SoldDinky No.36g TaxiNo.36g Taxi - yellow, black roof, chassis and smooth hubs. Some fatigue cracks but overall complete - Fair. Very hard to find in this colour.See Sold Price
SoldDinky No.36G TaxiDinky - No.36G Taxi - dark green, black roof and chassis, open rear window, thick crimped axles, smooth black hubs with white tyres - Good Plus to Excellent in Good "buff" trade box for 6 with yellowSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - No.36G Taxi with DriverDinky - No.36G Taxi with Driver - a pair consisting of grey, black roof and interior, driver, black smooth hubs. Minor fatigue, a hard colour combination to find - Good. Together with another - red loSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - No.36g "Taxi" -Dinky - No.36g "Taxi" - green, black including hubs, white tyres - overall condition is generally Good Plus to Excellent, does have slight fatigue to interior - still displays well.See Sold Price
SoldDinky No.36g TaxiDinky - No.36g Taxi - red, black upper body and chassis, black interior and base, cast shut rear window, crimped axles, black ridged wheels - Good Plus.See Sold Price
SoldDinky No.36g Taxi - a pairNo.36g Taxi a pair - both green, black roof and ridged hubs - both Good Plus to Excellent. (2)See Sold Price
SoldDinky No.36g Taxi - a pairNo.36g Taxi - green, black roof and ridged hubs - Excellent. Together with another - maroon, black roof and ridged hubs - Good to Good Plus. (2)See Sold Price
SoldDinky No.36g TaxiNo.36g Taxi - green, black roof and ridged wheels, No.36g Taxi - maroon, black roof and ridged wheels and No.30b Rolls Royce - stone, black chassis and ridged hubs. Generally Good to Good Plus. (3)See Sold Price
SoldDinky No.36G TaxiNo.36G Taxi - scarcer red body with black roof, wings and ridged hubs, some retouching - otherwise a Good Plus example.See Sold Price
SoldDinky - No.36g TaxiDinky - No.36g Taxi - maroon, black roof and wings, black base and interior, black ridged wheels - Good Plus.See Sold Price
SoldDinky No.36g TaxiDinky - a mixed group - lot comprises No.36g Taxi - maroon, black, No.34b Royal Mail Van - red, black and (3) Thompson Pre-war Fuelling Tanker, (4) & (5) 2 x large Trailer - grey, red ridged hubs andSee Sold Price
SoldDinky - No.36g Taxi with DriverDinky - No.36g Taxi with driver - red, black, including smooth hubs, fitted with thick axles and white tyres, significant wear to roof - otherwise Fair.See Sold Price
SoldDinky - No.36G Taxi with Driver.Dinky - No.36G Taxi with Driver - scarce post-war version is maroon, with black roof, wings and smooth hubs, white tyres - Good.See Sold Price
SoldDinky No.36G Taxi with Driver x 2Dinky 2 x No.36G Taxi with driver - (1) maroon body with black roof, chassis, ridged hubs and tyres, (2) green body, black roof, chassis, ridged hubs and tyres - both Good to Good Plus. (2)See Sold Price
SoldDinky - No.36G Taxi with DriverDinky - No.36G Taxi with Driver - a pair (1) blue lower body, black roof interior, driver, smooth black hubs, no fatigue - Good. Together with another - green lower body, black roof and interior, drivSee Sold Price
SoldDinky No.36G TaxiDinky No.36G Taxi - green lower body, black roof, chassis and ridged hubs, driver, white tyres, open rear windows - Excellent.See Sold Price
SoldDinky No.36G TaxiDinky No.36G Taxi - Post-war version c.1946 is mid green, with black roof, wings and smooth hubs, thick axles, open rear window - Good Plus bright example.See Sold Price
SoldDinky No.36G Taxi x 3Dinky No.36G Taxi group (1) green/black, (2) maroon/black, (3) same as (2) - 2 and 3 both have open rear window and are repainted, overall Good. (3)See Sold Price
SoldDinky No.36G TaxiDinky No.36G Taxi - light green, with black roof and ridged hubs, filled-in rear window - Good Plus.See Sold Price
SoldDinky No.36G TaxiDinky No.36G Taxi - green lower body, black roof, chassis and ridged hubs, driver, open rear window - Good Plus.See Sold Price
SoldDinky No.36G TaxiDinky No.36G Taxi - maroon lower body, black roof, chassis and ridged hubs, driver, white tyres, open rear window - Good Plus. Harder top find colour especially with open rear window.See Sold Price
SoldDinky No.36G TaxiDinky No.36G Taxi - scarce Post-war colour is red, with black roof and ridged hubs, thick axles, filled-in rear window, a few chips to roof and wing edges - otherwise Good Plus to Excellent.See Sold Price
SoldDinky No.36G TaxiDinky No.36G Taxi - Post-war version is maroon, with black roof and wings, ridged hubs, thick axles, open rear window, light wear to wing edges - otherwise Excellent.See Sold Price
SoldDinky No.36g Taxi - a pairDinky - a pair of No.36g Taxi - (1) light green, black roof and wings including ridged hubs, some chipping to roof, (2) maroon, black roof and wings - both require further cleaning but otherwise a GooSee Sold Price
FRENCH DINKY 1#16 3-PIECE SELF CONTROLLED TRAINLloyd Ralston Gallery4.6(771)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
2 Pieces by Red Grooms, (1) "Ruckus Taxi" 3D lithograph construction sculpture on lucite plinth, inNeely Auction4.6(224)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Seventeen Vintage Toy Cars and Trucks, Dinky, Tootsie Toy, Auburn, Sun Rubber, Manoil etc.Hoch LTD.4.5(73)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024