SoldA LARGE CHINESE GILT BRONZE CLOISONNÉ ENAMELED CHESTA LARGE CHINESE GILT BRONZE CLOISONNÉ ENAMELED CHEST, the lidded rectangular chest decorated with village scenes within borders of key-fret pattern. The lid lifting to reveal a silk-lined interior inSee Sold Price
SoldA VERY FINE CHINESE CLOISONNE AND GILT BRONZE BOXA VERY FINE CHINESE CLOISONNÉ AND GILT BRONZE LIDDED BOX, QING DYNASTY. Of rectangular form, enameled in fine detail with a dragon on Imperial yellow ground with rosette border. The base with incisedSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Gilt Gold Bronze and Cloisonné Enameled coverGroup of two Chinese gilt gold bronze and cloisonné enameled cover boxes, each cover box of various shapes, each with floral design on blue ground, each with seal stamp on the back. Length 8.25" WidtSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Cloisonne Enamel BoxChinese cloisonne box of gilt bronze with elaborate polychrome enameled floral decoration. Qianlong mark. L: 10 cm, H: 4.5 cm.See Sold Price
SoldEarly Chinese Cloisonne Enameled Covered BoxEarly Chinese Cloisonne Enameled Covered Box.Of oval from of Bronze with a silver gilt floral decoration on top.Two parts and stands 2 7/8" tall,3" wide and 1 1/2" deep.Impressed China on base.See Sold Price
SoldCHINESE CLOISONNÉ GILT BRONZE & JADE BOXESA PAIR OF CHINESE CLOISONNÉ GILT BRONZE AND CARVED JADE COVERED BOXES. Each of tapering octagonal form with conforming domed lids. Enameled with auspicious Buddhist motifs and surmounted with jade fSee Sold Price
SoldFine Antique Chinese Gilt Bronze Cloisonne BoxFine Antique Chinese Gilt Bronze Cloisonne Box. Body with multi-coloured intricate and finely enameled lotus blooms supported from scrolling leafy vines, above overlapping lappets. Measures 5.5 DiametSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Gilt Bronze & Cloisonné Inlaid BoxA fine bronze and cloisonné box finely enameled to depict lotus blossoms and tendrils, the top inlaid with a carved circular jade or hardstone plaque to depict bats amongst foliage, 4.375"L X 3.375"DSee Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF CHINESE CLOISONNE CHESS BOXESPair Of Chinese Cloisonne Chess Boxes: Each of tapering octagonal form with conforming domed lids. Enameled with dragons and bats with gilt bronze finials. 4" X 4 1/2&See Sold Price
SoldA FINE CHINESE CLOISONNEAND GILT BRONZE DESK SETA FINE CHINESE CLOISONNÉ AND GILT BRONZE DESK SET, LATE 19TH/EARLY 20TH CENTURY. Finely enameled with an all over floral pattern comprising a letter rack, pen rest, inkwell, blotter, stamp box and deSee Sold Price
SoldAN IMPERIAL CLOISONNE AND GILT-BRONZE BOTTLE, QINGAN IMPERIAL CLOISONNE AND GILT-BRONZE 'LOTUS AND ASTER' SNUFF BOTTLE, QING DYNASTY China, 18th century. Well enameled on each side with a lobed white-ground panel enclosing lotus scrolls to one side aSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Gilt and Red Cloisonne Inlaid BoxChinese, likely 19th century Qing Dynasty (1644-1912). A cloisonne and gilt over copper dresser box of rectangular form finely enameled to depict lotus blossoms with meandering vines in many colors onSee Sold Price
SoldFINE CHINESE CLOISONNEENAMELED GILT BRONZE TAZZAA FINE CHINESE CLOISONNÉ ENAMELED GILT BRONZE TAZZA, FIRST HALF 20TH CENTURY. The low shallow bowl with gently sloping sides and everted rim, finely enameled with "100 Butterfly" design, raised on aSee Sold Price
Sold2 PAIRS OF CHINESE CLOISONNE ENAMELED GILT BRONZETWO PAIRS OF CHINESE CLOISONNÉ ENAMELED GILT BRONZE VASES. Each finely decorated with partially enameled cloisons in a floral pattern on a stippled gilt ground. One with medallions on cinnamon coloreSee Sold Price
Sold3 CHINESE CLOISONNE GILT BRONZE CRANE CANDLE STANDSA GROUP OF THREE CHINESE CLOISONNÉ ENAMELED GILT BRONZE CANDLE STANDS. Comprising a Ming style goss stick form with interlocking florals on white and a pair of figural crane censers with archaistic dSee Sold Price
