SoldDILLAWAY PATENT KEROSENE STAND LAMPDILLAWAY PATENT KEROSENE STAND LAMP, colorless font, recessed drip-catcher shoulder with exterior embossed "PAT'D. JULY 18 1871", recessed banded font, opaque white pressed base with octagonal stem, bSee Sold Price
SoldDILLAWAY PATENT WAVY SHOULDER STAND LAMP, keroseneDILLAWAY PATENT WAVY SHOULDER STAND LAMP, kerosene period, colorless, recessed drip-catcher shoulder with interior pressed ribs and exterior embossed "PAT JULY 18 1871", pattern without the patent infSee Sold Price
SoldDILLAWAY PATENT STAND LAMPDILLAWAY PATENT STAND LAMP, colorless, recessed drip-catcher shoulder with exterior embossed "PAT'D. JULY 18 1871", recessed banded font, No. 1 fine line collar. Fitted with an E. Miller No. 1 hingedSee Sold Price
SoldCAST-IRON AND GLASS PATENT SAFETY KEROSENE STAND LAMPS,CAST-IRON AND GLASS PATENT SAFETY KEROSENE STAND LAMPS, LOT OF TWO, colorless fonts, one with engraving, each raised on a cast-iron multi-part standard with ornamentation, No. 1 Taplin-Brown collars.See Sold Price
SoldHOYT PATENT PLAIN PANEL KEROSENE STAND LAMPHOYT PATENT PLAIN PANEL KEROSENE STAND LAMP, colorless font embossed "PAT'D MARCH 14. 1871 PAT'D JULY 23. 1872. SEPT 21.1869" on interior bottom, iron base with scroll and panel ornamentation, brass cSee Sold Price
SoldDILLAWAY PATENT PLAIN FINGER LAMP, kerosene periodDILLAWAY PATENT PLAIN FINGER LAMP, kerosene period, colorless, applied handle with thumbrest, recessed drip-catcher shoulder with exterior embossed "PAT JULY 18 1871", #1 fine line collar. Boston & SaSee Sold Price
SoldBRADLEY & HUBERT NICKEL-PLATED KEROSENE STAND LAMPBRADLEY & HUBERT NICKEL-PLATED KEROSENE STAND LAMP, Penfield patent wick-raising mechanism with patent date, flame spreader and filler cap embossed "B & H", non-period opaque white shade and period ClSee Sold Price
SoldDILLAWAY PATENT WAVY SHOULDER FINGER LAMP, kerosenDILLAWAY PATENT WAVY SHOULDER FINGER LAMP, kerosene period, colorless, applied handle with thumbrest, recessed drip-catcher shoulder with interior pressed ribs and exterior embossed "PAT JULY 18 1871"See Sold Price
SoldDILLAWAY PATENT WAVY SHOULDER FINGER LAMP, kerosenDILLAWAY PATENT WAVY SHOULDER FINGER LAMP, kerosene period, colorless, applied handle with thumbrest, recessed drip-catcher shoulder with interior pressed ribs and exterior embossed "PAT JULY 18 1871"See Sold Price
SoldDILLAWAY PATENT WAVY SHOULDER FINGER LAMP, kerosenDILLAWAY PATENT WAVY SHOULDER FINGER LAMP, kerosene period, colorless, applied handle with thumbrest, recessed drip-catcher shoulder with interior pressed ribs and exterior embossed "PAT JULY 18 1871"See Sold Price
SoldDILLAWAY PATENT WAVY SHOULDER FINGER LAMP, kerosenDILLAWAY PATENT WAVY SHOULDER FINGER LAMP, kerosene period, colorless, applied handle with thumbrest, recessed drip-catcher shoulder with interior pressed ribs and exterior embossed "PAT JULY 18 1871"See Sold Price
SoldHOBBS BANDED FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMPHOBBS BANDED FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMP, ruby-stained colorless font with Greek Key band, opaque white ribbed-stem base, gilded brass clinch-on connector with 1870 patent date, No. 2 fine line collar. FSee Sold Price
SoldE. S. SPENCER LOG DOUBLE-ARM KEROSENE STAND LAMPE. S. SPENCER LOG DOUBLE-ARM KEROSENE STAND LAMP, nickel-plate finish, signed with patent information on the font tube, with appropriate "CRYSTAL LIGHT" burners. Topped with two peachblow-type umbrellSee Sold Price
