Ercole Setti [attribuito a] (1530 - 1618) LAErcole Setti [attribuito a] (1530 - 1618) LA CIRCONCISIONE DI GESU' Penna e inchiostro bruno, quadrettato a matita di grafite. mm 207x232. Al verso: Schizzo di uno stemma. Penna e inchiostro bruno.See Sold Price
SoldPierre BrébiettePierre Brébiette (1598 ca-1650) [attribuito a]. Atlante ed Ercole. Fine del XVII secolo. Penna e inchiostro, acquerellature in grigio, matita nera per la quadrettatura. Leggeri tocchi di biacca; cartSee Sold Price
Marcantonio Raimondi 3 etchingsMarcantonio Raimondi (Italian 1480-1530)- ''La Foi'' (Bartsch 387); ''La Justice'' (B. 388); ''L'Esperance'' (B. 391)- 3 etchings, all trimmed to plate line, otherwise good condition. 8 5/8 x 4 ¬''eaSee Sold Price
SoldZorzi, La Vergine e Gesù appaiono a San Filippo…Domenico Zorzi (1729 - 1792)[attribuito a], La Vergine ed il Bambin Gesù appaiono a San Filippo Neri. Penna e inchiostro bruno, pennello e acquerello bruno, rialzi in bianco. Carta grigio verde conSee Sold Price
SoldVincenzo CabiancaVincenzo Cabianca (1827 - 1902) [attribuito a], La consegna della lettera. Olio su tela, cm 33,5 x 27 In cornice, cm 46,5 x 40 In basso a destra: siglato e datato V. C. 1860 **English translation** OiSee Sold Price
Sold[Hebrew] Biblia Hebraica, ([Geneva], [Peter de la Ro[Hebrew] Biblia Hebraica, ([Geneva], [Peter de la Roviere] 1618); Folio; later brown sheep, rebacked, joints cracking; Polyglot Old Testament printed in Hebrew with interlinear Latin, edited by BenitoSee Sold Price
SoldThe following eight lots are portraits of the de laThe following eight lots are portraits of the de la Court family, descendants of the Dutch economist, Pieter de la Court (1618-1685). He published books about the political economy of the Dutch RepublSee Sold Price
Sold[Hebrew] Biblia Hebraica, ([Geneva], [Peter de la Ro[Hebrew] Biblia Hebraica, ([Geneva], [Peter de la Roviere] 1618); Folio; later brown sheep, rebacked, joints cracking; Polyglot Old Testament printed in Hebrew with interlinear Latin, edited by BenitoSee Sold Price
SoldDUE INCISIONI DA LA FATICHE DI ERCOLEHans Sebald Beham DUE INCISIONI DA “LA FATICHE DI ERCOLE†Ercole e Nesso. Bulino. mm 51x79. Ercole e Jole. Bulino. mm 51x79. Bellissime impressioni. Ercole e Nesso con sottile margine oltreSee Sold Price
SoldRenoir, Bozzetto per La grenouillèrePierre Auguste Renoir [attribuito a], Bozzetto per La grenouillère. 1869 ca. Olio su tavola. cm 24x33,5. Il bozzetto pare in relazione con il celebre dipinto La grenouillère, eseguitSee Sold Price
6 Etchings by Jean Le Pautre6 Etchings by Jean Le Pautre (French, 1618-1682)Vases a la Moderne. Six etchings. Plate size 8 3/4 x 6 inches. Sheet size 11 1/4 x 7 3/4 inches. Unframed, attached to backing that are bound.See Sold Price
SoldAntoine WIERIX (1555/59-1604) d'après Quentin METSYS (1Antoine WIERIX (1555/59-1604) d'après Quentin METSYS (1466-1530) - Saint Luc peignant la Vierge. Belle gravure représentant saint Luc, accompagné d’un bœuf, portraiturant la Vierge à l’enfantSee Sold Price
SoldNicholas Visscher Map Black Sea Region Istanbul 1Nicolaes Visscher I (1618-1679), "Nouvelle Carte de la Mer Noire et du Canal de Constantinople tres exacte; mises au Jour," Amsterdam, 1680. A scarce hand colored engraving map bearing the imprints ofSee Sold Price
