SoldSouth Pole.- Coronelli (Vincenzo Maria) [Globe Gore]NO RESERVE South Pole.- Coronelli (Vincenzo Maria) [Globe Gore] Fernando Magaglianes Poco Contento del Re di Portogallo suo Signore..., unusual map completely lacking cartographic detail, but insteadSee Sold Price
SoldFrance.- Mediterranean.- Coronelli (Vincenzo Maria) LaNO RESERVE France.- Mediterranean.- Coronelli (Vincenzo Maria, publisher) La Costa di Linguadocha, Provenza, et una Parte d'Italia, showing the coastline from the region of Languedoc-Roussillon, withSee Sold Price
SoldNetherlands.- Coronelli (Vincenzo Maria) ParteNetherlands.- Coronelli (Vincenzo Maria) Parte Septtentrionale dell' Hollanda, vulgo Westuriesland en Tnoorder Quartier, map of the northern Netherlands with the fortified cities of Amsterdam, Hoorn,See Sold Price
SoldCORONELLI, Vincenzo Maria (1650-1718). AmericaCORONELLI, Vincenzo Maria (1650-1718). America Settentrionale colle nuove scoperte fin all'Anno 1688. Venice, 1688. Engraved map of North America on 2 sheets, hand-colored in outline, sheets each apprSee Sold Price
Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria. Memorie IstoriograficheCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria. Memorie Istoriografiche delli Regni della Morea, e Negroponte e luoghi adiacenti.[Venezia], s.e., 1686. In 2°. Titolo inciso in rame contenuto in elegante cornSee Sold Price
SoldOceania.- Coronelli (Vincenzo Maria) - Mare del Sud,depicting California as an island, the west coast only of New Zealand, the north coast of New Holland and the south coast of Van Dieman s land, large decorative title cartouche supported by sea nymphsSee Sold Price
SoldCoronelli, Vincenzo MariaOrdinum equestrium, ac militarium brevis narratio, cum imaginibus expositaSee Sold Price
SoldCoronelli Vincenzo MariaCoronelli Vincenzo Maria, Guida de' forestieri unita al proto-giornale perpetuo per la città di Venezia... In Venezia: presso l'Orlandi libraro in merzeria, 1715. In-24° (mm 110x80). PagineSee Sold Price
SoldCoronelli (Vincenzo Maria) - Planisfero del Mondocircular map of the Eastern hemisphere, with decorative borders including signs of the zodiac, from Coronelli's Atlante Veneto, engraving, 460 x 615mm., central vertical fold with small repair to splSee Sold Price
SoldCoronelli (Vincenzo Maria) - Scotia, Partethe separately titled north and south maps of Scotland joined to form one, decorative title cartouches to each right side, engraved map on 2 sheets, joined, 895 x 630mm., faint central vertical fold,See Sold Price
SoldIndia & Sri Lanka.- Coronelli (Vincenzo Maria) PenisolaIndia & Sri Lanka.- Coronelli (Vincenzo Maria) Penisola dell' Indo di qua del Gange, e l'Isola di Ceilan nell' Indie Orientali Descritta..., map of India below the Tropic of Cancer, with inset maps ofSee Sold Price
SoldCORONELLI, VINCENZO MARIA. America Settentrionale.CORONELLI, VINCENZO MARIA. America Settentrionale. Large map of North America on two unjoined double-page engraved sheets. Approximately 26½x19¼ inches each sheet size, ample margins; hand-cSee Sold Price
SoldCORONELLI, VINCENZO MARIA; and NOLIN, JEAN BAPTISTE.CORONELLI, VINCENZO MARIA; and NOLIN, JEAN BAPTISTE. Partie Occidentale du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France ou Sont les Nations des Ilinois, de Tracy, les Iroquois, et Plusieurs Autres Peuples; Avec laSee Sold Price
SoldCoronelli (Vincenzo Maria) Silesia InferioreCoronelli (Vincenzo Maria) Silesia Inferiore; Marcomania; Austria Superiore,regions of Austria, large ornamental cartouches, numerous coats-of-arms, 3 engraved maps, with partial hand-colourinSee Sold Price
SoldCORONELLI, VINCENZO MARIA. Polo Settentrionale, oCORONELLI, VINCENZO MARIA. Polo Settentrionale, o Boreale, et Artico. Double-page engraved globe calotte of the North Pole. 19x27½ inches sheet size, wide margins; scattered light staining, repaiSee Sold Price
Isolario - Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria. Isolario, deIsolario - Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria. Isolario, descrittione geografico-historica, sacro-profana, antico-moderna, politica, naturale, e poetica....[tomi ii dell'Atlante Veneto].Venezia, a spesSee Sold Price
SoldCoronelli Vincenzo MariaCoronelli Vincenzo Maria. Memorie Istoriografiche delli Regni della Morea, e Negroponte e luoghi adiacenti.... [Venezia]: s.e., 1686. In-folio (mm 400x270). Carte [1] di occhietto calcografico, [See Sold Price
