SoldEgypt, 4 VERY NICE SCARABSEgypt, 2nd Intermediate period, c. 1630-1539 BC. A Lot of 4 nicely carved steatite scarabs. Three with nice geometric designs, two of them flanked by "Ankhs" signs. Sizes 16 x 12mm. One with Horus inSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of 21 Egyptian ScarabsGroup of 21 Egyptian Scarabs. Circa 1800s or earlier. Made of steatite and faience. Measures 1/2" to 1 1/4". From Egypt. 19 scarabs are on a wire, remaining 2 are unstring. Condition: Nice, see imagesSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 4 Ancient Egyptian ScarabsEgypt Middle to New Kingdom, Ca 2055 to 1544 BCE. Another nice grouping, each scarab in typical beetle form, underside inscribed with symbols to offer wearer good fortune. Largest 14mm long. ProvenancSee Sold Price
Nice Basalt Heart ScarabEgypt, Late Dynastic, Dynasty XXVI - XXX, 664 - 343 BC. A nice basalt heart scarab with a flat base. Nicely detailed with attractive lines on the clypea and a grooved head. Intact. L: 3.4cm / 1 1/4".See Sold Price
Egyptian Stone Scarabs, Set of 4Nice lot of four hard stone scarabs, all from ancient Egypt. The first is a Middle Kingdom Amethyst Scarab, 13 mm x 8 mm; the second a Carnelian Scarab from the New Kingdom, with well-carved body, 18mSee Sold Price
SoldEgypt, 4 very nice small faience amuletsEgypt, Late Period, c. 664-30BC., a lot of 4 very nice small faience amulets. Two are in pale green color, two are blue. The nicest of which is a well detailed amulet of a standing. Bastet. All are abSee Sold Price
SoldEGYPT, NICE CARNELIAN SCARABNew Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, c. 1539 - 1292 BC. A carnelian scarab with well detailed body, base uninscribed as it was set in jewelry, with wear across the back from gracing someone's wrist or neck10 xSee Sold Price
Egypt Nice blackish stone scarab, Late PeriodA blackish stone scarab, Late Period, c. 664 - 30 BC, with carved features and a flattened base. Simply rendered by quite interesting with much incrustation in the crevices. Intact and the lack of a sSee Sold Price
SoldEgypt, Lot of 4 Different ScarabsLot of 4 scarabs. 1). New Kingdom, c. 1539 - 1075 BC. A green faience cowroid with uncertain name "Kheper-Re" between feathers, 15 x 10mm. Well preserved glaze. Cf. Petrie, Historical Scarabs, no. 207See Sold Price
SoldEgypt, New Kingdom, 2 NICE SCARABSEgypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty XVIII-XIX, c. 1570-1185 BC. Lot of two Scarabs. First a green gray glazed steatite scarab with hieroglyphs in the middle and the abbreviated symbol for Amun-Ra above. S: 16See Sold Price
SoldEgypt, New Kingdom, 2 NICE SCARABSEgypt, New Kingdom, c. 1539-1075 BC. A lot of 2 nice steatite scarabs. The first with a highly domed back and very well detailed head. On base are 5 concentric circles, each very well cut. The secondSee Sold Price
SoldEGYPT, NICE LIGHT BROWN STEATITE SCARABNew Kingdom, 1539 - 1075 BC. A light brown steatite scarab of very neat and tidy workmanship. On base Horus in falcon-form wears the double crown, before a 'nefer', behind an 'ankh' and below a 'neb',See Sold Price
SoldEgypt, Late Period, Nice "Winged Scarab"Egypt, Late Period, c. 716-30 B.C., a pale blue colored faience winged scarab. Glazed faience composition scarab attached non-matching wings; holes on perimeter of scarab and wings for attachment to mSee Sold Price
Egypt, New Kingdom, nice steatite scarabEgypt, New Kingdom, 1570-1070BC., a nice steatite scarab, glaze gone brown with the name of Tutmose III and good luck sign on cartouche. Nice condition. Ex. S: 12mm x 18mm. Royal Athena Gallery.See Sold Price
