WILLASEY-WILSEY Outline History 8th Gurkha Rifles 1945 VG Book w Dust WrapperMar 02, 2024ROBERT BROWNING Rare 1902 LE "Pippa Passes" Calf Binding 1st EdMar 02, 2024Stone Corbel with Severed Head of a Gallo-RomanMar 05, 2024Romano-British Bronze Horse and Celtic Warrior Rider StatuetteMar 06, 2024BOSCO, Giovanni Bartolomeo (1793 – 1863). Bosco Conjuring B...Feb 24, 2024Britains #197 Gurkha RiflesMar 15, 2024Britains #225 King's African RiflesMar 15, 2024Britains #1613 British Infantry in ActionMar 15, 2024Nostalgia #401 New South Wales Mounted RiflesMar 15, 2024Nostalgia #254 New South Wales Irish RiflesMar 15, 2024Nostalgia #322 Kaffrarian Rifles of 1910Mar 15, 2024Bausch and Lomb Vintage Metal Microscope and CaseFeb 28, 2024LOUIS B. SIEGRIEST (1899-1989)Mar 03, 2024Barbara Kassel (American, b. 1952) A Sealed Room, c. 1991-92Mar 07, 2024St. Louis lever action cash registerMar 23, 2024Lionel prewar standard gauge red and silver 92 floodlight tower in original boxMar 02, 2024Wanted Colt Firearms Lever Action Rifles Edged Weapons retro style advertising signFeb 29, 2024VAUGHN SPANN (B. 1992) Marked Man, 2019Mar 01, 2024SUSANA SOLANO (B. 1946) Trifoglio nº 1 , 1987Mar 01, 2024YOKO ONO (B. 1933) Cleaning Piece, 1966/1988 (This work is number four from the edition of nine...Mar 01, 2024EDDIE MARTINEZ (B. 1977) Untitled, 2012Mar 01, 2024ANTIQUE ENGLISH CORKSCREW ROYAL CLUB CIRCA 1875Mar 09, 2024W/ Coa - Cecil B. Demented Original Vintage Poster Signed - PosterDec 29, 2024