SoldDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT car clock 8 days withDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT car clock 8 days with enamelled clockface, 12 hours display, with Mercedes logo under the 12 clock tag, on the back marked Brevet Depose, must be restored, with a diameterSee Sold Price
SoldDAIMLER-MOTOREN-GESELLSCHAFT original black/white photoDAIMLER-MOTOREN-GESELLSCHAFT original black/white photo, 1923, Indianapolis 500 Max Sailer on the steering wheel of the 8-cylinder Mercedes racing car, 8.5 x 13.5 cm, rare photo German Description DAISee Sold Price
SoldMERCEDES BENZ mixed lot of 9 pieces, among them 8MERCEDES BENZ mixed lot of 9 pieces, among them 8 photos Grand Prix-racing car Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft 1914, among them also 1 photo automobile show 1936 Lautenschlager with A.H. and Werlin, at tSee Sold Price
SoldDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT original B/W company photoDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT original B/W company photo Daimler 8-cylinder racing car Indianapolis 500, Otto Merz at the steering wheel, 19x13cm, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition GermaSee Sold Price
DAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT original large-format B/WDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT original large-format B/W photo Alfred Neubauer with co-driver on Mercedes 8-cylinder racing car, framed, picture size 24 x 37 cm, in original frames German Description DASee Sold Price
SoldDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT Germany 1926 BergrekordDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT Germany 1926 Bergrekord Freiburg, Christian Werner on 8 cylinder Mercedes-racing car, rare original photo, in postcard size German Description DAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFTSee Sold Price
SoldDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT 1926, original B/W photoDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT 1926, original B/W photo Christian Werner on Mercedes 8 cylinder Grand Prix racing car, 13x18cm German Description DAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT 1926, original s/w AufnahmeSee Sold Price
SoldDAIMLER-MOTOREN-GESELLSCHAFT sales catalog MercedesDAIMLER-MOTOREN-GESELLSCHAFT sales catalog Mercedes Automobile, Germany 1914, sales catalog model program the types 8/22 HP cardan-car, 10/25 and 14/35 HP Mercedes cardan car, Mercedes Knight cardan cSee Sold Price
SoldDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT/OTTO MERZ original B/WDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT/OTTO MERZ original B/W factory photo DMG, Otto Merz on a 8-cylinder Grand Prix racing car with co-driver, 18 x 24 cm German Description DAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT/OTTO MSee Sold Price
SoldDAIMLER MOTORENGESELLSCHAFT, (British Mercedes Ltd.)DAIMLER MOTORENGESELLSCHAFT, (British Mercedes Ltd.) brochure Mercedes Three Litre chassis 21/60 HP, 8 pages, bound with a cord, very good condition, unusual German Description DAIMLER MOTORENGESELLSCSee Sold Price
SoldDAIMLER-MOTOREN-GESELLSCHAFT Germany 1927, operatingDAIMLER-MOTOREN-GESELLSCHAFT Germany 1927, operating instruction for the 15/70/100 HP Mercedes 6-cylinder-car, inclusive original B/W photo, 13.5 x 8.5 cm, good condition German Description DAIMLER-MOSee Sold Price
SoldDAIMLER-MOTOREN-GESELLSCHAFT original B/W photo KendellDAIMLER-MOTOREN-GESELLSCHAFT original B/W photo Kendell 1926, Southport, probably in a Mercedes Indianapolis racing car from 1923, small-format photo, extreme rare, 6 x 8 cm, small tear at the lower eSee Sold Price
SoldInterresting Car Clock, 8 daysEnglish Title: Interresting Car Clock, 8 days German Title: Interessante Autouhr mit 8 Tagewerk Description English: Interresting Car Clock, 8 days, signed TAVANNES, in very good condition, about 1940See Sold Price
Car Clock, 8 daysEnglish Title: Car Clock, 8 days German Title: Auto-Uhr mit 8 Tagewerk Description English: Car Clock, 8 days, signed JAERGER, about 1940. Description German: Auto-Uhr mit 8 Tagewerk, signiert JAEGER,See Sold Price
SoldARMSTRONG car clock, 8 Days, without function, foARMSTRONG car clock, 8 Days, without function, for restoring, not complete, overall diameter: 11.5 cm German Description: ARMSTRONG Autouhr, 8 Days, ohne Funktion. Restaurierungsobjekt, unvollständigSee Sold Price
SoldKIENZLE mechanical car clock, 8 days Antimagnetic,KIENZLE mechanical car clock, 8 days Antimagnetic, diameter:=6cm. German Description KIENZLE Mechanische Autouhr, 8 Tage Antimagnetic, d:=6cm.See Sold Price
SoldDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT car body draft around fromDAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT car body draft around from 1910 to 1915, 45 x 33 cm, moldy, rare German Description DAIMLER MOTOREN GESELLSCHAFT Karosserieentwurf um 1910 bis 1915, 45 x 33 cm, stockfleckSee Sold Price
'20s, English car clock 8 Days without function, should'20s, English car clock 8 Days without function, should be reworked, with a diameter of 9.5 cm, installation diameter 8 cm German Description 20er Jahre, engl. Autouhr 8 Days ohne Funktion, sollte übSee Sold Price
SoldOldsmobile Ansonia car clock; 8 day 2 3/4" diameter rouOldsmobile Ansonia car clock; 8 day; round with a 2 3/4" diameter painted silver metal dial with seconds bit; key wind in a dash mount metal case. (Small rub to dial; working at time of description; nSee Sold Price
SoldKIENZLE 2 car clocks, 8 days, 1x with function and 1xKIENZLE 2 car clocks, 8 days, 1x with function and 1x without function German Description KIENZLE 2 Autouhren, 8 Tage, 1x mit und 1x ohne FunktionSee Sold Price
Brevet Car Clock 8 day Subdial Art DecoThis is a Brevet 8 Day Car clock, measuring approximately 2/5" in diameter across the dial. The movement is signed Brevet, with a serial number of #33236. Excellent, near mint condition face, no crackSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Car Clocks: 8 Day Waltham & Jaeger NR2 car clocks: the first is a Waltham; 8 day; round with a 2 1/2" diameter black dial; key wind in a dash mount metal case, (Key wound tight; non working), second is a Jaeger; round with a black 2 1/2"See Sold Price
SoldInterresting Car Clock,Deutsche Beschreibung: Interessante Autouhr mit 8 Tagewerk, signiert TAVANNES, in sehr gutem Zustand, ca. 1940. English Description: Interresting Car Clock, 8 days, signed TAVANNES, in very good condiSee Sold Price
CHAMPION REGULATOR Antique 8 Day Clock 27inThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
4 Pieces desk clocks (1) Van Cleef & Arpels wind up alarm clock, Swiss movement, 8 day, Swiss #179Neely Auction4.6(224)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
c1860 Gothic Bronze Miniature Fountain ClockHeritage Gallery Auctions4.4(56)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Rare 27" Mystery Upside Down Chain Ball Swinging ClockCollective Hudson4.5(56)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Winterhalder & Hofmeier 8-Day Walnut and Brass Bracket ClockCollective Hudson4.5(56)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
A late 19thC / early 20thC French brass four glass mantle clock The 8-day movement striking on aClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
4 Shelf Mantle Clocks, incl. Chicago Netherland Ingraham and New Haven ClockConcept Art Gallery4.7(509)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Brass Salem Ship's Bell 8 Day Clock w/ Key.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Vintage Gold Dunhill Alarm Clock, 8 Day, 7 Jewels, Swiss MadeAndrew's Coin & Jewelry4.5(209)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024