Egypt. Nice New Kingdom faience scarabA nice faience scarab, Late New Kingdom, c. 1200-1075 BC, the body well modeled, glaze now a purplish black, possibly from fire. On base, two "ua" signs and to signs for 10. Some chipping and abrasionSee Sold Price
SoldEGYPT, LOT OF 4 PIECES, 2 SCARABS, 2 SCARABOIDSLot of 4 pieces. 1). New Kingdom, 1539 - 1075 BC. A steatite scaraboid in the form of a bird, head missing, name of 'Amen' on the base, 12 x 7mm. Definitely from the time of Hatshepsut and Thutmose IISee Sold Price
SoldPair of 2 nice steatite scarabs, EgyptA pair of 2 nice steatite scarabs. The first is a 2nd Intermediate example, c. 1750 - 1570 BC, well carved body for the period. On base, a falcon on the back of a crocodile, erect cobras to either sidSee Sold Price
Egypt, New Kingdom, 1539-1075BC., a nice scarab withEgypt, New Kingdom, 1539-1075BC., a nice scarab with ankh on either side of altar(?). Small portion of cartouche missing. L: 25mm. Ventura County Collection.See Sold Price
SoldEgypt, 2nd Int Period, Nice Steatite ScarabEgypt, 2nd Intermediate Period, 1750 – 1570 BC. A carved steatite scarab, no glaze remaining. On base, commemorative cartouche of Seostris III surrounded by Ankh and Nefer symbols. Intact. 19x13mm.See Sold Price
SoldEgypt, 2nd Int Period, Nice Steatite ScarabEgypt, 2nd Intermediate Period, 1750 – 1570 BC. A carved steatite scarab, no glaze. On base, symbols of kingship over a 'nub', or gold symbol, which is flanked by red crowns, symbolizing Lower EgyptSee Sold Price
Egypt, Second Intermediate, a nice steatite scarabEgypt, Second Intermediate Period, 15th-17th Dynasties, 1630-1520BC., a steatite scarab appears to be for "Neferu-Ra". The glyphs on the underside are comparable to those on numerous pieces on Plate XSee Sold Price
Egypt, Late Period, a nice steatite scarabEgypt, Late Period, 20th-30th Dynasties, 715-332BC., a brown steatite scarab with sphinx with raised wings as cartouche. Ex. Jonathan Rosen Collection, NY, no 0006. Cf. Matouk II 620. S: 15mm x 11mm.See Sold Price
Egypt, Late Period, a nice steatite scarabEgypt, Late Period, 20th-30th Dynasties, 715-332BC., A larger weathered limestone button scarab. S: 30mm x 23mm. Intact with obvious water abrasion to the surface. Kentucky Collection.See Sold Price
Egypt, New Kingdom, a nice steatite scarabEgypt, New Kingdom, 18th-20th dynasties, c. 1539-1075BC., a nice steatite scarab, glaze gone white. Cartouche with sphinx and signs. S: 17mm x 12mm. Cf. Matouk II 620v. Choice.See Sold Price
4 nice arrowheads Personal Finds of Dr. J Francis Amos, Mostly Found near Rocky Mount VA, Ex MontieHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
2 1/4" Nice Eccentric Burlington Chert from Calhoun Co ILHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
3 1/4" Nice Flint Celt Found in Barron Co Kentucky Ex Rocky Hall CollectionHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1 3/4" NICE piece of petrified Wood polished endsHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1836 Large Cent PCGS AU Details N.7 R.4 Nice Eye Appeal Strong StrikeMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
1800s ARABIC MANUSCRIPT antique ISLAMIC Sarḥ al-aqa'ed al-'azodiya by A.DavaniJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Vintage Silver Plated Tea Cups Napkin Rings Centerpiece Set of 4 Table JewelryJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Brass Chart Map Glass Magnifying Desk Lens Magnifier w BoxJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Gobbling Double Spur Turkey Full Body Bird TaxidermyCircle M Auctions4.6(116)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
1909-11 T206 Piedmont Christy Mathewson Dark Cap PSA 4 Nice Centering HOF LegendActivity Auctions4.5(355)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024