SoldFalling Skies Skitter Head Stump Movie PropsThis exquisitely detailed fiberglass stump was used in production, to hold a Skitter head and mimic its neck. Each Skitter has been created with its own particular facial features, to imbue it with inSee Sold Price
SoldFalling Skies Skitter Head Movie PropsThis detailed, full-size Skitter head with red eyes and pointy skull typifies his species and the incredible care taken by Todd Masters and his Masters FX team. Each Skitter is given his own particulaSee Sold Price
SoldFalling Skies Skitter Head Movie PropsThis is a textbook fullsize Skitter head. His exceptionally detailed face borrows heavily from the reptile and insect worlds with craggy ridges of reptilian skin, glowing eyes, minimal ears, and pinceSee Sold Price
SoldFalling Skies Skitter Head Movie PropsThis full-size Skitter head is akin to an Espheni version of a Greek statue. His tusks have been broken off, and he has no eyes. He has perfectly proportioned cheekbones of craggy reptilian skin, miniSee Sold Price
SoldFalling Skies Burnt Skitter Head Movie PropsOnly a fraction of the Skitter he used to be, this one is a crispy critter that still manages to intrigue Skitterophiles and archaeologists. The tremendously empathetic aliens created by the Masters FSee Sold Price
Falling Skies Skitter Dark-Toned Neck Stump Movie PropsThis dark-toned neck stump was used in production, to mimic a Skitter's neck. Each Skitter has been created with its own particular facial features, to imbue it with individual personality. Todd MasteSee Sold Price
Falling Skies Skitter Light-Toned Neck Stump MovieThis light-toned neck stump was used in production, to mimic a Skitter's neck. Each Skitter has been created with its own particular facial features, to imbue it with individual personality. Todd MastSee Sold Price
SoldFalling Skies Charred Skitter Movie PropsThis Skitter played with fire and lost, landing at the wrong end of a powerful blowtorch. His melted, charred head detaches from his decaying body. Creatures don't always fare well in a world invadedSee Sold Price
SoldFalling Skies Blown-up Skitter Movie PropsWhile this Skitter kept his head, he unfortunately lost his arm and other body parts in an explosive showdown with the 2nd Mass. Though half the Skitter he used to be, he still retains his craggy ridgSee Sold Price
SoldFalling Skies Volm Head Movie PropsAnimators have fervently studied human movement and emotion for use in their characters, from “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in 1937 to the aliens in “Falling Skies” today. Todd Masters of MasSee Sold Price
SoldFalling Skies Skitter Suit Movie PropsThis full "stunt" Skitter Suit worn onscreen by Skitter Performers during stunt sequences allows everyday humans to experience Skitter life up close and personal. As "Falling Skies" lead Skitter PerfoSee Sold Price
SoldFalling Skies Skitter Suit Movie PropsThis Skitter Suit allows everyday humans to experience cross-species life up close and personal. This life-form is "in transition" from being human to going full Skitter. While the upper body races ahSee Sold Price
SoldFalling Skies Volm Head Movie PropsThe tremendously empathetic aliens created by the Masters FX team for “Falling Skies” are right in the bailiwick of Executive Producer Steven Spielberg, who gave cinema one of its most beloved creSee Sold Price
SoldFalling Skies Skitter Harness Movie PropsSeason 1, Episodes 1 & 2 ("Pilot" episode) - The Espheni "Harness" strikes fear in species across the universe, as it turns disparate life-forms into enslaved Skitters with unseemly biomechanical effiSee Sold Price
SoldFalling Skies Burnt Skitter Movie PropsThis one-armed Skitter is comfortably seated in this pose, except that his legs and an arm are missing. He's been burnt to a crisp, as if a blowtorch got the better of him, and has a detachable head.See Sold Price
SoldFalling Skies Charred Skitter Movie PropsThis Skitter met up with a powerful blowtorch and paid the price. He looks somewhat like a pre-historic excavation, with a missing tusk and a blackened, disintegrating body. Approx. 40" x 25" x 17".See Sold Price
SoldFalling Skies Skitter Necklace Movie PropsPewter necklace with etched medallion of a many-legged Skitter. Includes an 18" chain with clasp. Approx. 18".See Sold Price
SoldFalling Skies Skitter Harness Movie PropsSeason 1, Episodes 1 & 2 ("Pilot" episode) - The Espheni "Harness" strikes fear in species across the universe, as it turns disparate life-forms into enslaved Skitters with unseemly biomechanical effiSee Sold Price
SoldFalling Skies Skitter Harness Movie PropsSeason 1, Episodes 1 & 2 ("Pilot" episode) - The Espheni "Harness" strikes fear in species across the universe, as it turns disparate life-forms into enslaved Skitters with unseemly biomechanical effiSee Sold Price
SoldFalling Skies Skitter Harness Movie PropsSeason 1, Episodes 1 & 2 ("Pilot" episode) - The Espheni "Harness" strikes fear in species across the universe, as it turns disparate life-forms into enslaved Skitters with unseemly biomechanical effiSee Sold Price
SoldFalling Skies Skitter Harness Movie PropsSeason 1, Episodes 1 & 2 ("Pilot" episode) - The Espheni "Harness" strikes fear in species across the universe, as it turns disparate life-forms into enslaved Skitters with unseemly biomechanical effiSee Sold Price
SoldFalling Skies Skitter Harness Movie PropsSeason 1, Episodes 1 & 2 ("Pilot" episode) - The Espheni "Harness" strikes fear in species across the universe, as it turns disparate life-forms into enslaved Skitters with unseemly biomechanical effiSee Sold Price
SoldFalling Skies Skitter Harness Movie PropsSeason 1, Episodes 1 & 2 ("Pilot" episode) - The Espheni "Harness" strikes fear in species across the universe, as it turns disparate life-forms into enslaved Skitters with unseemly biomechanical effiSee Sold Price
SoldFalling Skies Life Size Skitter Movie PropsThis exceptionally detailed, fullsize Skitter is a front-runner for special-effects awards. His menacing face is par for the Skitter course, borrowing heavily from the reptile and insect worlds with cSee Sold Price
Western Art sculpture Bronze Marble Abstract Four Belle ballerina Statue Deal LrgHouse of Treasure4.4(51)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000: THE MOVIE (1996) - Tom Servo (Kevin Murphy) PuppetPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
SUPERMAN: THE MOVIE (1978) - Superman (Christopher Reeve) SFX Flying MiniaturePropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
Vintage Mole Richardson Solar Spot Stage Light Floor Lamps 412 and 407 - Set of 6Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Mixed lot of movie costume and props lot - CHUCKY and MoreEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Original Roman Helmet Movie Costume propEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Vintage MGM Studios movie set design Props lotEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
1930's / 40's Chicago Political Campaign Umbrella.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024