SoldChupicuaro Bi-Chrome Pottery Face Bowl**Originally Listed at $300** Pre-Columbian, West Mexico, Guanajuato River Valley, Chupicuaro, ca. 500 to 300 BCE. A fabulous polychrome hand-built terracotta face bowl of a deep, rounded form with aSee Sold Price
Chupicuaro Bi-Chrome Pottery Face BowlPre-Columbian, West Mexico, Guanajuato River Valley, Chupicuaro, ca. 500 to 300 BCE. A fabulous polychrome hand-built terracotta face bowl of a deep, rounded form with a bold visage at one end presentSee Sold Price
Fabulous / Large Chupicuaro Pottery Head VesselPre-Columbian, West Mexico, Guanajuato Valley, Chupicuaro, ca. 500 BCE to 300 CE. A fabulous, hand-built, bichrome pottery face bowl with a bold visage on one side presenting expressive features incluSee Sold Price
Fabulous / Large Chupicuaro Pottery Head VesselPre-Columbian, West Mexico, Guanajuato Valley, Chupicuaro, ca. 500 BCE to 300 CE. A fabulous, hand-built, bichrome pottery face bowl with a bold visage on one side presenting expressive features incluSee Sold Price
Rare / Large Chupicuaro Pottery Head VesselPre-Columbian, West Mexico, Guanajuato Valley, Chupicuaro, ca. 500 BCE to 300 CE. A fabulous, hand-built, bichrome pottery face bowl with a bold visage on one side presenting expressive features incluSee Sold Price
Large Chupicuaro Pottery Head VesselPre-Columbian, West Mexico, Guanajuato Valley, Chupicuaro, ca. 500 BCE to 300 CE. A fabulous, hand-built, bichrome pottery face bowl with a bold visage on one side presenting expressive features incluSee Sold Price
Rare / Large Chupicuaro Pottery Head VesselPre-Columbian, West Mexico, Guanajuato Valley, Chupicuaro, ca. 500 BCE to 300 CE. A fabulous, hand-built, bichrome pottery face bowl with a bold visage on one side presenting expressive features incluSee Sold Price
Rare / Large Chupicuaro Pottery Head Vessel**Originally Listed At $3500** Pre-Columbian, West Mexico, Guanajuato Valley, Chupicuaro, ca. 500 BCE to 300 CE. A fabulous, hand-built, bichrome pottery face bowl with a bold visage on one side preseSee Sold Price
A Chupicuaro Bi-Chrome Pottery Bowl, ex-WraySouthwestern Mexico, Guanajuato Valley, ca. 300 BC. Rounded vessel with curved rim painted in alternating red and white with small zoomorphic head emerging from one side. 5-1/4"D x 2-5/8"H. ProvenanceSee Sold Price
SoldChupicuaro Bi-Chrome Pottery Tripod BowlPre-Columbian, Western Mexico, Guanajuato River Valley, Chupicuaro, ca. 300 to 100 BCE. The Chupicuaro artisans created this classic vessel design featuring pointed openwork feet which once held workiSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Chupicuaro Bichrome Pottery Tripod BowlsPre-Columbian, West Mexico, Guanajuato Valley, Chupicuaro, ca. 300 BCE. An attractive pair of tripod bowls, both with a gorgeous bichrome finish. Smaller example seems to have remains of rattle and prSee Sold Price
A Chupicuaro Bi-Chrome Face TripodPre-Columbian, from West Mexico, Chupicuaro culture, ca. 300 BCE. Bi-chrome terracotta slipped bowl of red and cream color, sits on three hollow feet. Rectangular figure featuring a checker-board pattSee Sold Price
SoldChupicuaro Bi-chrome Avian Tripod Bowl**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, West Mexico, Chupicuaro, ca. 500 BCE to 300 CE. A hand-built redware pottery bowl of an intriguing avian form that rests upon three hollow rattle legs. The ovoSee Sold Price
A Chupicuaro Bi-Chrome Oval BowlPre-Columbian, Guanajuato, Mexico, Ca 200 BCE. Fine pottery bowl in oval form with deep straight walls, decorated in red and white with abstract zig-zag patterns. 8-5/8 L x 3-1/2"H. Provenance: Ex-priSee Sold Price
