Lot Of 3 Early Large Three-Ring Binders Full Of Thousands Of StampsRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Theophilus AD 829-842 BYZANTINE EMPIRE AV Solidus NGC AU50Mynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
1899 $5 Silver Certificate Mule Blue Elliott White Fr# 280m PMG VF25Mynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
FR. 735 $1 1918 Federal Reserve Bank Note Minneapolis VF - StainsMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Silver .999 Ingots approx. 48 ozState Line Auctions & Estate Services4.6(276)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1939-S Mercury Dime PCGS MS65 FB Fantastic Luster Nice StrikeMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
1826 Large Cent NGC XF40 BN N.4 R.2- Superb Eye Appeal Strong StrikeMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
1938 10 Yuan Federal Reserve Bank of China Pick# CHNJ63a PMG AU55Mynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
SoldDescription English: AUSTRO-DAIMLER/ GHISLAINEDescription English: AUSTRO-DAIMLER/ GHISLAINE KAES/FERRY PORSCHE, 5 chauffeur reports 1921, on FP1, with a note of the driven kilometer, museum pieces Description German: AUSTRO-DAIMLER/ GHISLAINE KSee Sold Price
SoldDescription English: GHISLAINE KAES/AUSTRO-DAIDescription English: GHISLAINE KAES/AUSTRO-DAIMLER WIENER NEUSTADT, monthly calendar, with relief printing "Austro-Daimler Wiener-Neustadt Nr. 4 1. Oktober 1922 bis 31. Dezember", handwritten entriesSee Sold Price
SoldDescription English: FERRY/ DODO PORSCHE/ GHISDescription English: FERRY/ DODO PORSCHE/ GHISLAINE KAES, 4 photos, and 4 negatives, by Ferry Porsche and Ghislaine Kaes in his child's car; 3x shown the FP1 of Austro Daimler, also 1 unknowm photo;See Sold Price
SoldDescription English: Austro Daimler, operatingDescription English: Austro Daimler, operating instructions, 1935, off-road vehicle ADG, condition 1- Description German: Austro Daimler, Betriebsanleitung, 1935, Geländewagen ADG, Zustand 1- DescriSee Sold Price
SoldDescription English: PORSCHE/ AUSTRO-DAIMLER,Description English: PORSCHE/ AUSTRO-DAIMLER, 3 original blueprints (2 blueprints 68 by 49 cm; 1 blueprint 47 by 33 cm) and 6 large-format negatives with comparative values between brake efficiency,See Sold Price
SoldDescription English: OTTO KAES/ AUSTRO-DAIMLERDescription English: OTTO KAES/ AUSTRO-DAIMLER/ PORSCHE/, DAIMLER-MOTOREN-GESELLSCHAFT/ MERCEDES-BENZ; mixed lot of 26 memo pads, beginning in 1905, with comment "Personalien", by Otto Kaes (chauffeuSee Sold Price
SoldAUSTRO DAIMLER, Germany, 1928, splendor catalog "DEnglish Description: AUSTRO DAIMLER, Germany, 1928, splendor catalog "Das Wunder des ADR", 30 pages ( one page with a cut out text part), with 6 flyers as insert with different car bodies, e.g. RoadsSee Sold Price
SoldAUSTRO DAIMLER, original photo, Prinz-Heinrich-carEnglish Description: AUSTRO DAIMLER, original photo, Prinz-Heinrich-car, 1910, 86 PS, with chain drive, 23 cm by 15.5 cm, very good condition Deutsche Beschreibung: AUSTRO DAIMLER Orig.-Foto, Prinz-HSee Sold Price
SoldAUSTRO DAIMLER, Germany 1930, folder 3 litre typeEnglish Description: AUSTRO DAIMLER, Germany 1930, folder 3 litre type ADR 11/70 PS, 6 pages, condition 2 Deutsche Beschreibung: AUSTRO DAIMLER Deutschland 1930, Faltprospekt 3 Liter Typ ADR 11/70 PSSee Sold Price
SoldAUSTRO DAIMLER, No. 1 brochure ADR 8, from 1930, 4English Description: AUSTRO DAIMLER, No. 1 brochure ADR 8, from 1930, 4 pages, No. 2 flyer, 12/70 PS, both with German text, condition 2 Deutsche Beschreibung: AUSTRO DAIMLER Nr. 1 Prospekt ADR 8, voSee Sold Price
SoldAUSTRO DAIMLER, mixed lot of 12-parts, copies of fEnglish Description: AUSTRO DAIMLER, mixed lot of 12-parts, copies of factory photos, e.g. ADR 8 Pullmann Limousine/Sedan convertible, 1932/15/35 PS, sport Phaeton/HDSR, Sascha racing car etc., diffeSee Sold Price
