Egyptian Diorite Two-Handled JarPre-Dynastic Period, 4th-3rd millennium BC. A squat turned black and white diorite jar with rounded base, raised rim to the mouth, two lateral tubular handles. See Günther, P. and Wellauer, R., ÄgypSee Sold Price
AN EGYPTIAN TRAVERTINE TWO-HANDLED JAR, CIRCA 1069-404 B.C.A two-handled travertine jar, the body tapering out to a flat base, wide offset rim and twin vestigial lug handles. Third Intermediate-Late Period, 21st-27th Dynasty. 9 cm. height 1.1 kg.CONDITION FinSee Sold Price
Egyptian Travertine Two-Handled JarThird Intermediate-Late Period, 21st-27th Dynasty, 1069-404 BC. A travertine jar, the body tapering out to a flat base, wide offset rim and twin vestigial lug handles. For a similar 27th Dynasty EgyptSee Sold Price
SoldAn Egyptian two handled painted pottery jar withAn Egyptian two handled painted pottery jar with hieroglyphic decoration, A/F losses to paintSee Sold Price
Egyptian Two-Handled VesselEarly Dynastic, 3rd millennium BC. A turned stone piriform jar with flared base, two pierced-lug lateral handles, everted rim. 252 grams, 13cm (5"). From an old British private collection; formed betwSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian Polychrome Two-Handled VesselAmratian Period, 3500-3200 BC. A squat ceramic Pre-Dynastic jar with broad everted rim and two lateral loop handles; bands of red and black waves to the rim, hatched bands to the shoulder and handles,See Sold Price
SoldGroup of Continental PorcelainA Group of Continental Porcelain, including a two handled vase in the Egyptian taste, height 13 1/2 in., similar tea cup, similar vase, height 4 1/4 in., and two jars, height 2 1/2 inSee Sold Price
Ancient Roman Twin handled Glass Jar c.2nd century AD.Ancient Roman Twin handled Glass Jar c.2nd century AD. Size 3 5/8 inches high. 3 5/8 inches across handles. Rare two color glass jar with spiral glass threads around the center. Intact. Provenance: ExSee Sold Price
Ancient Roman Twin handled Glass Jar c.2nd century AD.Ancient Roman Twin handled Glass Jar c.2nd century AD. Size 3 5/8 inches high. 3 5/8 inches across handles. Rare two color glass jar with spiral glass threads around the center. Intact. Provenance: ExSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Roman Twin handled Glass Jar c.2nd century AD.Ancient Roman Twin handled Glass Jar c.2nd century AD. Size 3 5/8 inches high. 3 5/8 inches across handles. Rare two color glass jar with spiral glass threads around the center. Intact. Provenance: ExSee Sold Price
Ancient Roman Twin handled Glass Jar c.2nd century AD.Ancient Roman Twin handled Glass Jar c.2nd century AD. Size 3 5/8 inches high. 3 5/8 inches across handles. Rare two color glass jar with spiral glass threads around the center. Intact. Provenance: ExSee Sold Price
SoldAcoma Pottery Two Handled Jar, P.IvleAcoma Pottery Two Handled Jar, P.Ivle, spherical form with applied handles, decorated in polychrome slip glaze with stylized animals birds, fish and insects in a geometric pattern, signed P.Ivle, AcomSee Sold Price
SoldUNUSUAL CAMARK ART POTTERY TWO HANDLED JARWith high gloss dark purple streaked drip glaze. Impressed marking under the base. Measures 5.5 x 8.25 inches. We ship in-house for all but very large and or very fragile items and some internationalSee Sold Price
SoldAcoma Pottery Two Handled Jar, B.ConchoAcoma Pottery Two Handled Jar, B.Concho, hand made spherical form with applied rope twist handles at shoulder, decorated in polychrome slip glaze with geometric and stylized patterns in brown and terrSee Sold Price
SoldIslamic Glazed Calligraphic Two Handled Jar12th century AD. A glazed ceramic two-handled vase with flat everted rim, wide sloping neck decorated with Arabic script; body decorated with arched panels with Arabic and floral patterns; wide flat bSee Sold Price
SoldCHINESE HAN DYNASTY CERAMIC TWO-HANDLED JARCHINESE HAN DYNASTY CERAMIC TWO-HANDLED JAR, of rounded form, with a very short neck the upper half incised with a series of light lines and bands, and scored with a band of dashes at the mid point, mSee Sold Price
SoldRu Style Porcelain Two Handled JarRu Style Porcelain Two Handled Jar, featuring two handles. Size: D4" H4" Starting Bid: 150See Sold Price
SoldCHINESE HAN DYNASTY CERAMIC TWO-HANDLED JARCHINESE HAN DYNASTY CERAMIC TWO-HANDLED JAR, of rounded form, with a very short neck the upper half incised with a series of light lines and bands, molded with a series of lateral ribs to the lower haSee Sold Price
SoldA large Messapian two-handled jar, ItalicA large Messapian two-handled jar, Italic, c. 4th Century BC, with piriform body, ring base, and central opening without neck, rim rounded, strap handles to either side. The entire vessel is nicely deSee Sold Price
SoldStoneware Two-Handled Jar by Robert Hasselle Stoneware Two-Handled Jar by Robert Hasselle American, 20th century. A stoneware jar with two handles by Robert Hasselle of Clifton Earthworks, both sides decorated with an underglaze blue cobaltSee Sold Price
SoldA large Messapian two-handled jar, ItalicA large Messapian two-handled jar, Italic, c. 4th Century BC, with piriform body, ring base, and central opening without neck, rim rounded, strap handles to either side. The entire vessel is nicely deSee Sold Price
Chinese Turquoise Glazed Famille Rose Two-Handled Vase With Butterflies And MarkRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A Flemish earthenware Torhout decorated two-handled vaseOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Two Handled Cake Plate, Cobalt Blue Waterlily DecorWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
S. E. Gamble's Birth Bank Ovoid Two Handled Crock with a Stylized Beehive AboveThe RSL Auction Company4.6(240)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
(10) STERLING BREAD PLATES, SALT & PEPPER SHAKERS, POWDER JAR, ETC., 19.5 OZTAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
AN IRISH SILVER TWO HANDLED SERVING TRAY Dublin c.1949, mark of Alwright & Marshall, ofAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A PAIR OF POLYCHROME PORCELAIN TWO-HANDLED URNS, in the Meissen taste; together with an art-glassAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A LATE GEORGIAN OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE TWO HANDLED TROPHY CUPHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A Song style crackleware porcelain handled jarInternational Auction Gallery4.6(772)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
NATIVE AMERICAN BASKETRY TWO-HANDLED TRAY Early to Mid-20th Century Diameter 19".Eldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Signed Chinese Green Glaze Two-Handled VaseWorld Auction Gallery LLC4.7(264)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
CHINESE CELEDON TWO HANDLED VASE AS TABLE LAMPA.H. Wilkens Auctions & Appraisals4.7(392)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024