SoldAm Federal Style Inlaid Mahogany Secretary DeskAmerican Vintage Federal Style Inlaid Mahogany Secretary Desk with Dual Tambour Doors. Two pull drawers with top that opens to baise top writing surface. 46 inches high, 36 inches wide and 18 inches dSee Sold Price
SoldFederal style inlaid mahogany secretary deskMassachusetts manner, 20th century; shaped cornice with three turned finials, upper case with shelves enclosed by Gothic arched glass panel doors with tambour slide compartments beneath, hinged writinSee Sold Price
SoldFederal style inlaid mahogany secretary deskin the Massachusetts manner, late 19th/early 20th century; upper section with shaped cornice, compartment with shelves enclosed by Gothic arched panel doors and fitted interior enclosed by tambour dooSee Sold Price
SoldBeacon Hill Collection Federal style inlaid mahogany seBeacon Hill Collection Federal style inlaid mahogany secretary desk, three brass finials over bookcase top, above tambour doors with centered door, folding writing surface, over two long drawers, porcSee Sold Price
Federal style secretary deskFederal style tambour front inlaid mahogany secretary desk, 19th/20th C. 48'' x 41 1/2'' x 19''See Sold Price
SoldMahogany Inlaid Bookcase Top Secretary DeskFederal Style Mahogany Inlaid Bookcase Top Secretary Desk. Includes 2 handled drawers, 2 sliding compartments leading to 2 smaller drawers. 1 middle cabinet leading to shelf space, glass bookcase cabiSee Sold Price
Centennial Federal style inlaid mahogany secretaryin the Massachusetts manner, fourth quarter-19th century; shaped pediment with inlaid plinths and three urn finials, compartment with shelves enclosed by latticed glass panel doors, compartment beneatSee Sold Price
Centennial Federal style inlaid mahogany secretaryin the Massachusetts manner, fourth quarter-19th century; shaped pediment with inlaid plinths and three urn finials, compartment with shelves enclosed by latticed glass panel doors, compartment beneatSee Sold Price
A Federal-Style Mahogany Secretary-BookcaseA Federal-Style Inlaid Mahogany Secretary-Bookcase, 19th c. and later, pediment with brass finials, Gothic glazed doors above tambour compartment and urn inlaid door; foldover desk surface, two graduaSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish Regency Mahogany SecretaryWith writing desk. Federal style inlaid pediment. with brass ball and steeple finials, above four glazed and eglomise doors. Line and fan inlay. Lower section with pull out writing surface above two dSee Sold Price
SoldFederal style inlaid secretary desk,mahogany with pine secondary, in two sections, upper case with two gothic arched doors opening to two interior drawers, turned legs, American, late 19th century, 66-1/2 x 39 x 19 in. Some elements posSee Sold Price
FEDERAL STYLE MAHOGANY SECRETARY DESK C. 1940FEDERAL STYLE MAHOGANY SECRETARY DESK, C. 1940, H 83", W 34":Bookcase top fitted with three shelves above a slant-front and four lower drawers. The pediment is inlaid with satinwood and has a brass eaSee Sold Price
FEDERAL STYLE MAHOGANY SECRETARY DESK C. 1940FEDERAL STYLE MAHOGANY SECRETARY DESK, C. 1940, H 83", W 34":Bookcase top fitted with three shelves above a slant-front and four lower drawers. The pediment is inlaid with satinwood and has a brass eaSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN FEDERAL STYLE TAMBOUR FRONT DESKAmerican Federal style mahogany tambour front secretary desk, 20th c., the front having an eagle inlaid central door flanked by tambour doors facing interior galleries, all over a fold out writing surSee Sold Price
SoldFederal Style Mahogany Secretary BookcaseFederal Style Mahogany Secretary Bookcase Dentil molding on cornice. Mullion glass doors open to five interior shelves. Flaming urn and dragon inlaid on slant front of desk. Opens to leather top insetSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Federal Inlaid Mahogany Secretary Deskin two parts, with removable pierced and carved swanneck pediment above glass doors, the base with pull out butler desk, large bracket feet. Possibly Mathew Egerton, New Brunswick NJ, early 19th centuSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Federal Style Mahogany Secretary Desk20th century, with mullion doors, fold over writing surface, and tambour doors that open to reveal a tube radio. Height 82 inches, width 36 inches, depth 21 inches.See Sold Price
SoldFederal Style Inlaid Mahogany Desk and Bookcase20th C., in two parts. 7'h x 46"w x 22"dSee Sold Price
SoldKittinger Federal-style Mahogany Secretary DeskKittinger Federal-style 2-piece mahogany secretary desk with line inlay, a two door bookcase top, and bracket feet. 89 in tall x 30 in wide x 19 in deep.See Sold Price
SoldFederal Style Inlaid Mahogany Desk ClockWorks signed "Made in France." 8-1/2"h x 10"w x 3-1/4"dSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Federal Style Mahogany Secretary Desk witAmerican Federal Style Mahogany Secretary Desk with broken pediment crest, flame mahogany slanted lid and drawer fronts, fitted interior and fine turned legs. Original finish. Made ca. 1900 - 1920. 77See Sold Price
SoldKITTINGER FEDERAL STYLE MAHOGANY SECRETARY DESKKITTINGER FEDERAL STYLE MAHOGANY SECRETARY DESK, H 74", W 37", COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG COLLECTION:Circa 1970. Satinwood inlay. CW 306. D 21". This is one of only 17 reproductions of this Federal SecretaSee Sold Price
SoldFederal style inlaid mahogany secretary bookcase.Federal style inlaid mahogany secretary bookcase. 74"h.x30"w.x29"d.See Sold Price
THE TYLER BIGELOW BOSTON FEDERAL SECRETARY DESKJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
LOUIS XV STYLE PARQUETRY INLAID SLANT FRONT WRITING DESKAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A Kindel Federal style mahogany extension tableAndrew Jones Auctions4.7(206)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
American Mahogany Chippendale Style Fall Front DeskPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 29, 2024