SoldChupicuaro Bichrome Tripod Bowl w/ Rattle LegsPre-Columbian, West Mexico, Chupicuaro, ca. 500 BCE to 300 CE. A hand-built bichrome terracotta pottery bowl raised upon three tapered rattle legs. The highly-burnished vessel is finished in rich redSee Sold Price
Chupicuaro Bichrome Bowl w/ Geometric MotifsPre-Columbian, West Mexico, Guanajuato River Valley, Chupicuaro culture, ca. 300 BCE to 100 CE. A hand-built pottery bowl of an impressive size with a flared rim, squat walls, and a shallow basin thatSee Sold Price
Chupicuaro Bichrome Bowl w/ Linear MotifsPre-Columbian, West Mexico, Guanajuato Valley, Chupicuaro, ca. 500 BCE to 300 CE. A hand-built pottery bowl of a sizable form with a round base, broad walls with central carination, and a thick rim haSee Sold Price
SoldChupicuaro Bichrome Ribbed Bowl, Ex Arte PrimitivoPre-Columbian, West Mexico, Guanajuato River Valley, Chupicuaro culture, ca. 400 to 100 BCE. A lovely pottery bowl of a rare form comprised of 3 coils resembling the body of a snake supported by a pedSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2 Chupicuaro Bichrome Pottery VesselsPre-Columbian, Mexico, Guanajuato Valley, ca. 300-200 BCE. Pair of bichrome, ceramic Chupicuaro vessels, one vegetal shaped bowl with undulating contours and a band of cream-colored, diamond-shaped geSee Sold Price
Chupicuaro Bi-Chrome Square-Sided BowlPre-Columbian, West Mexico, Guanajuato Valley, Chupicuaro, ca. 500 BCE to 300 CE. A beautiful hand-built and highly-burnished pottery bowl with a round but stable base, tall walls, a deep basin, and aSee Sold Price
Chupicuaro Bichrome Bowl w/ Geometric Motifs**Originally Listed At $250** Pre-Columbian, West Mexico, Guanajuato River Valley, Chupicuaro culture, ca. 300 BCE to 100 CE. A hand-built pottery bowl of an impressive size with a flared rim, squat wSee Sold Price
Chupicuaro Bi-chrome Vessel w/ Heads**Originally Listed At $150** Pre-Columbian, West Mexico, Guanajuato Valley, Chupicuaro, ca. 800 BCE to 200 CE. A striking pottery bowl with two anthropomorphic heads on each end. The vessel is an ovoSee Sold Price
Chupicuaro Bichrome Bowl w/ Linear Motifs**Originally Listed At $200** Pre-Columbian, West Mexico, Guanajuato Valley, Chupicuaro, ca. 500 BCE to 300 CE. A hand-built pottery bowl of a sizable form with a round base, broad walls with centralSee Sold Price
Chupicuaro Bi-chrome Vessel w/ Heads**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, West Mexico, Guanajuato Valley, Chupicuaro, ca. 800 BCE to 200 CE. A striking pottery bowl with two anthropomorphic heads on each end. The vessel is an ovoid sSee Sold Price
Nabataean Terracotta Bowl with Internal Floral DecorationTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Large Painted Glazed Ceramic Studio Pottery Bowl From Frank Lloyd Wright's DeRhodes HouseLiberty & 33rd Furniture Co.4.4(12)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Large Painted Glazed Ceramic Studio Pottery Bowl From Frank Lloyd Wright's DeRhodes HouseLiberty & 33rd Furniture Co.4.4(12)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
TWO PIECES OF HENRY RUSSELL HAY CREEK POTTERY.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Colima, Valdivian, & Chupicuaro Pottery Figures (3)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Nayarit Bi-chrome Pottery Dish w/ Geometric PatternArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Chupicuaro Polychrome Tripod Bowl w/ Linear MotifArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
JB Pottery Three Faces Large BowlRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Panamanian Cocle Pedestal Dish, Two-Headed SaurianArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024