SoldEcuador, Chorrera, c. 1200-200 BC. This fine whisEcuador, Chorrera, c. 1200-200 BC. This fine whistle bottle is 8-1/4" high and has a seated figure mounted on the chamber. It portrays a musician holding a pan flute to his chest. He is nicely detaileSee Sold Price
SoldA fine Chorrera figure from EcuadorA fine Chorrera figure from Ecuador, c. 1200 - 200 BC, a sweet standing figure posed with arms wrapped around the mid-section. H: 3 1/4 in (8.3 cm). Good mineral deposits on the burnished slip. Cf. LaSee Sold Price
SoldA fine Chorrera figure from EcuadorA fine Chorrera figure from Ecuador, c. 1200 - 200 BC. This adorable seated figure is posed doubled over, with one hand held to the face, the other resting on a knee. Probably depicts a mourner. L: 2See Sold Price
Chorrera figure from EcuadorA fine Chorrera figure from Ecuador, c. 1200 - 200 BC. This seated female is 3" high and is posed with crossed legs. The elongated head is adorned with the typical headdress and ornaments. In excellenSee Sold Price
SoldA fine Chorrera tetrapod dish from EcuadorA fine Chorrera tetrapod dish from Ecuador, c. 1200 - 200 BC, standing on four heads, each adorned with a nose ornament and enhanced with red pigment. Dia: 3 3/4 in (9.5 cm). The flared rim has smallSee Sold Price
A fine Chorrera standing figure from EcuadorA fine Chorrera standing figure from Ecuador, c. 1200 - 200 BC, posed with arms wrapped around the mid-section, H: 3 1/4 in. Good mineral deposits on the burnished slip.See Sold Price
SoldA rare Chorrera sello from EcuadorA rare Chorrera sello from Ecuador, c. 1200 - 200 BC, a solid roller seal whose impression creates two panels of elaborate stylized floral motifs. 2 1/2 x 1 1/8 in (6.3 x 2.8 cm). Ex Kowinski estate.See Sold Price
SoldA rare Chorrera sello from EcuadorA rare Chorrera sello from Ecuador, c. 1200 - 200 BC, this hollow roller seal creates two panels of elaborate stylized floral motifs. Dimensions: 2 x 1 1/8 in (5 x 2.8 cm). Light deposits. Ex AcevedoSee Sold Price
Complex Chorrera sello from EcuadorA complex Chorrera sello from Ecuador, c. 1200 - 200 BC. This hollow roller seal is 2 1/2" in length and is deeply carved with intricate serpentine designs. Ex East Coast collection.See Sold Price
SoldA rare Chorrera sello (roller stamp) from EcuadorA rare Chorrera sello (roller stamp) from Ecuador, c. 1200 - 200 BC, a solid example nicely decorated with the deeply carved, highly stylized designs characteristic of the type. 2 1/8 x 1 1/4 in (6.4See Sold Price
Choice Chorrera "belly bowl" bowl from EcuadorA choice Chorrera "belly bowl" bowl from Ecuador, c. 1200 - 200 BC, possessing characteristic head protruding at the top, the edges beautifully scalloped, with the upper side of the chamber incised wiSee Sold Price
SoldJaguar Mortar, Chorrera, 1200-300 BC ThrockmortonA Jaguar Mortar, Chorrera Indigenous culture, Pre-Columbian Ecuador, c.1200-300 BC. Stone mortar measuring 5.5" high, 10.5" wide, 3.5" deep. Provenance: ex-Throckmorton Fine Arts, NYC, NY. Includes orSee Sold Price
Chorrera zoomorphic whistle vessel, EcuadorA fine Chorrera zoomorphic whistle vessel from Ecuador, c. 1,200 - 200 BC. It is 6 1/2" high and features a superbly detailed monkey seated atop the chamber, which is incised with an interwoven diamonSee Sold Price
SoldPeru, Chavin, c. 1200 – 200 BC. A fine stone macePeru, Chavin, c. 1200 – 200 BC. A fine stone mace head, 3-1/2" diameter. Carved from dark hard stone, with two cutting ridges and four nodes on each side. A formidable weapon. See Ancestors of the ISee Sold Price
SoldEcuador, Chorrera, c. 1000 - 200 BC. A superb ChorEcuador, Chorrera, c. 1000 - 200 BC. A superb Chorrera stamp seal, 3" x 2 ¼", featuring a stylized shamanic dragon design. In excellent conditionSee Sold Price
