Albert Einstein PSA 1931 Oxford University PhotographNapoleon's Fine Art4.4(75)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Vintage photograph of Venice by Renowned American Woman PhotographerBert Gallery Studio Sales4.4(18)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Thomas A. Edison Photograph w/ Original AutographNapoleon's Fine Art4.4(75)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Woman Photographer Vitullo "Venetian Steps"Bert Gallery Studio Sales4.4(18)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Signed Original Black and White Photo of Ansel Adams (1902-1984) by Richard ByrdCowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Original Photograph 1915 Mexican Revolution Soldiers RPPCCowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
NY YANKEEYS "GREATEST MOMENTS IN YANKEE STADIUM HISTORY, FRAMEDAlice Callahan Auction House4.4(57)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
CARL R. SAMS WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHER HAND SIGNED IN PENCILAlice Callahan Auction House4.4(57)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
George Catlin - Plate 118 from The North AmericanDane Fine Art Auctions4.4(496)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
SoldBuzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930) or James LovellBuzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930) or James Lovell (American, b. 1928) The Agena Target Vehicle tethered to the spacecraft above the Gulf of California, Gemini 12, November 1966. Numbered 'NASA S-66-63See Sold Price
SoldBuzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930) or James LovellBuzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930) or James Lovell (American, b. 1928) Rendezvous with the Agena over the Earth, Gemini 12, November 1966. Numbered 'NASA S-66-62765' in red on the recto u.l. margin, NASee Sold Price
SoldJames Lovell (American, b. 1928)James Lovell (American, b. 1928) Buzz Aldrin's Extravehicular Activity, Gemini 12, November 1966. Vintage chromogenic print on fiber-based Kodak paper with 'A Kodak Paper' watermark on the verso, imSee Sold Price
SoldBuzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930)Buzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930) Astronaut's boot in lunar soil, Apollo 11, July 1969. Vintage chromogenic print on fiber-based Kodak paper with 'A Kodak Paper' watermark on the verso, image size 7 1See Sold Price
SoldBuzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930)Buzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930) The footprint on the Moon, Apollo 11, July 1969. Numbered 'AS11-40-5877' in a NASA MSC caption on the verso. Vintage chromogenic print on fiber-based Kodak paper withSee Sold Price
SoldBuzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930)Buzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930) Neil Armstrong in the Lunar Module Eagle after the historic moonwalk, Apollo 11, July 1969. Numbered 'NASA AS11-37-5528' (NASA MSC) in red on the recto u.l. margin. VSee Sold Price
SoldBuzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930)Buzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930) Tranquility Base seen from the orbiting Lunar Module Eagle, Apollo 11, July 1969. Numbered 'NASA AS11-37-5437' (NASA MSC) in red on the recto u.l. margin. Vintage chrSee Sold Price
SoldBuzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930)Buzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930) The American flag on the Moon, Apollo 11, July 1969. Numbered 'NASA AS11-40-5905' (NASA MSC) in red on the recto u.l. margin. Vintage chromogenic print on fiber-basedSee Sold Price
SoldBuzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930)Buzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930) The Lunar Module Eagle on the Moon, Apollo 11, July 1969. Numbered 'NASA AS11-40-5915' (NASA MSC) in red on the recto u.l. margin. Vintage chromogenic print on fiber-See Sold Price
SoldBuzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930)Buzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930) The lunar surface seen from the Lunar Module after touchdown, Apollo 11, July 20, 1969. Numbered 'NASA AS11-37-5457' (NASA MSC) in red on the recto u.l. margin. VintaSee Sold Price
SoldNeil Armstrong (American, 1930-2012) or Buzz AldrinNeil Armstrong (American, 1930-2012) or Buzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930) The view from Eagle's window before lunar takeoff, Apollo 11, July 1969. Stamped "AS11 5545" (NASA MSC) on the verso. VintageSee Sold Price
SoldNeil Armstrong (American, 1930-2012), Buzz AldrinNeil Armstrong (American, 1930-2012), Buzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930), or Michael Collins (American, b. 1930) Earthrise, Apollo 11, July 1969. Vintage chromogenic print on fiber-based Kodak paper wiSee Sold Price
