Early map of Charleston, James Yeager
Audubon - Blue-grey Flycatcher. 70Feb 24, 2024Audubon - Purple Martin. 45Feb 24, 2024Audubon - Chuck-will's Widow. 41Feb 24, 2024Audubon - Whip-poor-will. 42Feb 24, 2024Audubon - Golden Eagle. 12Feb 24, 2024Audubon - Common Osprey Fish Hawk. 15Feb 24, 2024Audubon - White-headed Sea Eagle or Bald Eagle. 14Feb 24, 2024Audubon - Little Screech Owl. 40Feb 24, 2024Audubon - Barn Owl. 34Feb 24, 2024Audubon - Snowy Owl. 28Feb 24, 20241786 ACCOUNT OF CORSICA by James Boswell antique w/ MAPFeb 27, 2024Early days in Nevada, Civil War 1861-1865Mar 07, 2024WEST AFRICA Explorers' routes Senegal Ashanti. Mountains of Kong. SDUK 1857 mapFeb 28, 2024AFRICA. Map pre-dating much exploration. Mountains of Kong. SDUK 1851 oldFeb 28, 2024WEST AFRICA explorers' routes. Beaufort Gray Park Dochard Caillie. SDUK 1874 mapFeb 28, 2024WEST AFRICA I Explorers' routes Senegal Ashanti Ivory Gold Coast. SDUK 1851 mapFeb 28, 2024WEST AFRICA showing early explorers' routes & Mountains of Kong. SDUK 1844 mapFeb 28, 2024PRE COLONIAL WESTERN AFRICA. Shows Mountains of Kong. Tribes. WELLER 1863 mapFeb 28, 2024James Sowerby (1757 - 1822) - Set of 8 Botanical Prints - Heath Cudweed - Saxifraga Nivalis -Feb 28, 2024James Sowerby (1757 - 1822) - Set of 8 Botanical Prints - Birthwort, Aristolochia clematitis -Feb 28, 2024James Sowerby (1757 - 1822) - Set of 10 Botanical Prints -Feb 28, 2024James Sowerby (1757 - 1822) - Set of 10 Botanical Prints - Common Sea-Buckthorn - Orobanche RapumFeb 28, 2024James Sowerby (1757 - 1822) - Set of 10 Botanical Prints - Orobanche Common Lesser - CentrolepisFeb 28, 2024James Sowerby (1757 - 1822) - Set of 10 Botanical Prints - Potentilla anserina - Poa aquatica -Feb 28, 2024