Cerchia di Rosalba Carriera (Venezia 1675 - 1757)Cerchia di Rosalba Carriera (Venezia 1675 - 1757) Ritratto di gentildonna della famiglia Maninpastello su carta preparata, applicata su tela cm 61 x 50See Sold Price
SoldROSALBA CARRIERA (attr. a)(Venezia, 1673 - 1757) Ritratto di dama Pastello su carta, cm 51,6x39 Provenienza: Zurigo, Koller Auktionen, 1 aprile 2011, lotto 3124 (come cerchia di Rosalba Carriera) La qualità delle stesure eSee Sold Price
SoldROSALBA CARRIERA (attr.)Venezia 1675 – 1757 Flora, pastello su carta applicata su tela, cm 70x58See Sold Price
Rosalba Carriera (Venezia,1673 – 1757) RITRATTORosalba Carriera (Venezia,1673 – 1757) RITRATTO DI GIOVANE DONNA matita nera e rossa, carta vergellata, mm 335x245 PORTRAIT OF YOUNG WOMAN black and red chalk, lai paper, 335x245 mm  See Sold Price
SoldROSALBA CARRIERA (1675-1757) "Il taglio dellaROSALBA CARRIERA (1675-1757) "Il taglio della treccia" pastello cm. 38,5x49 Bibliografia: Il Gabinetto Salamon Catalogo n.93 novembre-dicembre 1986See Sold Price
ROSALBA CARRIERA (1675-1757) "Fanciulla conROSALBA CARRIERA (1675-1757) "Fanciulla con fiori tra i capelli" pastello di forma ovale cm. 50x63 Prov. Asta Semenzato settembre 1996 lotto 620 dove si diceva che l'attribuzione era stata fatta dal pSee Sold Price
SoldRosalba Carriera (1675-1757) Figura femminileRosalba Carriera (1675-1757) Figura femminile con perle pastello su carta al verso disegno a matita raffigurante testa di giovane cm. 46x30See Sold Price
SoldCarriera-Luigi XVRosalba Carriera 1675 - 1757 Miniatura dipinta su avorio raffigurante Luigi XV, cm. 8,5x6,5, entro cornice in legno di palissandro.See Sold Price
ROSALBA CARRIERA (attr. a)(Venezia, 1673 - 1757) Ritratto di bimbo Pastello su carta, cm 46X37 La qualità delle stesure e la freschezza cromatica inducono a supportare l'attribuzione dell'opera a Rosalba Carriera, celebreSee Sold Price
SoldRosalba Carriera (1675 - 1757) Old Painting - style ofThis lot consists of a large hand painted pastel on paper. Painting is in a beautiful gilt oval frame. This half-length portrait of an aristocratic young lady is preserved under glass. The protectiveSee Sold Price
Rosalba Carriera (1675-1757)Rosalba Carriera (1675-1757) MARIA THERESA AS SHEPHERDESS Watercolor and pastel on paper 540x420 mm marked on the reverse „Rosalba Carriera“. Inscription on the reverse „Kaiserin MarSee Sold Price
Rosalba Carriera (1675-1757)-Follower "Young Beauties",Rosalba Carriera (1675-1757)-Follower "Young Beauties", two pastels, 19th century Provenance: private collection, Berlin le26apr13 Condition: good; both inSee Sold Price
ROSALBA CARRIERA (1675-1757), Attributed to. PortraitAttributed to ROSALBA CARRIERA (1675-1757), Portrait of a Lady Dimensions 56x41 cm Artist or Maker Pastel on paperSee Sold Price
Carriera-miniatura gentildonnaRosalba Carriera 1675 - 1757 Miniatura dipinta su avorio raffigurante Gentildonna, cm. 3,5x3. Entro cornice in argento.See Sold Price
SoldItalian or British School(18th century) Portrait miniature of a Noblewoman, inscription verso backing attributes this to Rosalba Carriera (Italian, 1675-1757), unsigned, oil or varnished gouache on vellum, 3-5/8 x 3-1/8 in.;See Sold Price
Sold18th C. Portrait, Pastel18th century portrait of a woman, pastel, in period carved gilt frame with plaque, attributed to Rosalba Carriera (Italian 1675-1757), 13 3/4" x 11 1/4" (sight), 21 1/2" x 19" (frame), old worm damageSee Sold Price
SoldAttributed to Rosalba Carriera (Italian, 1675-1757Attributed to Rosalba Carriera (Italian, 1675-1757) A Woman Offering a Garland of Flowers to Eros. Unsigned, identified on labels affixed to the backing. Pastel on paper, sight size 37 x 28 inSee Sold Price
SoldROSALBA CARRIERA, PASTEL ON PAPER LAID DOWNROSALBA CARRIERA (ITALIAN 1675-1757), PASTEL ON PAPER LAID DOWN ON CANVAS, 16" X 12 7/8" SIGHT:St. Cecilia. Unsigned. Gilt period frame. Purchased from Succi Limited, London, England.See Sold Price
SoldAttributed to Rosalba Carriera (Italian, 1675-1757)Attributed to Rosalba Carriera (Italian, 1675-1757) A Woman Offering a Garland of Flowers to Eros Unsigned, identified on labels affixed to the backing. Pastel on paper, sight size 37 x 28 in. (93.9 xSee Sold Price
SoldItalian School (18th Century)Italian School (18th Century) "Winter", engraved allegorical portrait by Rosalba Carriera (Italian, 1675-1757), printed in Paris, second quarter 18th century, and "Boy and Fighting Cocks", hand-coloreSee Sold Price
SoldCircle of Rosalba Carriera (Italian 1675-1757),Circle of Rosalba Carriera (Italian 1675-1757), PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN, HALF LENGTH, IN A GREY COAT AND BLUE CLOAK, HOLDING A PEN IN HIS RIGHT HAND Pastel 70 x 57cmSee Sold Price
SoldRosalba Carriera Italian, 1675-1757 PORTRAIT OF ARosalba Carriera Italian, 1675-1757 PORTRAIT OF A VENETIAN LADY Pastel on paper 17 x 13 inches (43.2 x 33.0 cm.)See Sold Price
SoldROSALBA CARRIERA (ATTR.) 1675 Venedig - 1757 ibid YOUNGROSALBA CARRIERA (ATTR.) 1675 Venedig - 1757 ibid YOUNG ROCOCO LADY CROWNED WITH FLOWERS Pastel on paper, on canvas. 48,5 x 38,5 cm (F. 59 x 51 cm). Part. massive stains, surface part. rubbed, slightSee Sold Price
SoldRosalba CARRIERA (Chioggia 1675 - Venise 1757)Portrait d’un homme au manteau brun Pastel. 57 x 46 cm pastel on paper; 22 1/2 x 18 1/2 in PROVENANCE : Vente anonyme, Londres, Christie’s, 1er avril 1987, n° 27, reproduit. BIBLIOGRAPHIE : N. JeSee Sold Price
Piccolo modello di cancello in bronzo, VeneziaAste di Antiquariato Boetto4.3(47)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Giovanni Battista Brustolon, After Canaletto, Procession of the Doge, 18th Century EngravingHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Giovanni Battista Brustolon, After Canaletto, Procession of the Doge, 18th Century EngravingHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
JACOPO NEGRETTI detto PALMA IL GIOVANE (attr. a)Wannenes - Art Auction4.1(38)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
MAESTRO DELLA FONDAZIONE LANGMATT alias APOLLONIOWannenes - Art Auction4.1(38)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024