SoldThe Hohokam - Emil HauryGreat book detailing excavations at Snaketown between 1964-1965 and the findings there.See Sold Price
SoldD. HauryCirca 1980 Matted signed original acrylic on art board of a single seated figure in peyote chant. 13" x 11-3/4" (19-1/2" x 16" matted)See Sold Price
Sold3 paintings, horse, tiger & lion, L.W. Haury, lion &3 paintings, horse, tiger & lion, L.W. Haury, lion & horse are 48" by 38" each, tiger is 48" by 48", all are portrait style.See Sold Price
Sold569 [Stylos] HAURY, Pierre & Jean-Pierre LACROUX - Une[Stylos] HAURY, Pierre & Jean-Pierre LACROUX - Une affaire de stylos. Paris, Seghers / Quintette, 1990. In-4, reliure de l'éditeur, jaquette. Reproductions en couleur. On ySee Sold Price
SoldHaury, Zemil W. The Hohokam, Desert farmers & CraHaury, Zemil W. The Hohokam, Desert farmers & Craftsmen: Excavations at Snaketown, 1964-1965. The University of Arizona Press. Tucson. 1978. Large 4to, hard cover, xii, 412 pp. and profusely illustratSee Sold Price
SoldHohokam Gila Red Onion Skin Vessel - Rare Tall NeckNative American, North America, southern Arizona, Hohokam culture, ca. 150 CE - 1150 CE. According to archaeologist Emil Haury, the Hohokam were "masters of the desert". Indeed Hohokam culture evolvedSee Sold Price
SoldFountain Pen Reference Books (3)Lot of 3 Fountain Pen Books. Includes HC The Chronicle of the Fountain Pen by Joao Pavao Martins, Luiz Leite, and Antonio Gagean, HC A Passion for Pens by Pierre Haury & Jean-Pierre LaCroux, and HC ASee Sold Price
SoldBook ''The Hohokam Desert Farmers & Craftmen''Book ''The Hohokam Desert Farmers & Craftmen'' by Emil W. Haury. Measures 12''x9.5''. SHI $20.See Sold Price