SoldAUSTRO DAIMLER, older copies of negatives, 14 piEnglish Description: AUSTRO DAIMLER, older copies of negatives, 14 pieces; e.g. ADR 8/"Alpenwagen" 30 PS 1911/"Prinz Heinrich" car 1911/type 617/type ADM/ADV/ADR 6 etc., with different car body versiSee Sold Price
SoldAUSTRO DAIMLER, type certificate "ADM" (registratEnglish Description: AUSTRO DAIMLER, type certificate "ADM" (registration), for the first time make out in 1928, good condition Deutsche Beschreibung: AUSTRO DAIMLER Typenzeugnis 'ADM' (FahrzeugscheSee Sold Price
SoldAUSTRO DAIMLER/DR. PORSCHE, mixed lot 80 prints,English Description: AUSTRO DAIMLER/DR. PORSCHE, mixed lot 80 prints, large-format, 18 by 24 cm, among them many double photos, e.g. Photo of a writing "Präsidium des K.K. Handels-Ministeriums 1916See Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE/AUSTRO DAIMLER, mixed lot 2 b/w copies, NEnglish Description: PORSCHE/AUSTRO DAIMLER, mixed lot 2 b/w copies, No. 1 Ferdinand Porsche at steering wheel of the Austro Daimlers Prinz Heinrich car, 1910, No. 2 Porsche at steering wheel of theSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE/AUSTRO DAIMLER, mixed lot 2 b/w photos, lEnglish Description: PORSCHE/AUSTRO DAIMLER, mixed lot 2 b/w photos, large format, copies ( 18 cm by 24 cm ), No. 1 photo preparation for the start at the Prinz Heinrich rally, number 47 the Austro DSee Sold Price
Solddesk model Austro Daimler aero engine 6-cylinder,English Description: desk model Austro Daimler aero engine 6-cylinder, on a marble plate, 27 by 14 by 21 cm Deutsche Beschreibung: Schreibtischmodell Austro Daimler Flugzeugmotor 6-Zylinder, auf MarSee Sold Price
SoldFERRY PORSCHE/AUSTRO DAIMLER, mixed lot of 2 b/wEnglish Description: FERRY PORSCHE/AUSTRO DAIMLER, mixed lot of 2 b/w photos, 1x original photo Ferry Porsche"s FP1 (Kinderauto), 11 x 16.5 cm; 1x print Ferry Porsche on the steering wheel of the FP1See Sold Price
SoldDescription English: PROF. PORSCHE, 8 negativeDescription English: PROF. PORSCHE, 8 negatives, '20s, Austro-Daimler models ADM and Mercedes compressor, e.g. Fritz Hayden on Austro-Daimler racing car; and 1 negative Austro-Daimler factory, c. 190See Sold Price
SoldDescription English: cigarette case, silver (9Description English: cigarette case, silver (935), enameled, study: Zwickl, probably Austro-Daimler racing car 2-seater, c. late '20s, complex produced, yellow-black enameled, beautiful completed, inSee Sold Price
SoldDescription English: photo album in slipcase (Description English: photo album in slipcase (Jagdschloss Dornbach 1920-1928), nice document of the times of an affluent family, among them photos of vehicles like Austro Daimler, Buick and others; tSee Sold Price
SoldDescription English: ALFRED NEUBAUER/ TARGA FLDescription English: ALFRED NEUBAUER/ TARGA FLORIO, 1922, honorary plaque "Dem Sieger der Targa Florio 1922 Austro-Daimler", bronze plaque on a wood base, 28.5 by 16 cm, with engravings of the signatSee Sold Price
SoldDescription English: PROF. DR. ING. H.C. F. PODescription English: PROF. DR. ING. H.C. F. PORSCHE, 32 photos (original photos and prints from the '70s), about different developments by Prof. Porsche, e.g. Austro Daimler type Sascha, shoen on itSee Sold Price
AUSTRO DAIMLER folder in English, Austro-Daimler 8AUSTRO DAIMLER folder in English, Austro-Daimler 8 cylinder 100 PS, 1930, some creases, rare German Description: AUSTRO DAIMLER engl.-sprachiges Faltprospekt, Austro-Daimler 8 Zylinder 100 PS, 1930, eSee Sold Price
ÉCOLE ANGLAISE XIXe / ENGLISH SCHOOL 19th C. À la manière de / In the manner ofIEGOR Auctions4.2(133)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
18th Century English School, Portrait of a Lady, Oil on Canvas PaintingHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024