SoldE.T. Supervisor's Original Shooting ScriptA true one-of-a-kind historical treasure. Script Supervisor Esther Vivante’s actual working supervisor script from Steven Spielberg’s classic “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial”. It is filled with huSee Sold Price
SoldE.T. aka A Boy's Life Original Shooting ScriptSteven Spielberg was extremely secretive about the production of "E.T.". Every script was carefully catalogued with a special number which was printed on each and every page, identifying who the scripSee Sold Price
Sister Act Script Supervisor's Original ProductionFrom the smash-hit comedy "Sister Act" (1992), starring Whoopi Goldberg and Maggie Smith, this is the original on-set shooting script used by Script Supervisor Esther Vivante during production. It incSee Sold Price
SoldSister Act Script Supervisor's Original ProductionFrom the smash-hit comedy "Sister Act" (1992), starring Whoopi Goldberg and Maggie Smith, this is the original on-set shooting script used by Script Supervisor Esther Vivante during production. It incSee Sold Price
SoldMonkees signed original shooting scriptMonkees original shooting script, signed An original shooting script forSee Sold Price
Godfather Part II Original Shooting Script COAAn extremely rare original 286-page full second draft shooting script for "The Godfather: Part II". This particular script was personally owned and used by actor Frank Sivero, who co-starred oppositeSee Sold Price
SoldThe Wizard of Oz Original Shooting Script SignedThe Wizard of Oz Original Shooting Script Signed by Script Clerk Wallace WorsleySee Sold Price
SoldMancow:An Original Shooting Script from Planet ofAn Original Shooting Script from "Planet of the Apes," together with script from "Conquest of the Planet of the Apes." Property Belonging to Erich "Mancow" Muller.See Sold Price
SoldGodfather Part II Original Shooting Script COAAn extremely rare original 286-page full second draft shooting script for "The Godfather: Part II". This particular script was personally owned and used by actor Frank Sivero, who co-starred oppositeSee Sold Price
Parasite (2019) Signed Original Shooting ScriptParasite (2019) Signed Original Shooting Script - This is an original shooting script for the Academy Award winning South Korean film, Parasite, written by Bong Joon Ho and Han Jin Won. This script waSee Sold Price
SoldPride of the Yankees" Original Shooting Script Dat"Pride of the Yankees" Original Shooting Script Dated Feb 11th, 1942 and Related Production Materials The 1942 smash "Pride of the Yankees", is considered by many to be the greatest Hollywood homage tSee Sold Price
Planet of the Apes Original Shooting Script (1967)Original shooting script for Planet of the Apes by Michael Wilson, dated May 5, 1967. The first three pages of this script are Xerox copies while the remainder is original, dating from 1967. An incredSee Sold Price
Reckless the movie original shooting script issued 3.Reckless the movie original shooting script issued 3. 10. 96. Few knocks to edges. Good Condition. All signed pieces come with a Certificate of Authenticity. We combine postage on multiple winning lotSee Sold Price
Reckless the movie original shooting script issued 3.Reckless the movie original shooting script issued 3. 10. 96. Few knocks to edges. Good Condition. All autographs are genuine hand signed and come with a Certificate of Authenticity. We combine postagSee Sold Price
Reckless the movie original shooting script issued 3.Reckless the movie original shooting script issued 3. 10. 96. Few knocks to edges. Good Condition. All autographed items are genuine hand signed and come with a Certificate of Authenticity. We combineSee Sold Price
Original Shooting Script from movie TitanicThis 154 page script is from the 1997 blockbuster "Titanic", directed and written by James Cameron. It is dated May 7, 1996 and each page is marked, Property of Lightstorm Entertainment, with an ID nuSee Sold Price
Reckless the movie original shooting script issued 3.Reckless the movie original shooting script issued 3. 10. 96. Few knocks to edges. Good Condition. All signed pieces come with a Certificate of Authenticity. We combine postage on multiple winning lotSee Sold Price
SoldStar Trek: Voyager "Future's End" Script CollectionA production used script with a large collection of production material for the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Future's End". This original shooting script contains blue, pink, white, purple and yellow pSee Sold Price
SoldStar Trek: The Next Generation Script CollectionA collection of seventeen original filming scripts from Star Trek: The Next Generation. These are original shooting scripts used on set, each featuring yellow, blue and red updated script revisions. TSee Sold Price
SoldStar Trek: Voyager Script CollectionA collection of six original filming scripts from Star Trek: Voyager. These are original shooting scripts used on set, each featuring yellow, blue and red updated script revisions. This lot includes sSee Sold Price
SoldStar Trek: Deep Space Nine Script CollectionA collection of eighteen original filming scripts from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. These are original shooting scripts used on set, each featuring yellow, blue and red updated script revisions, with sSee Sold Price
SoldStar Trek: TNG Full Cast Autograph ScriptA rare, fully autographed original shooting script for the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Descent, Part II". This original filming script features the cast's autographed in blue ink and was gSee Sold Price
SoldStar Trek: The Next Generation Script Collection #1A collection of six original filming scripts from Star Trek: The Next Generation. These are original shooting scripts used on set, and featuring yellow, blue and red updated script revisions. This lotSee Sold Price
SoldStar Trek: The Next Generation Script & Shoot ScheduleA collection of Four original filming scripts from Star Trek: The Next Generation. These are original shooting scripts used on set. This lot includes scripts for the episodes "Timescape", "Force of NaSee Sold Price
Louis Icart - Original watercolor Livre III Chapter XLDane Fine Art Auctions4.4(496)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
HAPPY DAYS (1974-1984) - Cast-Autographed Script and Call SheetPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
SUNSHINE (2007) - Searle's (Cliff Curtis) Flight Jumpsuit, Torch and Shooting ScriptPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
HAPPY DAYS (1974-1984) - Henry Winkler-Autographed Revised Shooting ScriptPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
MAGNOLIA (1999) - Stanley Spector's (Jeremy Blackman) Frog Bathometer with Paul ThomasPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
THE MATRIX RELOADED (2003) - Hugh Bateup's Bound Annotated Shooting ScriptPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
THE THIN RED LINE (1998) - Script Supervisor's Original Annotated ScriptPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
HITCHCOCK ALFRED: (1899-1980)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
ZINNEMANN FRED: (1907-1997)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
DE PALMA BRIAN: (1940- )International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024