SoldA THREE PIECE GROUP OF CHINESE CLOISONNE ENAMELEDA THREE PIECE GROUP OF CHINESE CLOISONNÉ ENAMELED GILT BRONZE. Comprising a footed tazza with floral rosettes and a pair of figural crane censers (candle holders absent). Height 13.25 inches, diametSee Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF CHINESE CLOISONNÉ ENAMELED FLOOR VASESA LARGE PAIR OF CHINESE CLOISONNÉ ENAMELED GILT BRONZE FLOOR VASES. Each decorated with Buddhist symbols on a turquoise blue ground with gilt figural phoenix embossed handles. Height 17.75 inches (4See Sold Price
SoldCHINESE CLOISONNÉ ENAMELED GILT BRONZE VASESA PAIR OF CHINESE CLOISONNÉ ENAMELED GILT BRONZE VASES. Each decorated with phoenix bird form cartouches containing Buddhist symbols and reserved on a turquoise blue ground with cloisonné diaper paSee Sold Price
SoldCHINESE CLOISONNE GILT BRONZE CRANES & TAZZAA THREE PIECE GROUP OF CHINESE CLOISONNÉ ENAMELED GILT BRONZE. Comprising a footed tazza with floral rosettes and a pair of figural crane censers (candle holders absent). Height 13.25 inches, diametSee Sold Price
SoldPr. ANTIQUE CHINESE CLOISONNE CRANE CANDLEHOLDERSA pair of antique Chinese cloisonne enameled gilt bronze figural crane candlestick holders. Each bird standing on dragon turtle. Scrolled archaic designs throughout over turquoise ground. Probably QinSee Sold Price
SoldPr. LARGE CHINESE CLOISONNE GILT BRONZE VASESA pair of Chinese cloisonne enameled gilt bronze floor vases depicting lotus blossoms. Each measures approx. 20 1/2" height + 2 1/2" base height (53cm + 6.4cm). Total weight approx. 10.25 kilograms.See Sold Price
SoldPAIR ORIENTAL ENAMEL & GILT BRONZE FLOOR VASESA PAIR OF LARGE CHINESE CLOISONNE ENAMELED GILT BRONZE DRAGON HANDLE FLOOR VASES early 20th century. Enameled with Buddhist scenes, elements and scrolled foliates on a turquoise ground below figural dSee Sold Price
SoldA CHINESE CLOISONNE ENAMELED AND GILT BRONZE FISHA CHINESE CLOISONNÉ ENAMELED AND GILT BRONZE FISH BOWL. Of circular form raised on three figural fish feet. The interior enameled with multicolored fishes. The exterior with water lilies and rosettesSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Cloisonne & Gilt Bronze Round Box & CoverChinese Cloisonne & Gilt Bronze Round Box & Cover in a design of Scrolling Lotus on a turquoise ground, the cloisonne base with a square bronze Qianlong Mark; inside in turquoise enamel. AAge relatedSee Sold Price
A Brilliant Gilt-Bronze Gem-Inlaid 'Tsongkapa' Box With InscriptionsSummer Auction4.7(173)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Old Chinese Gilt Gold Bronze Flower Design Jewellery BoxQuan Rong Gallery4.3(332)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Fine Chinese Cloisonne Center Bowl / Cache PotPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Fine Pair of Floral Cloisonne and Gilt VasesPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
A Rare and Precious Gilt-bronze Cloisonne Enamel Lid BoxEastern Art Auction House4.7(149)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
Chinese Cloisonne Enamel Bronze Lidded Apple Trinket BoxPassion For Antiques4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Chinese Cloisonne Enamel Bronze Lidded Pear Trinket BoxPassion For Antiques4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Chinese Cloisonne Bronze Swirling Dragon Trinket BoxPassion For Antiques4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
(2 Pc) Vintage Chinese Cloisonne Box And Enameled Snuff BottleAkiba Galleries4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Antique French Onyx, Champleve & Gilt Bronze Jewelry BoxAkiba Galleries4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
ANTIQUE CHINESE EXPORT CANTON ENAMELED BRONZE BOX 6" LONGNoble House Collection Gallery4.5(121)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
CHINESE GILT-BRONZE AND CLOISONNE ENAMEL JARA.H. Wilkens Auctions & Appraisals4.7(392)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A finely crafted Chinese Cloisonne enameled gilt metal large incense burner censer. DecoratedJoshua Kodner4.2(387)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024