SoldAMERICAN LITERATURE: A good selection of signed piecesAMERICAN LITERATURE: A good selection of signed pieces and cards by various American poets, writers and novelists of the 19th century comprising Washington Irving, Henry Longfellow, Harriet Beecher StSee Sold Price
SoldART & LITERATURE: A good selection of signed pieces, A.ART & LITERATURE: A good selection of signed pieces, A.Ls.S, T.Ls.S, signed 8 x 10 photographs and slightly smaller etc by various writers, novelists and artists including, Kingsley Amis, Jean AnouilhSee Sold Price
SoldSPANISH LITERATURE: A good selection of signed pieces,SPANISH LITERATURE: A good selection of signed pieces, by various Spanish Writers, Poets and Novelists of the early 20th century, including Pedro Muñoz Seca (2; assassinated), Vicente Blasco IbañezSee Sold Price
SoldLITERATURE: Selection of signed pieces, cards, signed pLITERATURE: Selection of signed pieces, cards, signed photographs of various sizes, some letters etc., by various female writers and novelists, including P.D. James (2), Dorothy L. Sayers, Ruth RendelSee Sold Price
SoldLITERATURE: Selection of signed pieces, A.Ls.S., T.L.S.LITERATURE: Selection of signed pieces, A.Ls.S., T.L.S. (1) etc., by various female writers and novelists including Elizabeth Gaskell, Edith Sitwell, Dorothy L. Sayers, Pearl S. Buck, Emmuska Orczy (2See Sold Price
SoldWORLD WAR II: A good selection of signed pieces, cards,WORLD WAR II: A good selection of signed pieces, cards, letterheads, First Day Covers, T.Ls.S. etc., by various military, naval and air force personnel as well as other individuals associated with WorSee Sold Price
SoldART & LITERATURE: Selection of signed pieces, lettART & LITERATURE: Selection of signed pieces, letterheads, a few T.Ls.S., A.L.S. (1) etc., by various writers, novelists, artists etc., including H. Rider Haggard, John Masefield, John Drinkwater, HilSee Sold Price
SoldCLASSICAL MUSIC: A good selection of signed pieces,CLASSICAL MUSIC: A good selection of signed pieces, cards, album pages, programmes, a few A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., signed photographs etc., by various composers, classical musicians, some opera singers and bSee Sold Price
SoldFAMOUS MEN & WOMEN: A good selection of signed pieces,FAMOUS MEN & WOMEN: A good selection of signed pieces, cards, A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S. etc., by a wide variety of famous men and women including J. Edgar Hoover, William Russell Flint, John Bratby, Steven WeeSee Sold Price
SoldFAMOUS MEN & WOMEN: A good selection of signed pieces,FAMOUS MEN & WOMEN: A good selection of signed pieces, cards, postcard photographs and slightly larger, some letters etc., by a wide variety of famous men and women including Arthur Henderson, AustenSee Sold Price
SoldVICTORIA CROSS: A good selection of signed pieces,VICTORIA CROSS: A good selection of signed pieces, plain 8vo sheets of notepaper etc., by various Victoria Cross winners of World War I comprising James Huffam, Donald Dean, Richard Willis, John BarreSee Sold Price
SoldLITERATURE: Selection of signed pieces, cards, A.Ls.S.LITERATURE: Selection of signed pieces, cards, A.Ls.S. (2), signed First Day Cover (1) etc., by various writers and novelists including Jerome K. Jerome, H. G. Wells, Enid Blyton, Terence Rattigan (2)See Sold Price
SoldLITERATURE: Selection of signed pieces, cards, signed pLITERATURE: Selection of signed pieces, cards, signed photographs of various sizes, some letters etc., by various male writers and novelists, including John LeCarre, Andrew Motion, Dick Francis (2), GSee Sold Price
SoldBRITISH ROYALTY: A good selection of signed pieceBRITISH ROYALTY: A good selection of signed pieces by various British Monarchs, each neatly removed from documents, comprising King George III, King George IV (2, one signed as King, the other as PrinSee Sold Price
SoldLITERATURE: Selection of signed pieces, cards, letLITERATURE: Selection of signed pieces, cards, letterheads, a few A.Ls.S. and T.Ls.S., some signed photographs of various sizes etc., by various writers and novelists including Hammond Innes (two pageSee Sold Price
SoldLITERATURE: Selection of signed pieces, cards, signedLITERATURE: Selection of signed pieces, cards, signed postcard photographs and slightly larger, A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S. etc., by various writers, novelists, playwrights etc., including Terence Rattigan, DennSee Sold Price
SoldWORLD LEADERS: A good selection of signed pieces,WORLD LEADERS: A good selection of signed pieces, cards, signed postcard photographs and slightly larger, some letters etc., by various World leaders including Kaiser Wilhelm II (a good, large bold exSee Sold Price
SoldVICTORIA CROSS: A good selection of signed pieces,VICTORIA CROSS: A good selection of signed pieces, cards, plain 8vo sheets of notepaper etc., by various Victoria Cross winners of World War I comprising Arthur Martin-Leake, Donald Dean, Reginald HaySee Sold Price
SoldVICTORIA CROSS: A good selection of signed pieces,VICTORIA CROSS: A good selection of signed pieces, plain 8vo sheets of notepaper etc., by various Victoria Cross winners of World War II comprising Anthony Miers, Stephen Beattie, Peter Roberts, GodfrSee Sold Price
SoldDADS ARMY: A good selection of signed pieces, cards,DADS ARMY: A good selection of signed pieces, cards, album pages, 8 x 10 photograph (1) by the main cast members and writers of the BBC television sitcom Dad’s Army comprising Jimmy Perry & David CrSee Sold Price
SoldVICTORIA CROSS: A good selection of signed pieces,VICTORIA CROSS: A good selection of signed pieces, plain 8vo sheets of notepaper etc., by various Victoria Cross winners of World War I comprising Arthur Procter, Reginald Hayward, James Huffam, PercySee Sold Price
SoldLITERATURE: Selection of signed pieces, cards, A.Ls.S.,LITERATURE: Selection of signed pieces, cards, A.Ls.S., T.Ls.S., some signed photographs etc., by various writers and novelists including Daphne du Maurier, Kingsley Amis (5), Emlyn Williams, MichaelSee Sold Price
SoldLITERATURE: Selection of signed pieces and cards etc.,LITERATURE: Selection of signed pieces and cards etc., by various writers and novelists including Aldous Huxley, Arthur Koestler, Ted Hughes, H. Rider Haggard, Israel Zangwill, A. J. Cronin, P. D. JamSee Sold Price
SoldLITERATURE: Selection of signed pieces, cards and bookLITERATURE: Selection of signed pieces, cards and book plates by various novelists, poets, and playwrights etc., including Samuel Beckett (Nobel Prize winner for Literature, 1969), William Golding (NoSee Sold Price
Stephen Robin Stone Female Bust SculptureB.S. Slosberg, Inc. Auctioneers4.5(380)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024