Soldmixed lot of programmes, 16-parts, the greater pEnglish Description: mixed lot of programmes, 16-parts, the greater part is punched, No. 1 September15th, 1968, Prix of the nations, Motodrom Hockenheim; No. 2 June 1968, International ADAC HessenpreSee Sold Price
Sold2 parts programme, Paderborn/Frankfurt internatiEnglish Description: 2 parts programme, Paderborn/Frankfurt international Steher racing, 1952, and MSC Frankfurter DNV grass track racing October 1952. Deutsche Beschreibung: 2 Teile Rennprogramm, PSee Sold Price
Sold2 parts programme, 1x "Sandbahnenrennen in HambuEnglish Description: 2 parts programme, 1x "Sandbahnenrennen in Hamburg-Framsen, Motrräder, sowie verbesserte Tourenwagen", 1963; 1x "2. Grasbahnrennen Elmshorn", 1953, motorbike, condition: 2 DeutsSee Sold Price
Sold3 parts programmes, Grand Prix of Germany NürburEnglish Description: 3 parts programmes, Grand Prix of Germany Nürburgring, August 1950, July 1951, August 1956 No. 156, No. 146 2 parts programme Grand Prix of Europe, August 1954 and August 1956,See Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 4 pieces, programmes, 2.Dieburger rEnglish Description: mixed lot of 4 pieces, programmes, 2.Dieburger racing 1949, car and motorbike, twice, and 4th "Dieburger-Dreiecksrennen" near Darmstadt, motorbike 1951, 5th "Dieburger-DreiecksreSee Sold Price
Sold2 parts books, flight history, No. 1 Roland TessiEnglish Description: 2 parts books, flight history, No. 1 Roland Tessier Helene Bouscher, multicolored illustrated 30's 59 pages, No. 2 like a booklet "CE Programme a ete concu et realise par a ALJANSee Sold Price
Soldframed print, "in Krieg bewehrt", Semperit, with mEnglish Description: framed print, "in Krieg bewehrt", Semperit, with magazine Ford Revue, No. 1, 11, 12, 1952 No. 3, 4, 11, 12, 1953 No. 2, 3, 4, 7, 1955 No. 2, condition 2,with programme, Grand PriSee Sold Price
Sold2 posters "24 heures du Mans", 1969 and 1970, witEnglish Description: 2 posters "24 heures du Mans", 1969 and 1970, with 1 programme 1969, 59.5 by 40 cm, both with good condition Deutsche Beschreibung: 2 Veranstaltungsplakate '24 heures du Mans', 1See Sold Price
SoldDescription English: 52. Targa Florio, programDescription English: 52. Targa Florio, programme 1968, condition: 2 Description German: 52. Targa Florio, Rennprogramm 1968, Zust.: 2 Description Italian: 52. Targa Florio, programma della corsa 1968See Sold Price
Soldofficial programme Hockenheimring, May cup racingEnglish Description: official programme Hockenheimring, May cup racing 1949, a bit moldy, otherwise good condition, rare Deutsche Beschreibung: Offizielles Rennprogramm Hockenheim-Ring, Mai-Pokal-RenSee Sold Price
Soldprogramme, Avus racing 1937, condition 2English Description: programme, Avus racing 1937, condition 2 Deutsche Beschreibung: Rennprogramm, Avus-Rennen 1937, Zust. 2. Description Français: programme de course, course Avus 1937, état. 2.See Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of programmes, No. 1 programme Le 24 hEnglish Description: mixed lot of programmes, No. 1 programme Le 24 heures du Mans, June 15th and 16th, 1963, 1 programme autumn-cup-racing Hockenheim Ring 1963, program 1967, Gran Premio de Madrid,See Sold Price
Soldracing poster, international DMV Rhein cup racingEnglish Description: racing poster, international DMV Rhein cup racing, for formula 2, June 14th, 1970, Hockenheim, 84 cm by 59 cm, condition 2 Deutsche Beschreibung: Rennplakat, intern. DMV Rhein-PSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE, mixed lot of 25 pieces, original brochuEnglish Description: PORSCHE, mixed lot of 25 pieces, original brochures, 80's, some double, with 2 press kits, the Porsche programme in 1986, and 944 Turbo, a press kit is incomplete, and Porsche 92See Sold Price
