A Finely Carved Chinese Ivory Brushpot, Height ofA Finely Carved Chinese Ivory Brushpot, 18th/early 19th century, the vessel in the natural form of the tusk, deeply carved depicting a whimsical new year celebration and parade, centered upon a figureSee Sold Price
SoldCARVED CHINESE IVORY BRUSH POTCARVED CHINESE IVORY BRUSH POT Carved Chinese Ivory Brush Pot with finely carved design work around the whole piece. Missing base with minor cracks around the top lip. Size: 3.75 x 2.25" Est. $150-300See Sold Price
SoldA small finely carved Chinese ivory brush potA small finely carved Chinese ivory brush potSee Sold Price
Fine Carved Chinese Ivory Brush Poton carved wood stand design of immortal gods Height 10 inches Diameter 5 inches (without stand) Height 12 inches (with stand)See Sold Price
SoldHand Carved Chinese Ivory Brush Pot - PhoenixHand Carved Chinese Ivory Brush Pot carved in archaic style of the Phoenix Bird with Flowing Tail with birds surrounding entire piece; approx. 12" tall, with stand 13.5" tall. Domestic shipping only.See Sold Price
SoldA finely turned ivory cylindrical box and cover, Anglo-A finely turned ivory cylindrical box and cover, Anglo- Indian, 19th century, Together with a small finely carved Chinese ivory brush pot 12cm high $300–500See Sold Price
SoldCHINESE CARVED IVORY BRUSHPOTCHINESE CARVED IVORY BRUSHPOTBeautifully carved, Chinese ivory footed brushpot; of waisted form: with naturalistic landscape scene of a tree branch extending from rockery ground; flanked by grasses, wSee Sold Price
Sold19th-20th Century Chinese Carved Ivory Brushpot19th-20th Century Chinese Carved Ivory Brushpot QianLong Marked Superbly detailed, tall Chinese ivory brushpot: depicting a continuous immortals standing on the cloud, with wood stand. Tall : 29cm.See Sold Price
SoldA Chinese Carved Ivory Brushpot, Height 4 1/4 inchA Chinese Carved Ivory Brushpot, of slightly waisted cylindrical form, having lightly incised decoration of three figures in a walled garden under rocky cliffs, with poetic calligraphic inscription. HSee Sold Price
Chinese Carved Ivory Brushpot 19th-20th C. Marked "Chinese Carved Ivory Brushpot 19th-20th C. Marked "Qian Long" on the bottom. Superbly detailed, tall Chinese ivory brushpot: depicting a continuous immortals standing on the cloud, with wood stand. TaSee Sold Price
SoldSmall Antique Chinese Carved Ivory BrushpotSmall Antique Chinese Carved Ivory BrushpotSmall, antique Chinese carved ivory brushpot; of cylindrical form with allover continuous landscape scene in high relief with figures and dwellings among treSee Sold Price
SoldA Chinese Carved Ivory Brushpot, Height 5 inches.A Chinese Carved Ivory Brushpot, of cylindrical form, with carved characters throughout with an incised landscape decoration, raised on a hardwood stand. Height 5 inches. Property from the Lucie SableSee Sold Price
SoldChinese carved ivory brushpot five dragons playingChinese carved ivory brushpot five dragons playing ball Very good condition 9.25" high 4.25" wideSee Sold Price
SoldOLD CHINESE CARVED IVORY BRUSHPOTOLD CHINESE CARVED IVORY BRUSHPOTOld Chinese carved ivory brushpot; of natural cylindrical form, the exterior with continuous design of a domestic farming scene of figures at work; H: 8" (approx.); opSee Sold Price
SoldA Chinese Carved Ivory BrushpotA Chinese Carved Ivory Brushpot: of natural form, with continuous design of mountainous riverscape on one side, while the other side with calligraphy poem, signed and mark by the artist; Size: H: 4"See Sold Price
SoldA Chinese Carved Ivory Brushpot, Height 6 inches.A Chinese Carved Ivory Brushpot, of slightly curved cylindrical form, having relief carved decoration depicting writhing dragons pursuing a pearl amongst ruyi clouds and above crashing waves. Height 6See Sold Price
19 th Century Chinese carved ivory brushpot QianLon十九世纪象牙人物筆筒 19 th Century Chinese carved ivory brushpot QianLong Marked Superbly detailed, tall Chinese ivory brushpot: depicting aSee Sold Price
SoldA Fine Chinese Carved Ivory BrushpotFinely carved with a multitude of figures in everyday life further carved with padagos and pine trees 3.5"H in fitted silk box circa early 20th century.See Sold Price
SoldA Chinese Carved Ivory Brushpot, Height 9 1/4 x diA Chinese Carved Ivory Brushpot, the thick walled vessel having flared rim above the main body containing deeply carved decoration of flowering plants with interspersed rocks throughout, unmarked. HeiSee Sold Price
SoldChinese carved ivory brushpot with sign 19th CentuChinese carved ivory brushpot with sign 19th Century Good conditionSee Sold Price
SoldA Chinese Carved Ivory Brushpot, Height 5 inches.A Chinese Carved Ivory Brushpot, decorated with a rooster in a landscape, the back with inscription. Height 5 inches.See Sold Price
A Large Chinese Carved Ivory Brushpot,A Large Chinese Carved Ivory Brushpot, 19th century, carved on a lattice pattern ground with multiple dragons amidst scrolling clouds chasing a flaming pearl, lacking base.Height 9 1/4 inches.ProvenanSee Sold Price
SoldA Chinese Carved Ivory Brushpot, Height 5 inches.A Chinese Carved Ivory Brushpot, 19th century, having a court scene in relief. Height 5 inches.See Sold Price
SoldA FINE QUALITY CHINESE CARVED IVORY BRUSHPOT, weighingA FINE QUALITY CHINESE CARVED IVORY BRUSHPOT, weighing 1.38Kg, the brushpot of tall quatrefoil section, the sides deeply carved with highly detailed and varied figural panels between bat and ribbonedSee Sold Price
A CHINESE CARVED HUANGHUALI LANDSCAPE BRUSHPOTBerkeley Auction Gallery4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
A CHINESE CARVED SPINACH GREEN JADE BRUSHPOTBerkeley Auction Gallery4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
A CHINESE CARVED BAMBOO FIGURAL STORY BRUSHPOTBerkeley Auction Gallery4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
A Well Carved Most Likely Resin Chinese Brush PotLakeland Antique Bazaar4.7(858)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
A CHINESE CARVED JADE BRUSH POT 20th Century. 15 cm x 13 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A Chinese carved wood Scholars brush pot 13.5 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024