SoldSheep Carved Butter StampSheep Carved Butter Stamp Early - Mid 19th Century Maple 6"H X 3 9/16" Diam Great folk art carved elongated body sheep butter stamp. Fine detailed, depicted on landscape with leafage sprigs, incised sSee Sold Price
Antique Early 19th Century Vermont Butter StampEarly 19th Century Butter Stamp. Early 19thc carved butter stamp with great patina. Found in Vermont. 4.5 Diameter Please note that this lot has a confidential reserve. When you leave a bid in advanceSee Sold Price
SoldFine Marquetry Star Pattern Folk Art Keepsake BoxTitle: Fine Marquetry Star Pattern Folk Art Keepsake Box Date: c. early 20th century Medium: various wood marquetry Dimensions: 8.5 x 11.5 x 8.5 inches Signature: indecipherable stamp to undersideSee Sold Price
SoldVery Fine Folk Art Needlework on Paper 1823Fine early folk art needlework on paper. Paper is linen lined which is original. Tacked to wood panel.American, circa 1823. Sight size H 9-1/8" W 11-1/8". Last image is removed from frame. Please refeSee Sold Price
SoldFolk Art Carved Stone LionFine early folk art carved stone lion. American, mid 19th century. Old repaired cracks . H 14" L 30" W 8-3/4". Please refer to this link for high-res images. Sold Price
SoldEarly Carved Figure of LafayetteFine early folk art carved and painted figure of Lafayette. American,circa 1800. Original condition with minor imperfections. H 22". Please refer to this link for high-res images. https://www.dropbox.See Sold Price
SoldFine Pair Early Folk Art Allegorical WatercolorsFine Pair of collector grade Early Folk Art Allegorical Watercolors, circa 1840. Framed size: H 20-1/4" , W 24-3/8". Sight size: H 18", W 22" . Appear to have original gold leafed frames. Excellent UnSee Sold Price
Important Pair of Dog Shirred RugsVery fine pair of early folk art dog shirred rugs. Pennsylvania, mid 19th century. Outstanding condition. Minor imperfections. Professionally mounted. L47" H 31". Provenance David Wheatcroft. Please rSee Sold Price
Great Pair Of Tom Brown Folk Art Carvings.Title: Great Pair Of Tom Brown Folk Art Carvings. Dimension: 4 1/2" tall each Date/Period: 1930's Additional Information: Very fine pair of early folk art carving by Tom Brown Pleasant Valley, KentuckSee Sold Price
SoldFine Early Decorated 19th C Folk Art MirrorFine early decorated looking glass. Queen Anne- Chippendale transitional with original etched glass. Delineated leaf motif. American, circa 1800. Inspected under UV light. Untouched original conditionSee Sold Price
SoldA FINE EARLY 19TH CENTURY NORWEGIAN FOLK ART DECOA FINE EARLY 19TH CENTURY NORWEGIAN FOLK ART DECORATED SMALL TRAVEL CHEST. The solid carved wood domed lid opening to reveal a decorated interior with inscription and above a front panel with paintedSee Sold Price
SoldEarly 19th Century Horseshoe GOOD LUCK Fold Art MirrorFine early example of American Folk Art carved and paint decorated horseshoe shaped GOOD LUCK wall mirror. All original and original paint. As seen in photos the mirror does have some issues/blemishesSee Sold Price
SoldPair Vintage Mexican Folk Art Hand Painted Papier MacheVery fine pair early Mexican hand painted folk art papier mache bowls with Mexican flags and symbolics.Provenance - Robert (Bob) N. Green began collecting in the NYC area inn the 1950s. Originally heSee Sold Price
SoldVery Rare Andrew Jackson Butter Mold Stamp Folk ArtI have yet to find another one of these out there. This Measures about 4" round. It is numbered in back 5613 52. Great detail featuring carving of Andrew Jacksons name and face in the center. Lots ofSee Sold Price
SoldPainting of sheepEARLY 20TH C. FOLK ART PAINTING Portrait of a sheep in a corn field, four small punctures, minor paint loss at edges, 21" x 17".See Sold Price
SoldSpiraling Snakes Folk Art Walking Stick.Early Folk Art Walking Stick. Fine-Line Relief Carved Shaft With Two Spiraling Snakes. c. late 18th or early 19th century. Intricately carved wood with bone handle. The spaces between the snakes intriSee Sold Price
SoldArtist Unknown, fine Folk Art portrait of a ladyArtist Unknown (American School, early 19th century) fine Folk Art portrait of a lady in an interior setting: the subject has curls in her hair and wears a dress; she is depicted seated and holding aSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Swan Butter Mold & Pineapple Butter StampAntique Primitive Treenware Hand-carved Folk Art Swan Butter Mold and a Pineapple Butter Stamp. Condition: good original estate condition, age appropriate. Provenance: Hudson Valley, New York estate.See Sold Price
SoldEarly Folk Art Portrait of a GentlemanGood early folk art portrait of a gentleman. American, circa 1810. Excellent condition. Professionally restored. Relined with minor in-painting. See image under UV light. Fine period original frame. FSee Sold Price
SoldFolk Art Clown Carnival FigureCarnival fun house or knock down clown figure ca 1920 Carved and painted pine with wrought iron brackets for strength and rotation. Retains a fine early painted surface. H65" W 19" D 2". Excellent conSee Sold Price
SoldFine Early Carved Head DollWhite cloth doll with carved and painted wooden head; a rarity in wood and cloth. This appears to be a piece of home-crafted folk art, by a joint effort of carver and sewer. Doll has an expressive carSee Sold Price
Fine Folk Art Dog Shirred RugFine early dog shirred rug. Pennsylvania, mid 19th century. Mixed fabric with button eyes. Outstanding condition. Minor imperfections. Professionally mounted. L47" H 31". Provenance David Wheatcroft.See Sold Price
SoldSCANDINAVIAN FOLK ART CARVED BURL TANKARDSCANDINAVIAN FOLK ART CARVED BURL TANKARD, the hinged lid with stylized lion thumbrest and stag decoration to top, footed base. Retains a fine early surface with rich color. 18th century. 8 3/4" HOA,See Sold Price
SoldEarly folk art beagle wood carving.Title: Early folk art beagle wood carving. Description: Very nice early New England folk art wood carving of a fine beagle, someone's wonderful pet! All original paint & condition. Dimensions: 5 1/2��See Sold Price
Antique Bruegel van Goyen Dutch Master Landscape Oil PaintingHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
O'Brien-Mackey Early Dowitcher Decoy by Isaac CampbellCopley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
(Early 19th c) CARVED & PAINTED FOLK ART SPOONJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Cigar Store Antique Folk Art Statue Uncle Sam Polychrome Painted Wood Early 20th CenturyCollective Hudson4.5(56)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
After Sir Edwin Landseer, "Saved" American Folk Art Dog Rescue, Oil on Canvas PaintingHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
RED-BREASTED MERGANSER PAIR, R. MITCHELLFrank and Frank Sporting Collectibles LLC4.7(166)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024