Football Programm 1942 Spain v FranceGerman Description: Programme Partido International Espana - Francia. 15.3.1942 Sevilla. (Spanien - Frankreich)mit Tesa geklebt --Absolute Rarität!!!!2 Seiten, 15x23 cm English Description: ProgrammeSee Sold Price
Football Programme 1958 Finland v HungaryEnglish Description: Programme: 1958 Finland vs Hungary 2.6.1958 in Helsinki. Size 15x21cm, 4 pages, cond. II-III. Deutsche Beschreibung: Football Programm 1958 Suomi v Unkari. (Finnland - Ungarn).See Sold Price
Soldmixed lot with 2 pieces, programmes, among it Grandmixed lot with 2 pieces, programmes, among it Grand Prix of Hockenheim, August 14th 1966, Motodrom Hockenheim, autumn-cup-race, September 4th 1966, good condition German Description Konv. 2tlg., ProgrSee Sold Price
SoldAUTO UNION/DKW, mixed lot of 5 pieces, No. 1 folEnglish Description: AUTO UNION/DKW, mixed lot of 5 pieces, No. 1 folder in English, 1959, 8 pages, DKW programme, "Your best buy in years"; No. 2 Germany 1958, folder Auto-Union programme, 8 pages;See Sold Price
SoldDescription English: programme "Großer Preis vDescription English: programme "Großer Preis von Deutschland für Rennwagen Juli 1939 auf dem Nürburgring", 52 pages, condition:1-2 Description German: Rennprogramm 'Großer Preis von Deutschland fSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 3 pieces, programmes, No. 1 motorbiEnglish Description: mixed lot of 3 pieces, programmes, No. 1 motorbike, international Rheinpokal racing, 1951, Hockenheim, condition 3-, Nr.2 championship racing Feldbergrennen, "Deutschlands höchsSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 9 pieces, No. 1 Mercedes-Benz produEnglish Description: mixed lot of 9 pieces, No. 1 Mercedes-Benz production programme, 1959, folder, 16 pages, No. 2 Mercedes-Benz, model program folder, 1971, English text, 10 pages, No. 3 brochure,See Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of programmes, 60's/70's, 14-parts, amonEnglish Description: mixed lot of programmes, 60's/70's, 14-parts, among them Gran Premio d´ italia, Monaco, 1000 km Nürburgring, Zandvoort, condition 2 Deutsche Beschreibung: Konv. Rennprogramme,See Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 3 programmes, international SolitudEnglish Description: mixed lot of 3 programmes, international Solitude racing for motorbikes with and without sidecar, 1951/1952/1954, partly with water stains, otherwise condition 2-3 Deutsche BeschSee Sold Price
SoldMILLE MIGLIA, 1940, rare programme, winner were HuEnglish Description: MILLE MIGLIA, 1940, rare programme, winner were Huschke von Hanstein and Walter Bäumer on BMW 328 Mille Miglia, condition 1-2, very rare Deutsche Beschreibung: MILLE MIGLIA 1940See Sold Price
ÉCOLE EUROPÉENNE XIXe / EUROPEAN SCHOOL 19TH C.IEGOR Auctions4.2(133)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Books: A quantity of books on the subject of England to include The History of England from theClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
1865 HISTORY OF NEW ENGLAND by J. PALFREY Vol. III antiqueJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
(3 Pc) Antique English William Brownfield Porcelain Hand Painted Cabinet PlatesAkiba Galleries4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
(8 Pc) English & German Porcelain Bird Figurine Grouping CollectionAkiba Galleries4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
(2 Pc) Antique English William Alsager Adderley WAA & Co. Handled Serving TraysAkiba Galleries4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Lot of 3 English Pottery Vases Incl. a MoorcroftWorld Auction Gallery LLC4.7(264)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024