SoldCathedral Stand LampCathedral Stand Lamp with amber base. Daisy & Button amber shade with blue font. 18 1/4" H to top of shade. Lee Roy Weaver Estate, Stanley, Virgina.See Sold Price
SoldCATHEDRAL STAND LAMPCATHEDRAL STAND LAMP, blue font, amber base, brass connector, No. 2 Taplin-Brown collar. Fitted with a period set-up comprising a No. 2 slip burner, shade ring and acid-etched ball-form shade with floSee Sold Price
SoldCATHEDRAL STAND LAMP, kerosene period, amber fontCATHEDRAL STAND LAMP, kerosene period, amber font and blue base, brass connecter, #2 Taplin-Brown collar, period burner. Fourth quarter 19th century. 12 1/2" h, 6 1/4" dia base overall. Provenance: PrSee Sold Price
SoldALADDIN MODEL B-111 / CATHEDRAL KEROSENE STAND LAMPALADDIN MODEL B-111 / CATHEDRAL KEROSENE STAND LAMP, Rose Moonstone, radial groove collar, replacement screw-cap. The Mantle Lamp Company Of America (Aladdin). 1934. 9 1/2" H, 6 1/2" D base.Undamaged.See Sold Price
SoldALADDIN MODEL 112 / CATHEDRAL KEROSENE STAND LAMPALADDIN MODEL 112 / CATHEDRAL KEROSENE STAND LAMP, Pastel Flesh Moonstone, crimped collar, side refill feature with period screw-cap. Fitted with a brass Model B "CHICAGO" burner having a flame spreadSee Sold Price
SoldALADDIN MODEL 111 / CATHEDRAL KEROSENE STAND LAMPALADDIN MODEL 111 / CATHEDRAL KEROSENE STAND LAMP, Pastel Green Moonstone, crimped collar, side refill feature with original screw-cap. Fitted with a nickel Model B "CHICAGO" burner having a flame sprSee Sold Price
SoldALADDIN MODEL 111 / CATHEDRAL KEROSENE STAND LAMPALADDIN MODEL 111 / CATHEDRAL KEROSENE STAND LAMP, apple green, bulbed and ribbed font with a molded and flared stem, raised on a hexagonal base. Complete Model-B burner with a nickel finish. The MantSee Sold Price
SoldALADDIN MODELS 108 AND 109 / CATHEDRAL KEROSENE STANDALADDIN MODELS 108 AND 109 / CATHEDRAL KEROSENE STAND LAMPS, LOT OF TWO, Green Beta Crystal and Amber Beta Crystal, each having a crimped collar and side refill feature with period screw-cap. Each fitSee Sold Price
SoldALADDIN MODEL 108 AND 110 / CATHEDRAL KEROSENE STANDALADDIN MODEL 108 AND 110 / CATHEDRAL KEROSENE STAND LAMPS, LOT OF TWO, Green Beta Crystal and Pastel White Moonstone, each having a side refill feature with detached screw-cap. Fitted with a brass MoSee Sold Price
SoldALADDIN MODELS B-108 AND B-109 / CATHEDRAL KEROSENEALADDIN MODELS B-108 AND B-109 / CATHEDRAL KEROSENE STAND LAMPS, LOT OF TWO, Green Beta Crystal and Amber Beta Crystal, each having a crimped collar, side refill feature with an original screw-cap. EaSee Sold Price
SoldCATHEDRAL / CARLISLE MINIATURE STAND LAMPCATHEDRAL / CARLISLE MINIATURE STAND LAMP, blue, matching patterned light blue crown-form shade, period collar. Fitted with a Plume & Atwood Nutmeg burner. Non-period colorless chimney. Possibly BelmoSee Sold Price
SoldCATHEDRAL KEROSENE COMPOSITE STAND LAMPCATHEDRAL KEROSENE COMPOSITE STAND LAMP, blue font, amber base, brass connector, No. 2 Taplin-Brown collar. Fourth quarter 19th century. 12 3/4" H to top of collar, 6 1/4" DOA base.Undamaged, collar wSee Sold Price
SoldCATHEDRAL / CARLISLE MINIATURE STAND LAMPCATHEDRAL / CARLISLE MINIATURE STAND LAMP, blue, matching patterned light blue crown-form shade, solid-form stem and circular-form foot, period collar with patent information. Fitted with a period NutSee Sold Price
SoldCATHEDRAL KEROSENE COMPOSITE STAND LAMP, blue font,CATHEDRAL KEROSENE COMPOSITE STAND LAMP, blue font, amber base, brass connector, No. 2 Taplin-Brown collar. Fourth quarter 19th century. 15.25" H to top of burner, 6 1/4" base dia.See Sold Price
