Daniel Sannier (French, b. 1944), Waterlilies
Jacques Pergel (French,b 1924) oil paintingMar 10, 2024Pastel on paper Claude Monet after French Impressionism water lilies pond nature paintingApr 07, 2024G. de Laperriere Still LifeMar 02, 2024Christian Lacroix Wool Skirt Suits, 2Mar 03, 2024H Douglas Pratt (LA,NC, b 1944) gouache paintingApr 14, 2024Jean-Louis Dulaar (French, b. 1956) oil on canvas, painted metal, iron and wood, 3 dimension art.Feb 25, 2024Eugene Viaud DUAIV Oil Painting CoquelicotsFeb 24, 2024DANIEL PERSINGER (B. 1949) OIL ON CANVASFeb 24, 2024[CIVIL RIGHTS] -- [DAVIS, Angela Yvonne (b.1944 )]. Wanted by the FBI: Interstate Flight - Murder,Feb 27, 2024Pierre Bittar, Oil on Canvas Winter SceneFeb 28, 2024Pierre Bittar, Oil on Canvas Autumnal SceneFeb 28, 2024Francois Ledan, "New York Nights I"Feb 28, 2024OIL ON BOARD, VASE OF SUMMER FLOWERS, SIGNED H. EPSTEINFeb 24, 2024Abstract Oil on Canvas, in the manner of Nick Gaetano (b. 1944) AmericanFeb 24, 2024Pierre Bittar (French, B. 1934) Oil on CanvasMar 14, 20241735 BIBLE OLD TESTAMENT COMMENTARY by A.CALMET VELLUM BINDING FOLIO antiqueFeb 27, 2024Jean-Marie Massaud - Kennedee Sectional Sofa and OttomanFeb 28, 2024David Gerstein (Israeli, b. 1944) Van Gogh/Braque CatMar 07, 2024Laurent Proneur, HimFeb 29, 2024After Daniel French, Statue of the RepublicFeb 29, 2024Patrick Boudon Oil, AbstractionMar 02, 2024Gabriel Godard. Still Life in Blue, oilMar 02, 2024David Gerstein, modern sculpture, 'Le Chat'Mar 07, 2024(4) Books About American Brilliant Cut GlassMar 15, 2024