SoldDinky No.28B Pickfords Delivery VanDinky No.28B Pickfords Delivery Van - type 1, repainted dark blue, Pickfords transfers to sides, tinplate radiator, gold varnished metal wheels, rusting to underside.See Sold Price
SoldDinky No.28B "Pickfords" Pre-war Delivery VanDinky No.28B "Pickfords" pre-war Delivery Van - scarce lead bodied example is dark blue, with faint traces of red colouring to metal wheels, some wear to raised edges and roof - otherwise Good Plus scSee Sold Price
SoldDinky No.28B Pre-war "Pickfords" Delivery VanDinky No.28B Pre-war Pickfords Delivery Van - type 1, dark blue, blue metal wheels, slight distortion to shape, rear brace between wheelarches detached one side, some fading to one side, slight corrosSee Sold Price
SoldDinky No.28B Type 2 Pickfords Delivery VanDinky No.28B Type 2 Pickfords Delivery Van - scarce Pre-war Model is dark blue, with black smooth hubs, the white tyres are cracked, slight fatigue cracks starting to appear in corner of windscreen anSee Sold Price
SoldDinky Pre-war No.28B Delivery Van "Pickfords"Dinky Pre-war No.28B Delivery Van "Pickfords" - type 1, royal blue body, "Pickfords Removals & Storage, Over 100 Branches" in gold, solid metal purple washed wheels. A superb example, with only the frSee Sold Price
SoldDinky Pre-war No.28B Delivery Van "Pickfords"Dinky Pre-war No.28B Delivery Van "Pickfords" - type 1, "Hornby Series" impressed underside of cab - dark blue, "Pickfords Removals & Storage - Over 100 Branches" in gold to sides, very pale red washeSee Sold Price
SoldDinky Pre-war No.28B Delivery Van "Pickfords"Dinky Pre-war No.28B Delivery Van "Pickfords" Type 1 with Dinky Toys cast into underside of cab - royal blue, "Pickfords Removals and Storage - Over 100 Branches" in gold, mauve washed solid metal wheSee Sold Price
SoldDinky No.28b Pre-war Delivery Van "Pickfords"Dinky No.28b Pre-war type 1 Delivery Van "Pickfords" - one of the rarest of these Vans, dark blue, some repainting to front wings, wheels and base, slight indentation to lower body at rear, but includSee Sold Price
SoldDinky Pre-War No.28B Delivery Van "Pickfords"Dinky Pre-War No.28B Delivery Van "Pickfords" - type 1, "Hornby Series" impressed underside of cab, dark blue, "Pickfords Removals & Storage - Over 100 Branches" in gold to sides, very pale red washedSee Sold Price
SoldDinky Pre-war No.28B Delivery Van "Pickfords"Dinky Pre-war No.28B Delivery Van "Pickford"s - type 2, violet blue body, very little sign of fatigue - generally Good Plus to Excellent.See Sold Price
SoldDinky No.28b pre-war Type 1 Lead Van "PickfordsDinky - No.28b pre-war Type 1 Lead Delivery Van "Pickfords" - dark blue, original tinplate radiator, purple metal wheels - Excellent.See Sold Price
SoldDinky - A Pair of Delivery VansDinky a pair of Delivery Vans, (1) No.28B "Pickfords", front half modern replacement, rear original with plain wheels, "Pickfords" in gold, (2) No.28Y type 3 - red with red hubs "Exide" (replacement tSee Sold Price
SoldDINKY 28-1-B PICKFORDS DELIVERY VANdark blue, 2nd version, rubber tires worn, orig issue, ca 1934-35, C7-8.See Sold Price
SoldDINKY 28B PICKFORDS DELIVERY VANblue w/gold lettering, tin radiator surround, late type 1 w/rubber tires, C8-9.See Sold Price
SoldDINKY 28-1-B PICKFORDS DELIVERY VANdark blue, 2nd version, rubber tires worn, orig issue, ca 1934-35, C7-8.See Sold Price
SoldDINKY 28B PICKFORDS DELIVERY VANblue, w/tin wheels & radiator surround, both front fenders chipped, silver logo, C5.See Sold Price
SoldDINKY 28B PICKFORDS DELIVERY VANblue w/blue hubs, type 2, body has warp & glued spots inside, shellacked, C8.See Sold Price
SoldDINKY 28B PICKFORDS DELIVERY VANblue w/tin wheels & radiator surround, both front fenders chipped, silver logo, C5.See Sold Price
SoldDINKY 28B PICKFORDS DELIVERY VANblue w/black hubs, type 2, body has warp, glue spots inside, shellacked, C8.See Sold Price
SoldDinky Pre-war No.28B "Pickfords" VanDinky pre-war No.28B "Pickfords" type 2 - blue body and smooth hubs, casting Good with some fatigue (clear glue underneath), blue paint with some chipping mainly to the roof, Pickfords in gold to sideSee Sold Price
SoldDinky Pre-war No.28b Type 2 "Pickfords" VanDinky Pre-war No.28b type 2 Pickfords Van - dark blue, black smooth hubs with thin axles, (cracked) white tyres, slight indentation to sides of van body - otherwise Good scarce example.See Sold Price
Sold5 DINKY DELIVERY VANS492 Loudspeaker Van, 28G Crawford's, 28G Virols, white metal copy, Evening Post, Marsh's Sausages, white metal copy, Houl's Tea, white metal copy, all but Loudspeaker Van are restored, C7-9.See Sold Price
SoldKemlow Pickfords Delivery Van. Generally good to veryKemlow Pickfords Delivery Van. Generally good to very good with some marks.See Sold Price
SoldCorgi/Vanguards - A Group of CarsCorgi, Vanguards Car group - Corgi Classics Rally Cars, Morris Minor, Jaguar, Ford Cortina and others, Matchbox Dinky Delivery Vans, Vanguards Monte Carlo Press Car and others - overall models are MinSee Sold Price
4 Die-Cast '30 Beer Delivery VansRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Scarce Dinky Toys Trade Pack of six Promotional 491 Electric Dairy Van ‘Jobs Dairy’C & T Auctioneers and Valuers Ltd4.2(45)See Sold PriceJul 13, 2024
Dinky Toys Way 237 Set, over 6 meters of scale model roadsC & T Auctioneers and Valuers Ltd4.2(45)See Sold PriceJul 13, 2024