SoldClockwork Musical Monkey With Beating Tin Drum – No.Clockwork Musical Monkey With Beating Tin Drum – No. 1762C – Made in Hong Kong – Original Box – Age 8+ - No Signs of Wear – If Played with Gently Played – Celluloid Faces - Fully FunctionaSee Sold Price
SoldDistler Monkey Drummerlithographed tin clockwork monkey on base beating a drum - great German lithography 8" t.See Sold Price
Vintage 1950's Windup MUSICAL MONKEY on Barrel & GuitarVintage 1950's Windup Mechanical MUSICAL MONKEY Sitting on Barrel with Guitar, made in Japan. When wound this cute little mohair covered monkey with tin face, sitting on a tin drum barrel, strums hisSee Sold Price
SoldSchuco Solisto 985/1 Clockwork Monkey DrummerSchuco Solisto 985/1 clockwork monkey drummer, US Zone Germany, green jacket, blue trousers, red beret, brown hair, tin drum, yellow bow tie, slight discolouration to felt, tiny marks to face of drumSee Sold Price
SoldSchuco - 985/1 Clockwork Monkey DrummerSchuco - 985/1 Clockwork Monkey Drummer - blue jacket and beret - pink neck ribbon - yellow trousers - tin drum - mainly Very Good - some scratches to surface of drum - mechanism requires attention -See Sold Price
SoldSchuco 985/1 Solisto Clockwork Monkey DrummerSchuco - 985/1 - Solisto Clockwork Monkey Drummer - light grey jacket - black trousers, red beret, brown hair, tin drum - Excellent and in working order - contained in an Excellent illustrated box, 4.See Sold Price
SoldSchuco - 985/1 - Clockwork Monkey DrummerSchuco - 985/1 - Clockwork Monkey Drummer - red jacket, green trousers, red beret, brown hair - mainly Excellent - some paint loss to tin drum - in working order and contained in a Good illustrated boSee Sold Price
SoldSchuco - 985/1 Clockwork Monkey DrummerSchuco - 985/1 Clockwork Monkey Drummer - red jacket and beret - black buttons - yellow neck ribbon and trousers - rare ginger plush hair - tin drum - mainly Good - tassel missing from beret - jacketSee Sold Price
SoldSchuco - 985/1 Clockwork Monkey DrummerSchuco - 985/1 Clockwork Monkey Drummer - green jacket - yellow trousers - red beret and neck ribbon - tin drum - Excellent - some scratching to surface of drum - in working order and contained in a PSee Sold Price
SoldSchuco - 985/1 - Clockwork Monkey DrummerSchuco - 985/1 - Clockwork Monkey Drummer - green jacket - yellow trousers - red cap - dark brown hair - red and white tin drum - Excellent - minor marks and scratches to drum - in working order - 4.5See Sold Price
Vintage 1950's Windup MUSICAL MONKEY Sitting on BarrelVintage 1950's Windup Mechanical MUSICAL MONKEY Sitting on Barrel with Guitar, made in Japan. When wound this cute little mohair covered monkey with tin face, sitting on a tin drum barrel, strums hisSee Sold Price
50's Windup MUSICAL MONKEY Sitting on Barrel withVintage 1950's Windup Mechanical MUSICAL MONKEY Sitting on Barrel with Guitar, made in Japan. When wound this cute little mohair covered monkey with tin face, sitting on a tin drum barrel, strums hisSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN TIN MUSICAL CLOWN171. GERMAN TIN MUSICAL CLOWN | Clown with painted tin drum at base, clockwork plink-plink music, hand painted head, moves arms up and down, wearing a cone-shaped hat and classic clown outfit. 8" h.See Sold Price
SoldNETTE-Boxed Clown Drummer & Monkey TravelerLHC Japan, early Clown Drummer, compo, litho tin & dressed, working , 7" tall, 1 rubber drum stick incomplete, but functional; ALPS Japan, Traveler Monkey, litho tin, clock work working, 6" tall, bothSee Sold Price
SoldDISTLER DRUMMING MONKEYGermany, lithographed tin, monkey drummer with working clockwork, prewar, c. 1920's, very colorful toy able to hit drum with sticks when wound. 8 1/2" h.See Sold Price
SoldDISTLER DRUMMING MONKEYGermany, lithographed tin monkey drummer with working clockwork, pre-war, c. 1920's, very colorful toy able to hit drum with sticks. 8 1/2".See Sold Price
SoldDISTLER Monkey Drummer Tall Wind Up 1920sDISTLER German tin monkey drummer, with working clockwork, pre-war circa 1920s. Very colorful tin litho toy. Good mechanical action, when base wound monkey hits drum with sticks. Very good condition,See Sold Price
SoldDistler Drumming MonkeyDistler Drumming Monkey lithographed tin with clockwork, great color and and typical Distler detail - 3 actions: he drums, nods head and moves tail 8" t.See Sold Price
SoldGunthermann Monkey Drummerpainted tin clockwork with Òplink plunkÓ music and lithographed tin drum 9" t.See Sold Price
Soldmixed lot tin toy, SCHUCO, monkey with drum, clock mechanism is faulty, train, sheet metal, US-zone,mixed lot tin toy, SCHUCO, monkey with drum, clock mechanism is faulty, train, sheet metal, US-zone, function restricted, 1 well, sheet metal, handpainted, 23 cm, 1 Nuremberg gingerbread house, more rSee Sold Price
SoldSchuco Gymnastic Monkey Acrobat No. 889, c. 1958Schuco Gymnastic Monkey Acrobat No. 889, c. 1958 Made in Western Germany. Tin body, wool-felt clothes, chequered cloth trousers, lithographed tin drum, brass cymbals, height 4 ½ in., clockwork (funcSee Sold Price
Japanese Mechanical Wind-Up Monkey Toy VintageCowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(201)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A Meccano tin-plate clockwork Motor Car Constructor Outfit No.2 set, British, 1930s, ((Qty))Bonhams4.1(320)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024