Sold3 engravings by Piranesi:3 Engravings by Giovanni Battista Prianesi (It., 1720-1778) or Francisco Piranesi (1758-1810). Each on laid paper: ++ Ercole servo di Onfale con la series delle dodici sue proderze descritte da ApolloSee Sold Price
"Attribuito a Peter Lely (Soest, Westphalia 1618 -"Attribuito a Peter Lely (Soest, Westphalia 1618 - London 1680) e Studio" "Ritratto di Elizabeth Dering a figura intera, in abito verde e manto rosso d'ermellino, presso un bassorilievo antico"See Sold Price
Narrative Scene after Bartolome Esteban MurilloNarrative Scene after Bartolome Esteban Murillo, Oil on Canvas, Bartolome Esteban Murillooil (Spanish, 1618-1682), titled Los Ninos de la Concha unsigned; 30.25 x 35.5 in. and housed in ornate gilt frSee Sold Price
CHAMPLAIN, Samuel de (1567-1635) Voyages et descouCHAMPLAIN, Samuel de (1567-1635) Voyages et descouvertures faites en la Nouvelle France, depuis l'annee 1615. iusques a la fin de l'annee 1618. Par le Sieur de Champlain. Paris: Chez Claude CoSee Sold Price
SoldNeri di Bicci (Firenze 1418/1420 - 1492), Madonna coltempera su tavola, cm 58x43,5, Provenienza: New York, Collezione Ercole Canessa, Collezione James W. Oliver La Vergine, inscritta in una silhouette molto elegante e decorata con un largo uso della fogSee Sold Price
SoldNarrative Scene after Bartolome Murillo, Oil on CanNarrative Scene after Bartolome Murillo, Oil on Canvas Bartolome Esteban Murillo (Spanish, 1618-1682), titled Los Ninos de la Concha, unsigned; 30.25 x 35.5 in. and housed in ornate gilt frame.See Sold Price
Sold1618, Hebrew Biblia Hebraica, Geneva, Peter de la Rovie1618, Hebrew Biblia Hebraica, Geneva, Peter de la Roviere 1618, Hebrew Biblia Hebraica, Geneva, Peter de la Roviere, Folio; later brown sheep, repacked, joints cracking, Polyglot Old Testament printedSee Sold Price
SoldERCOLE BAROVIER "Dancing Woman" figure of white laERCOLE BAROVIER "Dancing Woman" figure of white lattimo glass with draped garment in opaque orange and white sprayed with gold. Unmarked. 11" hSee Sold Price
SoldGIAMBATTISTA TIEPOLO (allievo di)(Venezia, 1696 - Madrid, 1770) Il Trionfo di Ercole Olio su tela, cm 98X71,5 La tela trova riscontro illustrativo con l'affresco realizzato da Giambattista Tiepolo nel Palazzo Canossa a Verona. SappiaSee Sold Price
SoldGirolamo Mocetto Virgin and Child enthronedGirolamo Mocetto Virgin and Child enthroned,engraving, later state with added saints, c.1500-1530, collector's ink stamp on recto of La Bibliothèque nationale [Lugt 409], with collector's inkSee Sold Price
SoldAttribuito a Dirck Hendricksz (Amsterdam 1542 ca.Attribuito a Dirck Hendricksz (Amsterdam 1542 ca. - 1618), detto Teodoro d'Errico Annunciazioneolio su rame cm 27 x 21 iscrizione: a tergo, antica scritta 'Del Baroccio (Urbino) / (Federico FSee Sold Price
Imperial Order of Aghdas (Nishan–i–Aqdas, or “Most Sacred Order??)LA GALERIE NUMISMATIQUE4.2(149)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Cassettone Luigi XVI a tre cassetti lastronato inAste di Antiquariato Boetto4.3(47)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Duval - Pair: Map of Georgia & Map of Moscow, RussiaTrillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(30)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Duval - Pair: Map of India & Map of MaldivesTrillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(30)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024