Marklin Germany Vintage Steam Engine w/ GeneratorHeritage Gallery Auctions4.4(56)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
MARKLIN SERIES II, CLOCKWORK BATTLESHIP, USS NY.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
SoldCLOCKWORK MARKLIN LOCOMOTIVES15. CLOCKWORK MARKLIN LOCOMOTIVES | 0 gauge, clockwork. | 8.5" l. | (Excellent to Pristine Condition) | $250 - $500See Sold Price
SoldMARKLIN AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE AND TENDER4. MARKLIN AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE AND TENDER | Germany, 1 gauge, early clockwork Marklin locomotive with nickel bell and cow catcher added for the American market Loco & tender 17" l.See Sold Price
SoldCLOCKWORK MARKLIN RS LOCOMOTIVE & PASSENGER CARS143. CLOCKWORK MARKLIN RS LOCOMOTIVE & PASSENGER CARS | Loco missing one hand rail and one door handle, loco roof is missing one clerestory side, one car has replaced roof. | $200 - $400See Sold Price
SoldMARKLIN CLOCKWORK LOCOMOTIVE272. MARKLIN CLOCKWORK LOCOMOTIVE | Gauge 1, clockwork. | Loco 9" l. | Loco lacquered with minor touch-ups on edges, tender missing couplers, Loco missing two headlamps, (Exc. Cond.) | $400 - $600See Sold Price
Soldc1910 O Gauge Marklin Clockwork Locomotive & Train Tendc1910 O Gauge Marklin Clockwork Locomotive & Train Tender. Made for American Market. Measurements in inches: 8 long with 4 long tender Condition:Has original paint with some wear. No key Shipping:We oSee Sold Price
c1910 O Gauge Marklin Clockwork Locomotive & Trainc1910 O Gauge Marklin Clockwork Locomotive & Train Tender. Made for American Market 8 long with 4 long tender Shipping in continental US $75.00 If shipping is $0 then buyer arranges pick up or shippinSee Sold Price
c1910 O Gauge Marklin Clockwork Locomotive & Trainc1910 O Gauge Marklin Clockwork Locomotive & Train Tender. Made for American Market. Measurements in inches:8 long with 4 long tender We offer in-house shipping. Item(s) will be packed after invoice iSee Sold Price
SoldA pre war Marklin clockwork locomotive (040) the mA pre war Marklin clockwork locomotive (040) the model in brown with red and black coach lining and black chassis, complete with tender and 3 coaches, together with correct key the clockwork motor worSee Sold Price
SoldA pre war Marklin clockwork locomotive (040) theA pre war Marklin clockwork locomotive (040) the model in brown with red and black coach lining and black chassis, complete with tender and 3 coaches, together with control rods that are separated froSee Sold Price
SoldMARKLIN CLOCKWORK LOCOMOTIVE56. MARKLIN CLOCKWORK LOCOMOTIVE | Gauge 1. | Loco 9" l. | Loco mostly repainted, missing head lamps, one broken buffer, overall (Very Good Condition) | $200 - $400See Sold Price
SoldGroup of Gauge 0 and I Railway Toys, c. 1925Group of Gauge 0 and I Railway Toys, c. 1925 1) Märklin clockwork locomotive R 900 (working). – 2) Hornby clockwork locomotive LNER 460 (working). – 3) Bing clockwork locomotive 485 (defective).See Sold Price
SoldMARKLIN HAND PAINTED 4-4-0 LOCOMOTIVE & TENDER106. MARKLIN HAND PAINTED 4-4-0 LOCOMOTIVE & TENDER | Germany, 1 gauge, clockwork Marklin American outline locomotive, features cowcatcher and bell, long impressive 4-4-0 locomotive with larger four wSee Sold Price
SoldMARKLIN CLOCKWORK R880 LOCOMOTIVE244. MARKLIN CLOCKWORK R880 LOCOMOTIVE | All Original Condition. | O gauge 10" l.See Sold Price