SoldNeil Armstrong (American, 1930-2012), Buzz AldrinNeil Armstrong (American, 1930-2012), Buzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930), or Michael Collins (American, b. 1930) Full Moon seen during the return flight to Earth, Apollo 11, July 1969. Numbered 'NASA ASee Sold Price
SoldNeil Armstrong (American, 1930-2012) or Buzz AldrinNeil Armstrong (American, 1930-2012) or Buzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930) The Command Spaceship Columbia in lunar orbit with Michael Collins on board, Apollo 11, July 1969. Vintage chromogenic print oSee Sold Price
SoldTaken by a Maurer 16mm Movie Camera Mounted to theTaken by a Maurer 16mm Movie Camera Mounted to the Spacecraft; Buzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930) Two photographs: Buzz Aldrin emerging from the spacecraft and an EVA photograph taken by the spacewalkeSee Sold Price
SoldNeil Armstrong (American, 1930-2012) or Buzz AldrinNeil Armstrong (American, 1930-2012) or Buzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930) Shadow of the Lunar Module Eagle and footprints left at Tranquility Base, Apollo 11, July 1969. Numbered 'NASA AS11-37-5505' (See Sold Price
SoldNeil Armstrong (American, 1930-2012), Buzz AldrinNeil Armstrong (American, 1930-2012), Buzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930), or Michael Collins (American, b. 1930) The Earth, Apollo 11, July 1969. Large-format vintage chromogenic print on resin-coatedSee Sold Price
SoldNeil Armstrong (American, 1930-2012), Buzz AldrinNeil Armstrong (American, 1930-2012), Buzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930), or Michael Collins (American, b. 1930) The Earth, as seen from the spacecraft during its trans-lunar journey toward man's firstSee Sold Price
SoldNeil Armstrong (American, 1930-2012), Buzz AldrinNeil Armstrong (American, 1930-2012), Buzz Aldrin (American, b. 1930), or Michael Collins (American, b. 1930) The Earth, seen from the spacecraft at mid-distance of the Moon, Apollo 11, July 1969. NSee Sold Price
SoldEDWIN A. "BUZZ" ALDRINEDWIN A. "BUZZ" ALDRIN (b. 1930) American astronaut and pilot of the Apollo 11 lunar module who walked the Moon with Neil Armstrong. Fine S.P. "Buzz Aldrin" in silver ink, a 50" x 10" panorama showingSee Sold Price
SoldBUZZ ALDRINBUZZ ALDRIN (b. 1930) American astronaut and pilot of the Apollo 11 lunar module who walked the Moon with Neil Armstrong. Fine S.P. "Buzz Aldrin" in silver ink, a 40" x 10" panorama showing Aldrin andSee Sold Price
SoldBUZZ ALDRINBUZZ ALDRIN (b. 1930) American astronaut and pilot of the Apollo 11 lunar module who walked the Moon with Neil Armstrong. Signed book, 'Magnificent Desolation' (New York: Harmony Books), 2009, 326pp.See Sold Price
SoldBUZZ ALDRINBUZZ ALDRIN (b. 1930) American astronaut and pilot of the Apollo 11 lunar module who walked the Moon with Neil Armstrong. Southampton (U.K.) postal cover commemorating the "First Man on the Moon", canSee Sold Price
SoldBUZZ ALDRIN SIGNED APOLLO 11 MOON PLAQUEBUZZ ALDRIN SIGNED APOLLO 11 MOON PLAQUE EDWIN A. "BUZZ" ALDRIN (b. 1930) American astronaut and pilot of the Apollo 11 lunar module who walked the Moon with Neil Armstrong. A fine souvenir, a 10" x 1See Sold Price
Robert Burkert (American, B. 1930) Rainy Thursday, LithographHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Robert Burkert (American, B. 1930) Twilight Tree, SerigraphHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Robert Burkert (American, B. 1930) The Seasons, Artist Proof SerigraphHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Robert Burkert (American, B. 1930) The Burn-Off (Spring), SerigraphHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
James Farrah (American, B.1950) 18 Automobile Lithographs, Half Dollar LincolnHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
James Farrah (American, B.1950) 25 Automobile Lithographs, Tops DownHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
James Farrah (American, B.1950) 17 Automobile Lithographs, XK-120Hoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
James Farrah (American, B.1950) 41 Automobile Lithographs, 56 T-BirdHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
James Michalopoulos (American/Louisiana, b. 1951), "Line Diva," H.- 24 in., W.- 18 3/4 in., Framed-Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Louise Guidry (American/Louisiana, b. 1930), Two Mixed Media Works on Paper, Framed- H.- 21 7/8 in.,Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Brett James Smith (American/Louisiana, b. 1958), "Morning Mallard," 1984, H.- 20 in., W.- 30 in.,Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Sainte James Boudrot (American/Louisiana, 1948-2024)Neal Auction Company4.5(348)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Jasper Johns (American, B. 1930) Philadelphia Museum of Art Poster, Signed, Ca. 1970, H 35" W 23.5"DuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
"Sutured Self", Self Portrait by Claire Prussian.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024