Financier FREDERICK BILLINGS - Stock SignedFrederick Billings (1823-1890) Financier. 10 ¼” x 7 ¾” stock certificate for 1 share. Black. Issued to and signed on the verso by Frederick Billings President of the NPRW. Billings became a lawySee Sold Price
Billings, MT FREDERICK BILLINGS- Stock Cert SignedFrederick Billings (1823-1890) Financier. Billings Montana was named after him. Billings became a lawyer and in 1849, the year gold was found in California, he went west to make his fortune. He made iSee Sold Price
Northern Pacific Railroad Stock Issued To And Signed OnFrederick Billings (1823-1890) Lawyer, Financier. Billings purchased one of the original twelfth interests in the Northern Pacific Railway and, from 1879 to 1881, served as its president. In 1880 he wSee Sold Price
SoldFinancier FREDERICK H. BILLINGS - Stock CertificateFrederick H. Billings (1823-1890) Financier. Billings went to San Francisco to become a lawyer and later became president of the Northern Pacific Railroad that ran across the Northern United States. ISee Sold Price
FREDERICK BILLINGS - Stock Cert SignedFrederick C Billings. 8 ½” x 6”stock Certificate for 392 Shares issued to Frederick Billings but not signed by him. Black/White. Litho. Uncancelled and Excellent.See Sold Price
FREDERICK BILLINGS - Stock Cert SignedFrederick Billings. 1890, Washington and Alaska. 10 ¾” x 7” stock certificate of the Puget Sound and Alaska Steamship Company. Brown/Black. Lovely engraved vignette of a steamship in rough seas aSee Sold Price
Sold1885 FREDERICK BILLINGS Signed Railroad StockStocks and Bonds Northern Pacific, Fergus and Black Hills Railroad Stock the Only Example Issued To and Signed By Frederick Billings 1885-Dated, Northern Pacific, Fergus and Black Hills Railroad CompaSee Sold Price
SoldNORTHERN PACIFIC RR STOCK SIGNED BY J.P. MORGAN1882, New York. Stock certificate for 100 shares. Green/Black. Engraved vignette of a steam locomotive at top center, nice portrait vignette of Frederick Billings at bottom. Issued to the Drexel, MorgSee Sold Price
NORTHERN PACIFIC STOCK SIGNED BY CHARLES COFFIN1880, New York. Stock certificate for 100 shares. Orange/Black. Engraved vignette of a steam locomotive at top center, nice portrait vignette of Frederick Billings at bottom. Issued to and signed on vSee Sold Price
NORTHERN PACIFIC STOCK SIGNED ON VERSO BY C.F ADAMS1888, New York. Stock certificate for 100 shares. OrangeBlack. Engraved vignette of a steam locomotive at top center, nice portrait vignette of Frederick Billings at bottom. Issued to and signed on veSee Sold Price
SoldNORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD STOCK SIGNED B P. CHENEY1889, New York. Stock certificate for 100 shares. Orange/Black. Engraved vignette of a steam locomotive at top center, nice portrait vignette of Frederick Billings at bottom. Issued to and signed on vSee Sold Price
NP RAILROAD COMPANY STOCK SIGNED BY DILLION1887, New York. Stock for 100 shares. Green/Black. Large top center engraved vignette of a locomotive. Bottom center portrait vignette of Frederick Billings. Issued to and signed on verso by Sidney DiSee Sold Price
NP RR Stock Signed On Verso By August Belmont Jr.1889, New York. Stock certificate for 100 shares. OrangeBlack. Engraved vignette of a steam locomotive at top center, nice portrait vignette of Frederick Billings at bottom. Issued to August Belmont &See Sold Price
NP RR STOCK I/S SIGNED THOMAS CANFIELD1880, New York. Stock certificate for 100 shares. Orange. Engraved vignette of a steam locomotive at top center, nice portrait vignette of Frederick Billings at bottom. Issued to and signed on verso bSee Sold Price
NP RAILROAD STOCK I/S SIGNED VERSO BY JC AINSWORT1876, New York. Stock certificate for one hundred shares. Brown. Vignettes of a locomotive at top center and of Frederick Billing at bottom center. Issued to and signed on verso by J.C. Ainsworth, AgeSee Sold Price
NP RR STOCK ISSUED NOT SIGNED ANTHONY J. DREXEL1884, New York. Stock certificate for 100 shares. OrangeBlack. Engraved vignette of a steam locomotive at top center, nice portrait vignette of Frederick Billings at bottom. Issued to but not signed bSee Sold Price
NP RR STOCK ISSUED NOT SIGNED BY ANTHONY J. DREXE1884, New York. Stock certificate for 100 shares. Orange\Black. Engraved vignette of a steam locomotive at top center, nice portrait vignette of Frederick Billings at bottom. Issued to but not signedSee Sold Price
NP RR STOCK ISSUED TO AND SIGNED BY W. ROCKEFELLER1885, New York. Stock certificate for 100 shares. OrangeBlack. Engraved vignette of a steam locomotive at top center, nice portrait vignette of Frederick Billings at bottom. Issued to and signed on veSee Sold Price
NP STOCK ISSUED TO AND SIGNED BY THOMAS CANFIELD1880, New York. Stock certificate for 100 shares. Orange. Engraved vignette of a steam locomotive at top center, nice portrait vignette of Frederick Billings at bottom. Issued to and signed on verso bSee Sold Price
NP RAILROAD STOCK ISSUED TO AND SIGNED BY FARGO1882, New York. Stock certificate for 100 shares. BlueBlack. Engraved vignette of a steam locomotive at top center, nice portrait vignette of Frederick Billings at bottom. Issued to and signed on versSee Sold Price
SoldNP RAILROAD STOCK ISSUED TO AND SIGNED BY VILLARD1889, New York. Stock certificate for 100 shares. GreenBlack. Engraved vignette of a steam locomotive at top center, nice portrait vignette of Frederick Billings at bottom. Issued to and signed on verSee Sold Price
NP Railroad Stock Issued to and signed by Canfield1880, New York. Stock certificate for 100 shares. Orange. Engraved vignette of a steam locomotive at top center, nice portrait vignette of Frederick Billings at bottom. Issued to and signed on verso bSee Sold Price
NP RAILROAD STOCK ISSUED TO AND SIGNED BY SAGE1885, New York. Stock certificate for 100 shares. Orange/Black. Engraved vignette of a steam locomotive at top center, nice portrait vignette of Frederick Billings at bottom. Issued to and signed on vSee Sold Price
NP RR Stock issued to and signed by Ainsworth1876, New York. Stock certificate for one hundred shares. Brown. Vignettes of a locomotive at top center and of Frederick Billing at bottom center. Issued to and signed on verso by J.C. Ainsworth, AgeSee Sold Price
Frederick W. Becker. "Big Tujunga Canyon Sycamores," oilAlex Cooper4.5(497)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
travis frederick autographed/signed dallas cowboys mini helmet JSA 146083 Kings Auction4.2(197)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Zach Martin, Smith, Frederick Signed Dallas Cowboys Replica Helmet JSA 21631Golden Air Auctions4.4(261)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Frederick Hart Signed Original Reverie Figurative Full Round Acrylic SculptureActivity Auctions4.5(355)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024