SoldCATHEDRAL / CARLISLE MINIATURE STAND LAMPCATHEDRAL / CARLISLE MINIATURE STAND LAMP, honey amber, matching patterned crown-form shade, period collar. Fitted with a Nutmeg burner, colorless chimney. Fourth quarter 19th/early 20th century. 8 3/See Sold Price
SoldCATHEDRAL / CARLISLE MINIATURE STAND LAMPCATHEDRAL / CARLISLE MINIATURE STAND LAMP, honey amber, matching patterned crown-form shade, period collar with patent information. Fitted with a Plume & Atwood Nutmeg burner. Non-period colorless chiSee Sold Price
SoldBELMONT NO. 120 (OMN) / CATHEDRAL / CARLISLE MINIATUREBELMONT NO. 120 (OMN) / CATHEDRAL / CARLISLE MINIATURE STAND LAMP, amber, matching pattern crown-form shade, period collar. Fitted with a period Nutmeg burner, colorless chimney. Belmont Glass Co. CirSee Sold Price
SoldBELMONT NO. 120 (OMN) / CATHEDRAL / CARLISLE MINIATUREBELMONT NO. 120 (OMN) / CATHEDRAL / CARLISLE MINIATURE STAND LAMP, colorless font, light blue base, light blue matching patterned crown-form shade, period collar with patent information. Fitted with aSee Sold Price
SoldBELMONT NO. 120 (OMN) / CATHEDRAL / CARLISLE MINIATUREBELMONT NO. 120 (OMN) / CATHEDRAL / CARLISLE MINIATURE STAND LAMP, honey amber, (UPDATED 10/20/16) matching patterned crown-form shade, period collar with patent information. Fitted with a non-periodSee Sold Price
SoldBELMONT NO. 120 (OMN) / CATHEDRAL / CARLISLE MINIATUREBELMONT NO. 120 (OMN) / CATHEDRAL / CARLISLE MINIATURE STAND LAMP, colorless font, Vaseline (reacts under black light) base, matching patterned Vaseline (reacts under black light) crown-form shade, peSee Sold Price
SoldBELMONT NO. 120 (OMN) / CATHEDRAL / CARLISLE MINIATUREBELMONT NO. 120 (OMN) / CATHEDRAL / CARLISLE MINIATURE STAND LAMPS, LOT OF TWO, blue and an amber base with colorless font. each having a matching patterned crown-form shade, period collar. Each fitteSee Sold Price
SoldJ. F. IDEN CAST METAL FIGURAL KEROSENE STAND LAMPJ. F. IDEN CAST METAL FIGURAL KEROSENE STAND LAMP, cylinder-form font with nine cathedral windows between scroll ornamentation, each with a colorless and frosted glass pane, interior base of font withSee Sold Price
SoldALADDIN GLASS KEROSENE STAND LAMPS, LOT OF TWOALADDIN GLASS KEROSENE STAND LAMPS, LOT OF TWO, comprising a green Washington Drape with a complete Model B burner with original mantle, and an amber Cathedral example with complete Model B burner andSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED ALADDIN GLASS KEROSENE STAND LAMPS, LOT OFASSORTED ALADDIN GLASS KEROSENE STAND LAMPS, LOT OF THREE, comprising a Model B-104 Corinthian with the black foot showing a deep olive green under light, a Model 107 Cathedral, and a Model B-29 SimplSee Sold Price
Paul Evans CItyscape Chrome and Cork Floor LampAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
A 20thC standard lamp with triform base and foliate decoration. Together with two wrought iron styleClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
20" Bronze Designer 2 Layer of Peacock Lamp with 2 Wicks (Hoysala Art)Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Asian Porcelain Vase Mounted as LampBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
A large figural lamp stand together with a vase and paper mache figures 65cm (4)Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
A vintage brass table lamp stand 27 x 14 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
A pair of gilt metal opaline glass lamp stands decorated with a floral pattern 54 cm (2).Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Porcelain Night Stand LampRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Lot: Vintage Art Deco Smoking Stands and Lamp.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Paul Evans "Cityscape" Table Lamp & Plant StandAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceFeb 13, 2025