[Dali, Picasso] Paul Eluard, (3) vols.
Braque lithographe. With 3 lithographs. Mourlot Fernand. Monte Carlo, Andre Sauret, 1963.Feb 29, 2024Derriere le Miroir 42. Kandinsky. With 3 woodcutsFeb 29, 2024DALI. Biblia Sacra vulgatae editionis. 5 vols. with 105 Lithographs.Feb 29, 2024Les Mains Libres. Man Ray And Paul Eluard. 1937Feb 29, 2024Picasso, Pablo. Le Gout du Bonheur. 3 notebooks after Picasso, 71 prints, 1970.Feb 29, 2024The International Avant-Garde 3, 1962. One of 100 copies.Feb 29, 2024Baudelaire. Petits poemes en proses. 2 vols + suite of etchings by Grau SalaFeb 29, 2024Picasso. Toreros. With 4 lithographs by Picasso, one of them on 24 colors.Feb 29, 2024Klee Paul, Faksimile der Moderne n. 6. With 6 printsFeb 29, 2024Jours de gloire. Histoire de la liberation de Paris. Etchings by Picasso, Daragnes, Digimont,Feb 29, 2024Degas by Lafond, 1918, 2 vols.Feb 29, 2024Paris de Nuit. Brassai (Gyula Halasz), Paul Morand. Paris Arts et Metiers Graphiques, 1933.Feb 29, 2024TOULOUSE-LAUTREC et Son Oeuvre, 6 volsFeb 29, 2024Derriere Le Miroir 198. with 3 lithographs by Chagall.Feb 29, 2024Calder: Autobiographie. With 3 original lithographs.Feb 29, 2024Choix de pages de Paul Leautaud. One of 50 copies with a signed original lithograph by Matisse.Feb 29, 2024Facile. Man Ray Paul Eluard. 1935Feb 29, 2024Alternance. With 16 etchings by Matisse, Laurencin, Cocteau, Lhote, Villon and othersFeb 29, 2024Degas et son oeuvre, 4 volumes Paul Andre LemoisneFeb 29, 2024Non Vouloir. With 4 etchings by Picasso and a dedication in pen by Hugnet.Feb 29, 2024Picasso, Eluard. Le Visage De La Paix. With One Original Lithograph, 1951Feb 29, 2024XXe Siecle 5/6. 1939. Kandinsky, Ernst, Severini, and Others.Feb 29, 2024Jean Emile Laboureur - Bretagne : Promenade au calvaire, 1946Mar 10, 2024(4) Vols., Pablo PicassoMar 08, 2024