SoldCoronelli (Vincenzo Maria) Quantung, e FokienCoronelli (Vincenzo Maria) Quantung, e Fokien, Provincia della China,southern China, with decorative title cartouche and ships, engraved map with original hand-colouring in outline, 465 x 615mSee Sold Price
SoldAstronomy & Astrology.- Coronelli (Vincenzo Maria) - Aof more, relating to Coronelli's celestial globe gores, numerous captions in Italian, French, Latin, Greek and Arabic, engraved elliptical charts on laid paper bearing a watermark of three crescent moSee Sold Price
SoldCoronelli (Vincenzo Maria) Terre ArticheCoronelli (Vincenzo Maria) Terre Artichethe Arctic Circle, from Hudson Bay to northern Iceland, to Siberia, with title cartouche of wind-heads, a central cartouche of glaciersn with descriptivSee Sold Price
SoldCoronelli (Vincenzo Maria) Aevi Veteris...Coronelli (Vincenzo Maria) Aevi Veteris...engraved circular map, bordered with signs of the zodiac, 450 x 610mm., tear to vertical fold, just into plate, Venice, 1695.See Sold Price
SoldCoronelli (Vincenzo Maria) Isole CanarieCoronelli (Vincenzo Maria) Isole Canarie,decorative three-part map of the Canary Islands, with the island group in the lower left half, the remainder occupied by a fringed curtain in two drapeSee Sold Price
Coronelli Vincenzo MariaCoronelli Vincenzo Maria, Memorie istoriografiche de' Regni della Morea, Negroponte e littorali fin'a Salonichi accresciute in questa seconda edizione nel laboratorio del p.m. Coronelli... [Venezia]:See Sold Price
SoldCoronelli, Vincenzo MariaViaggio d'Italia in Inghilterra, descrittione geografico-historica, sacro-profana, antico-moderna, e naturale Venezia, Giovanni Battista Tramontin, 1697. In 8°. 2 voll. Illustrato con un totale di 11See Sold Price
Maria Louisa Wagner (NY,1815-1888) oil painting antiqueSee Sold PriceMar 10, 2024Broward Auction Gallery
Maria Becket 1839-1904 Signed Antique American Hudson River School Sunset Landscape Oil PaintingSee Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024Curated Gallery Auctions
[ART]. [WEEDEN, Maria Howard (1847-1905)]. Portrait of an elderly African American woman.See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024Freeman's | Hindman
Unframed Artist Proof Lithograph signed and dated by Jose Maria Mijares (Cuban, 1921-2004)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024Basel Auction House
Unframed Lithograph signed, numbered and dated by Jose Maria Mijares (Cuban, 1921-2004)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024Basel Auction House
Unframed Lithograph signed, numbered and dated by Jose Maria Mijares (Cuban, 1921-2004)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024Basel Auction House
Unframed Lithograph signed, numbered and dated by Jose Maria Mijares (Cuban, 1921-2004)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024Basel Auction House
Unframed Lithograph signed, numbered and dated by Jose Maria Mijares (Cuban, 1921-2004)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024Basel Auction House
Unframed Artist Proof Lithograph signed and dated by Jose Maria Mijares (Cuban, 1921-2004)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024Basel Auction House
Jose Maria Mijares (1921-2004) Cuban, Framed watercolor and Ink on paperSee Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024Basel Auction House
Jose Maria Mijares (1921-2004) Cuban, Framed watercolor and Ink on paperSee Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024Basel Auction House
Jose Maria Mijares (1921-2004) Cuban, Framed watercolor on paper with COASee Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024Basel Auction House
Jose Maria Mijares (1921-2004) Cuban, Framed watercolor on Cardboard with COA signed lower left.See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024Basel Auction House
Jose Maria Mijares (1921-2004) Cuban, Framed watercolor and Ink on paperSee Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024Basel Auction House
Jose Maria Mijares (1921-2004 ) Cuban artist framed mixed media on board, signed lower right.See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024Basel Auction House
1729 ANTIQUE VELLUM BOUND FOLIO Commentaria ad constitutiones apostolicas VENICESee Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024Jasper52
CALLAS MARIA & BERNSTEIN LEONARD: (1923-1977)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.