SoldFabulous American Belleek Hand Painted TankardFabulous American Belleek Hand Painted Tankard, 14" tall; no chips or scratches.See Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN BELLEEK HAND PAINTED TANKARD:Detailed hand painted with black berries and leaves on shaded green ground. Dark green and gold gilt base. Measures 14 ¼ inches tall. Signed on baseSee Sold Price
SoldA LARGE AMERICAN BELLEEK HAND PAINTED TANKARD SETThe tankard and six mugs with gilt handles and hand painted grapes decoration, signed Willets Belleek in green stamp underside of each piece except the tray signed Havilland, Limoges. 15.5 inch tall pSee Sold Price
SoldLenox American Belleek Handpainted Tankard,grape & vine decor, early Ceramic Arts Studio mark, 14.5" tall......Ceramic Art Company of Trenton, New Jersey, was established in 1889 by Jonathan Coxon and Walter Lenox and was an early producer ofSee Sold Price
SoldThree American Belleek hand painted porcelain tankardsThree American Belleek hand painted porcelain tankards, corn cob 7 1/2" high, pine cone with gilt serpent handle 6" high, and blackberry 5" high, all marked on bottom, ca. 1900See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Belleek Willets Handpainted TankardAmerican Belleek Willets Handpainted Tankard in good condition. Marked on the bottom 5.5"HSee Sold Price
SoldSix pieces of Lenox and American BelleekSix pieces of Lenox and American Belleek hand painted porcelain "Monk", including 17 1/2" Lenox tankard with Art Nouveau mixed metals hinged lid, four Lenox steins and an American Belleek stein, 5 3/4See Sold Price
SoldBelleek Willets tankard and American Belleek pitcherBelleek Willets tankard and American Belleek pitcher, both hand painted porcelain with monk decoration, dated 1889 on bottom, tankard 14" high, pitcher 6 1/2" high, both marked on bottomSee Sold Price
SoldHand-Painted American Belleek PorcelainFive-Piece Collection of Hand-Painted American Belleek Porcelain, consisting of a rare Ceramic Art Company humidor in "Indian Brave" decor, dated 1900; a Ceramic Art Company tankard in "Staring Man" dSee Sold Price
SoldCERAMIC ART AMERICA BELLEEK TALL TANKARDCERAMIC ART AMERICAN BELLEEK TALL TANKARD: Ca. 1906-1924. Hand painted in a grape design 11 3/4" tall.See Sold Price
SoldLIMOGES OR AMERICAN BELLEEK TANKARD LAMPGorgeous hand painted rose floral design, metal mounted with wood stand. Measures 21" tall to socket top and 8" wide base. Porcelain measures 14" tall. Generally good condition. Porcelain is fine withSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Belleek Porcelain TankardHand Painted Porcelain pitcher with a detailed and very well-executed scene with a woman pouring from a pitcher. Green Palette Mark for Ceramic Art Company Circa 1889-1906. No artist mark. Excellent CSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN WILLETTS BELLEEK CERAMIC TANKARDS, LOT OF TWOAMERICAN WILLETTS BELLEEK CERAMIC TANKARDS, LOT OF TWO, one having a molded base and handle with hand-painted imagery of Colonial figures with beer steins, and the other largely painted in red with thSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Belleek hand painted Porcelain VaseSigned V. Randall 1904, 23" Tall, excellent condition, strong paint and bright colors.See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Belleek hand painted porcelain three handledAmerican Belleek hand painted porcelain three handled cup, cherubs and roses, jeweled decoration, mask form finials, signed Mary Louise Johnson and dated 1898 on bottom, 8 1/2" highSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN BELLEEK, HAND-PAINTED PORCELAIN VASEAMERICAN BELLEEK, HAND-PAINTED PORCELAIN VASE, C1900, H 12.5", DIA 9.5"An unmarked hand-painted porcelain vase, probably Belleek. This piece features scroll and cherub form handles, gilt accents and rSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Belleek hand painted and gilt decorated vaseAmerican Belleek hand painted and gilt decorated vase, artist signed Louise Leisenring and dated 1917 on bottom, 10 1/2"See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Belleek Hand Painted Decorated VaseWith clusters of violets, gilted rim and base with. Condition very good. H.11''See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Belleek Hand Painted Floral VaseBelleek vase with hand painted floral motif by Ceramic Arts Company, with CAC Palette mark, circa 1889-1906. Vase measures 9-1/2" tall.See Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN BELLEEK HAND-PAINTED PORCELAIN VASESIGNED, AMERICAN BELLEEK, HAND-PAINTED PORCELAIN VASE, C1900, H 12", DIA 9.5"A signed Belleek hand-painted porcelain vase. This piece offers two gilt scroll form handles, rim and base and a motif of cSee Sold Price
SoldArt Nouveau Willet's American Belleek Hand Painted VaseManufacturer: Willet's Belleek / Willet's Manufacturing Co. Location of Manufacture: Trenton, New Jersey Period of Manufacture: 1878-1908 Dimensions: 4 1/4"(h) ; 4 1/4" maximum diameter Weight: 8 ouncSee Sold Price
Soldtall American Belleek hand painted vase with flotall American Belleek hand painted vase with flowers 10" tall VG condSee Sold Price
SoldSigned American Belleek hand painted 3Signed American Belleek hand painted 3 handle vase. Beautiful colors with great quality and detail. 8 inches tallSee Sold Price
SoldLENOX AMERICAN BELLEEK HAND PAINTED VASE:Ca 1890’s. Pink roses on front and landscape with castle on reverse. Ornate gilded handles and gilded interior neck. Measures 18 inches tall.See Sold Price
LENOX and BELLEEK Artist Signed Hand Painted Roses VasePremier Auction Galleries4.4(331)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Pair American Glass Hand Painted Enamel Candle HoldersTaylor & Harris4.7(161)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
An American Tale Hand Painted Animation Production Cel CUSTOM FRAMEDBidhaus4.3(762)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
An American Tale Hand Painted Animation Production Cel CUSTOM FRAMEDMynt Auctions4.6(697)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
American Belleek Porcelain Hand Painted Poppies VaseLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Whipple & Sibley Native American Art Hand Painted By Jody In Jackson HoleRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Folk art plaster sculpture- African- American familyRachel Davis Fine Arts4.7(477)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
American Balleek Hand-Painted Porcelain Cider PitcherMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Jean Pouyat, Limoges France Porcelain Vase w/Dragon HandleLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Painted Porcelain Tile of Children Knitting in Victorian FramePremier Auction Galleries4.4(331)See Sold PriceMar 29, 2024