SoldEgypt, Late Period, small bronze apis bullEgypt, Late Period, c. 664-30BC., a small bronze apis bull with solar disk and cobra head inside of horns. Piece stands on small original cast stand that has some repair. Piece has been cleaned. AttraSee Sold Price
Egypt, Late Period, c. 664-30BC., a small bronze "AEgypt, Late Period, c. 664-30BC., a small bronze "Apis" bull with solar disk and cobra head inside of horns. Piece stands on small original cast stand. Surfaces are rough. Piece has pale green patina.See Sold Price
SoldEgypt, Late Period to Early Roman, 2 small bronzesEgypt, Late Period to Early Roman,, c. 664 - 30 BC., a lot of 2 small bronzes. First is a nice amulet of Horus as a falcon, less talons. H: 1.75". Also an Apis bull, less lower legs and tail. Also 1.7See Sold Price
Late Period Egypt, bronze Apis bull amuletA bronze Apis bull amulet, Late Period, c. 664 - 30 BC, with nice deep brown patination and good detail. Old English Collection L: 1 1/4 "(3.2 cm).See Sold Price
Beautiful bronze Apis bull, Late Period EgyptA beautiful bronze Apis bull, Late Period, c. 664 - 343 BC, striding forward on rectangular base, wearing a solar disc and uraeus between the horns, the body with incised decoration including the triaSee Sold Price
Egyptian Bronze Apis BullEgypt, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCE. A cast bronze example of the Apis bull, an animal intrinsically tied to the Egyptian Religion, especially as worshipped in Memphis. Apis was regarded as an interSee Sold Price
A Egyptian Bronze Apis Bull StatueEgypt, Late Period, ca. 300 BC. Solid bronze statue of the Apis bull, striding forward, wearing solar disc and once probably having uraeus, now missing. Custom mount. 2"L x 1-3/4"H. Provenance: Ex-PhiSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian Bronze Apis Bull, Ex-SothebysEgypt, Late Dynastic Period, Ca 662 to 330 BCE. Cast bronze Apis bull on integral plinth, shown wearing solar disc and uraeus. 2-7/8" L by 2-3/4" H, not including custom base. Provenance: Ex-A. CarrafSee Sold Price
Egyptian Bronze Apis BullEgypt, Late Dynastic Period, Ca 662 to 330 BCE. Cast bronze Apis bull. Apis was a deity worshiped primarily in Memphis and served as an intermediary between humans and Ptah, and later Osiris. Bull staSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian Bronze Apis BullEgypt, Late Dynastic Period, Dynasties 26 through 30, ca. 662 to 320 BCE. Cast bronze Apis bull on integral base. Bull wears solar disc with uraeus, back with incised decoration and wings of Isis. NicSee Sold Price
An Egyptian Bronze Apis BullFrom ancient Egypt, Late Dynastic Period, Ca 664 to 525 BC. Cast bronze bull striding forward, standing four square on integral plynth; body with incised decoration comprising vulture's wings across sSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian Bronze Apis Bull**Originally Listed At $300** Egypt, Late Dynastic Period, ca. 664 to 525 BCE. A remarkable Egyptian cast bronze Apis bull standing with one leg stretched slightly forward. This petite figure's head iSee Sold Price
Egyptian Bronze Apis BullEgypt, Late Dynastic Period, Ca 664 to 525 BCE. Cast bronze bull striding forward, body with incised decoration comprising vulture's wings across shoulders, a tasseled mat on back. The Apis bull was sSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian Bronze Apis BullEgypt, Late Dynastic Period,664 to 525 BCE. A remarkable Egyptian cast bronze Apis bull standing with one leg stretched slightly forward. This petite figure's head is molded with an impressive amountSee Sold Price
SoldRomano-Egyptian Bronze Apis Bull StatueRoman-controlled Egypt, Late Ptolemaic to Romano-Egyptian Period, ca. 30 BCE to 2nd century CE. A gorgeous cast-bronze votive figure representing the sacred Egyptian bull god Apis. He wears a sun diskSee Sold Price
Egyptian Bronze Cat + Apis Bull, ex Parke-BernetEgypt, Late Dynastic to Ptolemaic Period, ca. 664 to 30 BCE. A striking pair of cast-bronze figures from ancient Egypt; a cat and an Apis bull. Seated upon its plump haunches with its sinuous tail wraSee Sold Price
Wonderful ancient Egyptian bronze Apis BullAncient Egypt. A detailed bronze figure of the Apis Bull, Late Period, c.664-343 BC. The sacred bull stands wearing solar disc and uraeus, the image of the vulture goddess Mut on his back. A nice figuSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian Apis Bull AmuletLate Period, 664-332 BC. A bronze amuletic figurine of the Apis Bull, advancing on a base, with sun-disc between the horns. Cf. Andrews, C. Amulets of Ancient Egypt, London, 1994, item 21(b"). 2.89 grSee Sold Price
Egyptian Apis Bull AmuletLate Period, 664-332 BC. A bronze amuletic figurine of the Apis Bull, advancing on a base, with sun-disc between the horns. Cf. Andrews, C. Amulets of Ancient Egypt, London, 1994 item 21(b"). 2.89 graSee Sold Price
Late Period bronze figure of the Apis BullA bronze figure of the Apis Bull, Late Period, c.664 - 343 BC, wearing horns, solar disc and uraeus. Rather crudely cast and served as a temple offering, as most small Egyptian figures did. L: 2 ¾" (See Sold Price
SoldNice Egyptian bronze figure of the Apis BullA nice bronze figure of the Apis Bull, Late Period, c. 664 – 30 BC, wearing solar disc and uraeus. Small tang on base for attachment into original base. Intact, deep green patination. L: 1 1/2" (3.8See Sold Price
EGYPTIAN APIS BULL FIGURECa.664-343 BC.. Ancient Egypt. A detailed bronze figure of the Apis Bull, Late Period, The sacred bull stands wearing solar disc and uraeus, the image of the vulture goddess Mut on his back. . H:47mm/See Sold Price
Egypt, Late Period, small bronze of a seated HorusEgypt, Late Period, 20th-30th Dynasties, 715-332BC., a small bronze of a seated Horus or Harpokrates wearing tripartite crown, side lock and holding his missing finger on his right hand in front of hiSee Sold Price
Egypt, Late Period, small bronze appliqué of BesEgypt, Late Period, 20th-30th Dynasties, 715-332BC., a small bronze mold made appliqué of Bes. Upper torso only, with short arms outstretched. S: 1.75" x 1.5". Interesting. Southern California Coll.See Sold Price
Egyptian Faience Bead Necklace String with Bes AmuletTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
An Egyptian-Style Bronze Bull's Head Amulet from the Late PeriodThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A Gilded Egyptian Stone Shabti from the Late Period with HieroglyphsThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
An Egyptian Painted Terracotta Ushabti from the Late PeriodThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
An Egyptian Glazed Steatite Deity Figurine, Late PeriodThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Egyptian Glazed Faience Ushabti w/ HieroglyphsWestmore Galleries and Auctions4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Ancient Chalcedony & Jasper Beads, Egyptian & SumerianArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Egyptian Bronze Pendant of Neith (Goddess of War)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024