SoldBeautiful & Tall Costa Rican Jade Celt - Avian FormPre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Linea Vieja, Atlantic watershed, ca. 200 to 500 CE. Absolutely stunning example of stone-work! Carved, drilled and string cut deep green translucent jade celt in the form ofSee Sold Price
Beautiful / Tall Costa Rican Jade Celt - Avian FormPre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Linea Vieja, Atlantic watershed, ca. 200 to 500 CE. Absolutely stunning example of stone-work! Carved, drilled and string cut deep green translucent jade celt in the form ofSee Sold Price
SoldCosta Rican Jade Celt - Avian FormPre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Nicoya Region, ca. 200 to 600 CE. A pale green jadeite celt (hand axe), finely carved, depicting a tropical bird-human effigy with a pointed beak, crest-like heaSee Sold Price
SoldCosta Rican Jade Axe Celt - Avian Form**Originally Listed At $250** Pre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Guanacaste/Nicoya region, ca. 200 to 600 CE. Finely carved from a pale mint green jade with almond brown inclusions, an avian axe god, the loweSee Sold Price
Costa Rican Jade Axe Celt - Avian FormPre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Guanacaste/Nicoya region, ca. 200 to 600 CE. Finely carved from a pale mint green jade with almond brown inclusions, an avian axe god, the lower section a nice celt form, thSee Sold Price
Costa Rican Jade Axe Celt - Avian Form**Originally Listed At $250** Pre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Guanacaste/Nicoya region, ca. 200 to 600 CE. Finely carved from a pale mint green jade with almond brown inclusions, an avian axe god, the loweSee Sold Price
Costa Rican Jade Axe Celt - Avian Form**Originally Listed At $250** Pre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Guanacaste/Nicoya region, ca. 200 to 600 CE. Finely carved from a pale mint green jade with almond brown inclusions, an avian axe god, the loweSee Sold Price
Costa Rican Jade Axe God Celt - Avian Form**Originally Listed At $300** Pre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Guanacaste / Nicoya region, ca. 200 to 600 CE. An avian axe god celt carved from a jade of pale green hues with lovely inclusions. The upper seSee Sold Price
Costa Rican Jade Axe God Celt - Avian FormPre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Guanacaste / Nicoya region, ca. 200 to 600 CE. An avian axe god celt carved from a jade of pale green hues with lovely inclusions. The upper section is representative of a pSee Sold Price
SoldCosta Rican Jade Avian Celt in Translucent GreenPre-Columbian, Costa Rica, central highlands, ca. 300 BCE to 500 CE. Beautiful translucent jade avian-form pendant. In the form of a celt with thin blade at lower section, distinct avian form head witSee Sold Price
SoldCosta Rican Jade Celt - Crocodilian FormPre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Nicoya, ca. 1 to 500 CE. Lovely jade celt in avian and crocodilian form carved from opaque greenish-gray stone. Sharpened blade on lower section, avian beak, string cut ridgSee Sold Price
SoldCosta Rican Jade Avian CeltPre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Pacific slope, ca 200 to 600 CE. Tall, thin jade celt in the form of an abstract avian. Drilled through neck for suspension. Size: 5-3/8" H. Provenance: Ex-Denver, CO colleSee Sold Price
Costa Rican Jade Celt - Crocodilian FormPre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Nicoya, ca. 1 to 500 CE. Lovely jade celt in avian and crocodilian form carved from opaque greenish-gray stone. Sharpened blade on lower section, avian beak, string cut ridgSee Sold Price
SoldPre-columbian Costa Rican Avian Jade Celt PendantPre-columbian Avian Jade Celt Pendant from Costa rica, ca. 1000 A.D. This beautiful pendantis carved in the form of a bird from a very fine jade. Perforated for suspension.1-3/4″ in height.See Sold Price
Large Costa Rican Green Jade Avian CeltPre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Guanacaste-Nicoya, ca. 1 to 500 CE. One of the most beautiful examples of ancient stone-work one can find! Carved translucent gray-green jade in the form of a zoomorphic celSee Sold Price
Costa Rican Green Jade Avian Pendant, ex-ArnovickPre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Guanacaste / Nicoya region, ca. 1 to 500 CE. A deep green jade celt, carved in an abstract avian form of lovely proportions, embellished with a crested head, circular drilleSee Sold Price
SoldCosta Rican Jade Avian Axe CeltPre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Guanacaste/Nicoya region, ca. 200 to 600 CE. Finely carved from a verdant green jade with elegant black inclusions, an avian axe god, the lower section a nice celt form, theSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Costa Rican Jade Axe God - Avian Form**Originally Listed At $75** Pre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Guanacaste/Nicoya region, ca. 200 to 600 CE. Finely carved from pistachio-hued jade, this elegant axe god has a lower section in a celt form andSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Costa Rican Jade Axe God - Avian Form**First Time At Auction**Pre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Guanacaste/Nicoya region, ca. 200 to 600 CE. Finely carved from pistachio-hued jade, this elegant axe god has a lower section in a celt form and theSee Sold Price
SoldDelicate Costa Rican Jadeite Stone Celt - AvianPre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Guanacaste/Nicoya region, ca. 200 to 600 CE. Finely carved from a pale blue-green jadeite, this is an avian axe god, the lower section a nice celt form, the upper section reSee Sold Price
SoldCosta Rican Jade Avian Pendant**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Guanacaste / Nicoya region, ca. 200 to 600 CE. Carved from a jade stone of sage green hues, an avian axe god, the lower section a nice celt form, tSee Sold Price
Costa Rican Jade Celt - Avaian FormPre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Nicoya Region, ca. 200 to 600 CE. A pale green jadeite celt (hand axe), finely carved, depicting a tropical bird-human effigy with a pointed beak, crest-like heaSee Sold Price
Costa Rican Jade Celt - Avaian FormPre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Nicoya Region, ca. 200 to 600 CE. A pale green jadeite celt (hand axe), finely carved, depicting a tropical bird-human effigy with a pointed beak, crest-like heaSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2 Costa Rican Stone Celts - Avian FormsAtlantic Watershed, Costa Rica, ca. 100 to 500 CE. This pair of Costa Rican pendants, carved from quartzite stone - one of which is translucent, manifest the forms of avian deities. Both show stylizedSee Sold Price
GOLD MOUNT SPINACH JADE EGG FORM BOXThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Costa Rican Redware Tri-Pod Vessel With Hollow Legs From NicoyiaRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Francisco Zuniga 1912-1998 Flower Sellers PaintingHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Chinese Archaic Carved Jade Qilin 2-Handled CupAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceApr 07, 2024
Simone Samuels (American 1929-2020) macrame and jade necklaceRachel Davis Fine Arts4.7(476)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Costa Rican Serpentine Figure Female Fertility VotiveArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024