SoldCHAVIN, FINE SHELL AMULETPeru, Chavin, c. 1200 - 200 BC. This fine shell amulet is 2 ¼" high and depicts the Fanged Deity, carved in fine detail. The right hand appears to be transformed into the head of a serpent. Drilled aSee Sold Price
SoldPeru, Chavin, a very nice Tembladera type bottlePeru, Chavin, c. 1200 - 200 BC. A fine Tembladera type bottle. The design pattern is executed in red and black pigment bisecting the chamber and is set off with incising. An elegant early form. H: 10"See Sold Price
A lovely Chavin stone bowl or mortarA lovely Chavin stone bowl or mortar, c. 1200 - 200 BC, carved from fine-grained, light brown stone. Beautifully polished and extensively used. D: 2 7/8 in. Good mineral deposits. Ex Behnken estate.See Sold Price
SoldAn exceptional Olmec miniature from MexicoAn exceptional Olmec miniature from Mexico, c. 1200 - 200 BC, fashioned from a fine-grained greenstone and depicts a kneeling individual. He is leaning forward, with hands resting on the knees, the faSee Sold Price
A fine Bahia shaman figure from EcuadorA fine Bahia shaman figure from Ecuador, c. 200 BC - AD 300, depicting a seated shaman, posed with hands resting on the crossed legs, wearing a large hat and segmented necklace with animal head pectorSee Sold Price
A fine Bahia shaman figure from EcuadorA fine Bahia shaman figure from Ecuador, c. 200 BC - AD 300, depicting a seated shaman, posed with hands resting on the crossed legs. He is wearing a large hat and is adorned with a segmented necklaceSee Sold Price
SoldFine Valdivia Venus figure from EcuadorA fine Valdivia Venus figure from Ecuador, c. 3000 - 1200 BC. She is 3-1/8" high and is depicted holding her breasts. She was ritually broken in antiquity and has been glued without restoration. Her cSee Sold Price
SoldA fine Valdivia "Venus" figure from EcuadorA fine Valdivia "Venus" figure from Ecuador, c. 3000 - 1200 BC. This beautifully detailed example is 1-3/4 in high and had one leg removed as part of a healing ritual in antiquity. Good mineral deposiSee Sold Price
SoldA fine Valdivia “Venus” figure from EcuadorA fine Valdivia “Venus” figure from Ecuador, c. 3000 – 1200 BC. She is 3” high and her complex coif is finely incised. She was ritually broken in antiquity and has been glued without restoratiSee Sold Price
Bluebill Pair by John G. Tornberg (1902-1971)(attr.)Copley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Erte "Amazon" Patinated Bronze Sculpture, 1985Auctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
A Fine 19th C. English 183pc Dinnerware Set by CAULDONPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Pre-Columbian Bahia Culture Figural Ceremonial Terracotta Ocarina Vessel Flute Ecuador 500BCE-500CEHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Stone Age Classic British Teardrop-Shaped Knapped Flint HandaxeTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Etruscan Terracotta Warrior Statue Leg FragmentTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
A FINE LARGE LOUIS VUITTON TRAVELING WARDROBE C. 1920sSoulis Auctions4.8(953)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A FINE ANTIQUE SOUTHWEST PERSIAN QASHQUAI RUG C. 1890Soulis Auctions4.8(953)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
DC Marvel Comics Silver to Modern Key Yard BoxBruneau & Co. Auctioneers4.5(491)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
THE WHOLE CHRONICLE OF POLYBIUS ANCIENT IN ENGLISH, 1756NY Elizabeth 4.3(85)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
FINE 18TH C. BOSTON CHIPPENDALE MAPLE HIGHBOY.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024