BUGATTI F 1937, brochure, Exposition InternationaBUGATTI F 1937, brochure, Exposition Internationale 1937, 8 pages, condition: 1-2 German Description: BUGATTI F 1937, Prospekt, Exposition Internationale 1937, 8 Seiten, Zust.: 1-2 Italian DescriptionSee Sold Price
BUGATTI F 1937,brochure folder, type 57, with 4 bBUGATTI F 1937,brochure folder, type 57, with 4 brochures always with 4 pages, car body variants, e.g. Atalante/ Ventoux/ Stelvio/ Galibier; cover is loosely, otherwise good condition German DescriptiSee Sold Price
BUGATTI F 1937,brochure folder, type 57, with 4 sBUGATTI F 1937,brochure folder, type 57, with 4 small flyers, car body variants, and 1 flyer, engineering specifications; condition: 1-2 German Description: BUGATTI F 1937,Prospektmappe, typ 57, mit 4See Sold Price
BUGATTI 1937, advertising brochure ExpositionBUGATTI 1937, advertising brochure Exposition Internationale 1937 "Grands Reseaux Francais", 8 pages, French text, loose pages inside , with traces of usage German Description BUGATTI 1937, WerbebroscSee Sold Price
SoldBUGATTI F 1937, folder on the occasion of the ExpBUGATTI F 1937, folder on the occasion of the Exposition Internationale 1937 "Grands Reseaux francais", 8 pages condition: 2- German Description: BUGATTI F 1937, Faltprospekt zur Exposition InternatioSee Sold Price
SoldBUGATTI mixed lot with 2 pieces, No. 1: fold-outBUGATTI mixed lot with 2 pieces, No. 1: fold-out brochure Bugatti motorboat (from 1946, 2nd edition), No. 2: fold-out brochure Exposition Internationale 1937, 8 pages, small worn places, otherwise gooSee Sold Price
BUGATTI fold-out brochure "Exposition Internationale deBUGATTI fold-out brochure "Exposition Internationale de Paris" 1937, vehicles and train, 8 pages, French text, condition 2 German Description BUGATTI Faltprospekt „Exposition Internationale de ParisSee Sold Price
SoldBUGATTI, mixed lot of 2 pieces, No. 1: folder in FBUGATTI, mixed lot of 2 pieces, No. 1: folder in French "Exposition Internationale 1937", 8 pages, No. 2: 1946 Bugatti motorboat, 6 pages German Description BUGATTI Konvolut 2tlg., Nr. 1: FranzösischSee Sold Price
COLIN, PAUL - PARIS 1937 - EXPOSITION INTERNATIONACOLIN, Paul PARIS 1937 - EXPOSITION INTERNATIONALElithograph in colors, 1937, condition A-. 39 x 24 in (99 x 61 cm).(1)See Sold Price
BUGATTI F 1937, folder, type 57 3.3 litre, 12 pagBUGATTI F 1937, folder, type 57 3.3 litre, 12 pages, plus 2 flyers inside (car body versions Ventoux/Galibier/ Stelvio), condition: 1-, rare German Description: BUGATTI F 1937, Faltprospekt, Typ 57 3,See Sold Price
SoldBUGATTI F 1937, sales catalog; type 57, 16 pages,BUGATTI F 1937, sales catalog; type 57, 16 pages, bound with a cord, condition: 2 German Description: BUGATTI F 1937, Verkaufskatalog; Typ 57, 16 Seiten, Kordelbindung, Zust.: 2 Italian Description: BSee Sold Price
SoldBUGATTI F 1937, 2 flyers, on greaseproof paper, BBUGATTI F 1937, 2 flyers, on greaseproof paper, Bugatti train, condition: 1-2 German Description: BUGATTI F 1937, 2 Einblatt-Prospekte, auf Pergamentpapier, Bugatti Zug, Zust.: 1-2 Italian DescriptionSee Sold Price
SoldBUGATTI F 1937, flyer, chassis type 101, technicaBUGATTI F 1937, flyer, chassis type 101, technical specifications, condition: 1-2 German Description: BUGATTI F 1937, Einblattprospekt, Chassis Typ 101, techn. Daten, Zust.: 1-2 Italian Description: BSee Sold Price
SoldBUGATTI F 1937, sales catalog, model program, incBUGATTI F 1937, sales catalog, model program, inclusive Atlantic 57 S/ Atalante 57; 28 pages, superb illustrated, condition: 2- German: BUGATTI F 1937, Verkaufskatalog, Modellprogramm, inkl. AtlanticSee Sold Price
SoldBUGATTI France 1937, brochure folder type 57, insideBUGATTI France 1937, brochure folder type 57, inside with 4 blueprints, car body versions, Atalante, Ventoux, Stelvio, Galibier, good condition German Description BUGATTI Frankreich 1937, ProspektmappSee Sold Price
SoldAUTO-UNION, F 1937, small brochure "ModellprogramEnglish Description: AUTO-UNION, F 1937, small brochure "Modellprogramm Automobil/Motorräder", inclusive racing results 1936, 16 pages Deutsche Beschreibung: AUTO-UNION F 1937, kl. Prospekt 'ModellpSee Sold Price
