAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, Persian Isfahan desHAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, Persian Isfahan design, overall floral type on ivory ground, 9'2" x 12'4".See Sold Price
SoldSILK AND WOOL CARPET, Persian Isfahan design, oveSILK AND WOOL CARPET, Persian Isfahan design, overall scrolling floral raceme decoration in bas relief over a tan field, hand knotted, 8'11" x 11'10".See Sold Price
SoldHAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL PAKISTANI CARPET, Persian IsHAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL PAKISTANI CARPET, Persian Isfahan design, overall floral arabesque motif on dark blue field and red principal border, 7'11" x 9'11".See Sold Price
SoldFINE SILK AND WOOL SINO-PERSIAN CARPET, overall sFINE SILK AND WOOL SINO-PERSIAN CARPET, overall scrolling vine decoration on rectangular burgundy ground and ivory border, 160-line quality, 8'11" x 11'10".See Sold Price
SoldAN ORIENTAL SILK AND WOOL CARPET, Persian IsfahanAN ORIENTAL SILK AND WOOL CARPET, Persian Isfahan design of overall floral tracery on cream ground and black border, 160-line quality, 9'1" x 12'6".See Sold Price
SoldHAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL SILK AND WOOL CARPET, PersiHAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL SILK AND WOOL CARPET, Persian Isfahan design of overall scrolling floral racemes on ivory ground, 8'10" x 11'9".See Sold Price
SoldFINE PAKISTANI PERSIAN CARPET, overall foliate deFINE PAKISTANI PERSIAN CARPET, overall foliate design on ivory ground and green border, 14/70 quality, 9'9" x 13'10".See Sold Price
SoldHAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, Isfahan design, IndHAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, Isfahan design, Indo-Persian, overall scrolling floral raceme design on ivory ground with green primary border, 7'11" x 9'10".See Sold Price
SoldVERY FINE ALL SILK CARPET, Persian Tabriz design wVERY FINE ALL SILK CARPET, Persian Tabriz design with overall floral motif executed in very fine detail across the dark blue central medallion, ivory panel reserve, red main field and principal borderSee Sold Price
SoldVERY FINE ORIENTAL SILK AND WOOL CARPET, Persian KVERY FINE ORIENTAL SILK AND WOOL CARPET, Persian Kashan design, overall floral and central floral motif on bright red field, 230-line quality wool and silk blend pile, 10'1" x 13'2".See Sold Price
SoldFINE ORIENTAL SILK AND WOOL CARPET, Persian KashanFINE ORIENTAL SILK AND WOOL CARPET, Persian Kashan design, overall floral and central floral motif on bright red field, 230-line quality wool and silk blend pile, 10'1" x 13'2".See Sold Price
SoldFINE HAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, Persian VeramiFINE HAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL CARPET, Persian Veramin design of overall repeating flowers on black ground and light brown border, 10'0" x 14'0".See Sold Price
Highlighted Silk Persian Tabriz Mahi (Fish) 8.4x9.8Roshan Oriental Rug4.4(64)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Pictorial Shapur Antique Persian Isfahan 4.6x6.10Roshan Oriental Rug4.4(64)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A FINE PERSIAN MALAYER PRAYER RUG WITH CYPRESS C. 1860Soulis Auctions4.8(953)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A PERSIAN BIJAR CARPET WITH FLORAL SPRAYS CIRCA 1900Soulis Auctions4.8(953)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
MID CENT PERSIAN ORNAMENTAL KNOTTED WOOL AREA RUGAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Karabaugh Runner/Long Rug Caucasus 3 ft. 7 in. x 17 ft. 7 in.Bonhams4.1(315)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
INDO PERSIAN KASHMIRI SILK CARPETA.H. Wilkens Auctions & Appraisals4.7(392)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024