SoldEarly Marklin clock work locomotiveMarklin clock work loco, 1 gauge, 1905, original paint has some paint loss, missing some parts, C1-2.See Sold Price
SoldLocomotives and Wagons Gauge 0Locomotives and Wagons Gauge 0 Steam locomotive "Märklin" R890, clockwork, without tender; 3 passenger cars "Märklin" no. 17230; starter set "Hornby", without locomotive; steam locomotive "Payá", eSee Sold Price
SoldMARKLIN 0-4-0 CLOCKWORK LOCOMOTIVEGermany, I gauge example, done in green body, red trimmed engineer's compartment, nickel dome, head lamp at front, red painted wheels, together with four wheel tin tinder, red striped sides. LocomotivSee Sold Price
SoldBING CLOCKWORK LOCOMOTIVE AND MARKLIN LUMBER CARS245. BING CLOCKWORK LOCOMOTIVE AND MARKLIN LUMBER CARS | All Original Condition. | 1 gauge, includes two sections of track, a clockwork Bing windcutter 0-4-0 loco and tender with spoked cast metal wheSee Sold Price
SoldEarly Marklin 0-4-0 clockwork locomotiveEarly Marklin 0-4-0 clockwork locomotive, C2-3.See Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF MARKLIN LOCOMOTIVES1049. PAIR OF MARKLIN LOCOMOTIVES | Gauge 1, clockwork, lithographed. | Loco 10" l. | Smoke stack on maroon Loco touched up along one black line on side of boiler, otherwise in All Original Condition.See Sold Price
SoldMARKLIN WHISTLER LOCOMOTIVE158. MARKLIN WHISTLER LOCOMOTIVE | Clockwork, Hand painted, Gauge 0, early Marklin "D" whistle loco, classic 0-4-2 wheel arrangement, nickel steam cylinders push air through a whistle in the smoke staSee Sold Price
SoldLot Toy Railways Gauge 0Lot Toy Railways Gauge 0 1) Steam locomotive "Märklin" no. R890, clockwork (working). - 2) 2 x passenger car "Märklin" no. 17250. - 3) Luggage car "Märklin" no. 17260. - 4) Station building "Karl BSee Sold Price
Märklin English Clockwork Locomotive, Gauge I, c. 1922Märklin English Clockwork Locomotive, Gauge I, c. 1922 Gebrüder Märklin & Cie., Göppingen, Germany. No. 66, 0-4-0 wheel arrangement, 2-axle tender no. 1/48, forward and reverse, spring-driven (woSee Sold Price
SoldMARKLIN ENGLISH MARKET GNR LOCOMOTIVE & TENDER113. MARKLIN ENGLISH MARKET GNR LOCOMOTIVE & TENDER | Germany, 1 gauge, Marklin clockwork English outline locomotive in GNR livery, featuring British style locomotive cab, large six wheel tender, andSee Sold Price
Märklin English Clockwork Locomotive Gauge I, c. 1922Märklin English Clockwork Locomotive Gauge I, c. 1922 Gebrüder Märklin & Cie., Göppingen, Germany. No. 66, 0-4-0 wheel arrangement, 2-axle tender no. 1/48, forward and reverse, spring-driven (worSee Sold Price
Huge Tote of HO Scale Steam and Diesel Train Locomotives, Cars and PartsJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Marklin 1993 Standard Oil Tankard Clockwork ToyRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
MARKLIN SERIES II, CLOCKWORK BATTLESHIP, USS NY.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
MARKLIN AMERICAN STYLE LOCOMOTIVE, TENDER AND CARS.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
MARKLIN BRASS STEAM LOCOMOTIVE, TENDER AND CAR.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
MARKLIN CLOCKWORK LOCOMOTIVE, TENDER, AND ONE CAR.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
MARKLIN RO LOCOMOTIVE WITH TENDER AND CATTLE CAR.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
MARKLIN LOCOMOTIVE, TENDER, AND THREE COACHES.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024