Confederate Imprints and Manuscripts
Illuminated Manuscript Leaf of The CrucifixionMar 02, 2024Illuminated Manuscript Leaf of GethsemaneMar 02, 2024Illuminated Manuscript Leaf of The VisitationMar 02, 2024Illuminated Manuscript Leaf of John the EvangelistMar 02, 2024Illuminated Manuscript Leaf of The Holy TrinityMar 02, 2024Illuminated Manuscript Leaf of The PassionMar 02, 2024Illuminated Manuscript Leaf of The PentecostMar 02, 2024Illuminated Manuscript Leaf of Peter & PaulMar 02, 20242 Illuminated Books of Hours ManuscriptsMar 02, 2024Rare Confederate D Guard Bowie KnifeFeb 24, 2024Confederate Style Artillery Sword w/ Scabbard. Made by the Ames Co. w/ Inspectors MarksFeb 24, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. Manuscript Printed Confederate Soldier’s Disch...Mar 07, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. Confederate States of America “Bill of Health”...Mar 07, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. Group of Three Signed Documents, Three Soldier...Mar 07, 2024[LITHOGRAPHY]. Group of 28 Confederate Loan Certificates an...Mar 07, 2024Confederate States Half Dollar Pattern 1861 Silver CoinFeb 24, 20241676 J. BUXTORF Lexicon Hebraicum & Chaldaicum JUDAICA antique VELLUM BINDINGFeb 27, 20241508 Leaf Canons of AvicennaFeb 27, 2024Judaica .- Josephus (Flavius) Le Grant Almageste, contenant les Annales et Antiquitez IudaicquesFeb 29, 2024BULOW HANS VON: (1830-1894)Mar 13, 2024DORE GUSTAVE: (1832-1883)Mar 14, 2024WILHELM KARL: (1864-1928)Mar 14, 2024[EGYPTIAN ROYALTY]:Mar 14, 2024GREVY JULES: (1807-1891)Mar 14, 2024