BUGATTI F 1933, brochure, type 57, 4 pages, condiBUGATTI F 1933, brochure, type 57, 4 pages, condition: 1-2 German Description: BUGATTI F 1933, Prospekt, Typ 57, 4 Seiten, Zust.: 1-2 Italian Description: BUGATTI, F 1933, prospetto, tipo 57, 4 pagineSee Sold Price
BUGATTI F 1948, brochure, type 101, 4 pages, condBUGATTI F 1948, brochure, type 101, 4 pages, condition: 1-2 German Description: BUGATTI F 1948, Prospekt, Typ 101, 4 Seiten, Zust.: 1-2 Italian Description: BUGATTI, F 1948, prospetto, tipo 101, 4 pagSee Sold Price
SoldBUGATTI F 1931, brochure, Bugatti type 50 T 4.9 lBUGATTI F 1931, brochure, Bugatti type 50 T 4.9 litres, 4 pages, condition: 1-2 German Description: BUGATTI F 1931, Prospekt, Bugatti Typ 50 T 4,9 litres, 4 Seiten, Zust.: 1-2 Italian Description: BUGSee Sold Price
SoldBUGATTI F 1929, brochure, type 43 A 2,3 litres aBUGATTI F 1929, brochure, type 43 A 2,3 litres a Compresseur, 4 pages, condition: 1-2 German Description: BUGATTI F 1929, Prospekt, Typ 43 A 2,3 litres a Compresseur, 4 Seiten, Zust.: 1-2 Italian DescSee Sold Price
SoldBUGATTI F 1927, brochure, type 43 with compressorBUGATTI F 1927, brochure, type 43 with compressor, 4 pages, condition: 2 German Description: BUGATTI F 1927, Prospekt, Typ 43 mit Kompressor, 4 Seiten, Zust.: 2 Italian Description: BUGATTI, F 1927, pSee Sold Price
BUGATTI F 1939, brochure, Bugatti type 57, 4 pageBUGATTI F 1939, brochure, Bugatti type 57, 4 pages, with car body versions Berline Galibier/ convertible Stelvio Aravis; condition: 1-2 German Description: BUGATTI F 1939, Prospekt, Bugatti Typ 57, 4See Sold Price
SoldBUGATTI, F '30s, brochure, Bugatti "La 5 Litres", 16 paBUGATTI, F '30s, brochure, Bugatti "La 5 Litres", 16 pages, cover is loosely German Description BUGATTI F 30er Jahre, Verkaufsprospekt, Bugatti "La 5 Litres", 16 Seiten, Umschlag loseSee Sold Price
SoldBUGATTI F c. 1927, brochure, sport model type 37,BUGATTI F c. 1927, brochure, sport model type 37, 4 pages, condition: 2, rare German Description: BUGATTI F ca. 1927, Prospekt, Sportmodell Typ 37, 4 Seiten, Zust.: 2, selten Italian Description: BUGASee Sold Price
Chicago Burlington and Quincy RR Pan-American Exposition Flyer-1901JM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul RY Panama Pacific Exposition Brochure-1915JM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Wabash RR 1907 Jamestown Exposition BrochureJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
1952 J.F.K for US SENATE CAMPAIGN MATERIALSJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
SENATOR J.F.K. STERLING PEN & CAMPAIGN MATERIALSJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1960 J.F.K. for US PRESIDENT CAMPAIGN MATERIALSJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1969 J.F.K. NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE DEDICATIONJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Maison PRODHON - Paris : Grand porte photos Art Deco, la base en bois de placage et métal chromé.Valoir Pousse-Cornet4.3(4)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
[WORLD’S FAIRS]. A Group of Nearly 40 Postcards, Brochures,...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Minotaure. No. 10. 1937. Magritte, Kafka, Man Ray, BretonTheRedFinch Auctions4.4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
EUGENE BEAUDOIN (1898-1983) & MARCEL LODES (1891-1978) PARIS / 1937 EXPOSITION INTERNATIONALE. 1936.Swann Auction Galleries4.4(69)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Exposition Du Centenaire Hand Pulled Litho Custom Framed This Piece is GorgeousBidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Exposition Du Centenaire Hand Pulled Litho Custom Framed This Piece is GorgeousMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Paris 1937 - Art By Bouissoud (1937) 9.875x18 French Exposition Poster LBJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Model Railroader Magazines from 1937 through 1946Harris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Lionel Model Builder Issues from 1937 through 1949 and Lionel Model Engineer from 1936Harris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Montblanc Limited Writers Edition Fountain Pen, F. Scott FitzgeraldIshtar Auctions LTD.4.6(173)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024