SoldATTERBURY SWAN KEROSENE STAND LAMPATTERBURY SWAN KEROSENE STAND LAMP, colorless embossed Swan font, yellow-green hexagonal base, underside of foot embossed "PATD, SEP 29D 1868.", screw socket connector with patent information. FittedSee Sold Price
SoldHOBBS NO. 341 / SNOWFLAKE KEROSENE STAND LAMPHOBBS NO. 341 / SNOWFLAKE KEROSENE STAND LAMP, Ruby/cranberry opalescent, colorless base, metal screw connector with original glass sleeve, No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar with impressed patent information.See Sold Price
SoldINVERTED THUMBPRINT AND FAN BASE KEROSENE STAND LAMPINVERTED THUMBPRINT AND FAN BASE KEROSENE STAND LAMP, colorless opalescent font, colorless base, No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar with patent information. Fitted with a period No. 1 slip burner and matchingSee Sold Price
SoldATTERBURY SHELLEY KEROSENE STAND LAMPATTERBURY SHELLEY KEROSENE STAND LAMP, colorless font, opaque white Gem-type base, brass Atterbury screw-socket connector with impressed patent information, No. 2 fine-line collar with No. 1 adapter.See Sold Price
SoldSHELDON SWIRL KEROSENE STAND LAMPSHELDON SWIRL KEROSENE STAND LAMP, blue opalescent Reverse Swirl font, colorless leaf patterned base, No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar with patent information. Fourth quarter 19th century. 7 1/2" H to top ofSee Sold Price
SoldSHELDON SWIRL KEROSENE STAND LAMPSHELDON SWIRL KEROSENE STAND LAMP, blue opalescent Reverse Swirl font, colorless leaf patterned base, No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar with patent information. Fitted with a period No. 1 slip burner and coloSee Sold Price
SoldSHELDON SWIRL KEROSENE STAND LAMPSHELDON SWIRL KEROSENE STAND LAMP, blue opalescent Reverse Swirl font, colorless leaf patterned base, No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar with patent information. Fitted with a period No. 0 slip burner and coloSee Sold Price
SoldONION / EATON KEROSENE STAND LAMPONION / EATON KEROSENE STAND LAMP, opaque white, blown-molded vertical-ribbed font and matching pressed base, brass Atterbury screw connector with patent date, No. 2 fine-line collar. Fitted with a peSee Sold Price
SoldATTERBURY SWAN KEROSENE STAND LAMPATTERBURY SWAN KEROSENE STAND LAMP, colorless embossed Swan font, blue hexagonal base, underside of foot embossed "PATD, SEP 29D 1868.", screw socket connector with patent information. Fitted with a NSee Sold Price
SoldONE-PIECE RUBY KEROSENE STAND LAMPONE-PIECE RUBY KEROSENE STAND LAMP, colorless, No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar. Fitted with a period A. Taplin "Magic Sun" slip burner, embossed on deflector and patent information on thumbwheel, period colSee Sold Price
SoldPOLKA DOT KEROSENE STAND LAMPPOLKA DOT KEROSENE STAND LAMP, cranberry opalescent font, colorless unidentified swirled rib base, No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar with patent information. Fitted with a period No. 1 slip burner and colorleSee Sold Price
BRADLEY & HUBBARD KEROSENE LAMP BASEHartzell's Auction Gallery, Inc.4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Vintage Brass Tone Converted Kerosene LampRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Porcelain Night Stand LampRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Beautiful Victorian Hanging Hall Kerosene LampTom Hall Auctions Inc.4.4(113)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
E.S. Sorensen Brass Kerosene Lamp, from Copenhagen DenmarkCrawford Family Auctions LLC4.5(112)See Sold PriceMay 25, 2024