(18th c) SAMPLER by SARAH BROWN born 1780.John McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1811 36th Year of Independence Mary Gilbert American Needlepoint SamplerMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Hand Stitched Turn of the Century Sampler in Tiger Maple FrameDana J. Tharp Auctions4.7(268)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A Needlework Sampler Book, Together with a Smaller Crochet Sampler Book, Annontated NeedleworkNazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
3 pcs Framed Vintage Americana Art Pieces. 1 Antiqued Sampler Signed Emily T. July 1776. See pics.Crawford Family Auctions LLC4.5(119)See Sold Price
Early Sampler in Gold Frame, Dated 1828 20"T 16"WSwisher Bros. Auction LLC4.4(251)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
British silk on wool canvas sampler, dated SeptemberBritish silk on wool canvas sampler, dated September 27, 1810, signed Sarah Ackey, a floral border frames the elaborate polychrome embroidered bucolic scene with a central brick house and varied gardeSee Sold Price
SoldBritish silk on wool canvas sampler dated 1811, andBritish silk on wool canvas sampler dated 1811, and signed Marie Ransome Walton, 13.5"h x 10"w. Property of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Sold to Benefit the Acquisitions Fund.See Sold Price
SoldBritish silk on wool canvas sampler dated 1815, andBritish silk on wool canvas sampler dated 1815, and signed "Elizabeth Wood, her work aged 9 years", 17"h x 13"w. Property of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Sold to Benefit the Acquisitions Fund.See Sold Price
SoldBritish silk on wool canvas sampler, dated 1783, signedBritish silk on wool canvas sampler, dated 1783, signed Elisabeth Walters Finsbed, a floral vine border frames the text panel reading "The King of glory fends his son/to make his entrance on this eartSee Sold Price
SoldBritish silk on wool canvas sampler dated 1787, andBritish silk on wool canvas sampler dated 1787, and depicting Adam and Eve, signed "Oby E.Clermonent A.D.", mounted to board, 23"h x 18"w. Provenance: Property of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, SoldSee Sold Price
SoldBritish silk on wool canvas sampler dated April 17,British silk on wool canvas sampler dated April 17, 1796, and signed Elizabeth Clementson, the top with a biblical passage, "Hes come let every Knee be bent/All Hearts new Joy resume/Let Nations singSee Sold Price
SoldBritish silk on wool canvas sampler dated 1709, andBritish silk on wool canvas sampler dated 1709, and signed Mary Davis, 21.75"h x 8"w. Property of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Sold to Benefit the Acquisitions Fund.See Sold Price
British silk on wool canvas sampler, dated 1768, signedBritish silk on wool canvas sampler, dated 1768, signed Mary Hood, depicting a domicile and garden, with a passage reading "Oh may once more the happy Age appear/When word's were Artse is and the SoulSee Sold Price
British silk on wool canvas sampler dated April 17,British silk on wool canvas sampler dated April 17, 1796, and signed A. Holland, the top with a biblical passage, "The Heavens declare/the glory of God and/the firmament shemeth/his handy work, 13"h xSee Sold Price
SoldBritish silk on wool canvas sampler, dated 1831, signedBritish silk on wool canvas sampler, dated 1831, signed Sarah McGinnis, a floral vine border frames the text panel reading "O Lord on whom I do depend behold my careful heart/and when thy will and pleSee Sold Price
British silk on wool canvas sampler dated 1826,British silk on wool canvas sampler dated 1826, unsigned, the bottom with the passage, "...when i am dead and gone/And all my bones are rotten/Remember me when this you see...", 17.5"h x 18"w. PropertSee Sold Price
British silk on wool canvas sampler dated 1850, signedBritish silk on wool canvas sampler dated 1850, signed ""Helena Annette Craig, aged 6 years, 15 of May, she seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly", framed, 13.5"h x 11"wSee Sold Price
SoldBritish silk on wool canvas sampler, dated 1790, signedBritish silk on wool canvas sampler, dated 1790, signed Ann Mansell, a floral border frames the text panel reading "The twining Jasmine and the blushing rose/with lavish grace their morning scents disSee Sold Price
SoldBritish silk on wool canvas sampler dated April 11,British silk on wool canvas sampler dated April 11, 1805, and signed "Alice Gulliver's work.", with a biblical passage, "On GOD for all Events depend/You cannot want when GOD's your Friend/Weigh wellSee Sold Price
SoldBritish silk on wool canvas sampler dated 1829, andBritish silk on wool canvas sampler dated 1829, and signed "May Cheesman, Aged 9 years", the top having the passage "'Tis religion that can give/Sweetest pleasures while we live/'Tis religion must supSee Sold Price
SoldBritish silk on wool canvas sampler dated May 3, 1754,British silk on wool canvas sampler dated May 3, 1754, and signed Anne Bedwell, the top with a biblical passage, "We stand expose'd to every Sin/While idle, and without Employ/But Beliefs holds our RuSee Sold Price
(Lot of 3) British silk on wool canvas sampler, dated(Lot of 3) British silk on wool canvas sampler dated 1634 or 1834 signed E A Clark a floral border frames alphabet and numbers accented with depictions of crowns plants and birds 12.5""h x 13""w togetSee Sold Price
British silk on wool canvas sampler, dated 1805, signedBritish silk on wool canvas sampler, dated 1805, signed "Grace Jackson aged 14 the year of our Lord 1805", passage reading "Children to your Creator God/Your early Honours pay/while vanity and youthfuSee Sold Price
British silk on wool canvas sampler dated 1813, andBritish silk on wool canvas sampler dated 1813, and signed "Elizabeth Perry her work 1813", the top with the passage reading "You whose fond wishes do to Heaven aspire/Who make those blest abodes yourSee Sold Price
British silk on wool canvas sampler, dated 1800, signedBritish silk on wool canvas sampler, dated 1800, signed Sarah Parrot, a floral border frames the text panel reading "Next unto God dear parents, address/myself to you in humble thankfulness/for all ofSee Sold Price
British silk on wool canvas sampler dated March 29th,British silk on wool canvas sampler dated March 29th, 1803, and signed "Agnes Fairbairn", with upper bible passage reading "Favour is decietful, and beauty is vain, the woman that/feareth the Lord, shSee Sold Price
British silk on wool canvas sampler dated June 24,British silk on wool canvas sampler dated June 24, 1844, and signed "Mary Ann Chapman", illustrated with foliate, figures, and urns, 13"h x 13"w. Property of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Sold to BeSee Sold Price
SoldBritish silk on wool canvas sampler dated 1824, andBritish silk on wool canvas sampler dated 1824, and signed "Caroline Curtis worked this sampler aged 8 years", the top scripted, "Next unto God Dear Parents I address/Myself to you in Humble ThankfulnSee Sold Price
British silk on wool canvas sampler, dated 1799, signedBritish silk on wool canvas sampler, dated 1799, signed Mary Jones, a floral and ribbon border frames the oval panel reading "Blessed are the/dead that die in the/Lord/Hear what the voice from heavenSee Sold Price
Shrihadi Soedarsono (1931-2022), Untitled, 1980, Oil on canvas, 32" H x 23" WJohn Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Attribuée à / Attributed to James Wilson CARMICHAEL (1800-1868)IEGOR Auctions4.2(133)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Karen D'Allaird (Pennsylvania, Contemporary) Large Oil on Canvas Painting, British White Cattle in aHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Antique British Signed & Dated Oil Painting Mother & Child by Cottage LandscapeJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
BRITISH SCHOOL, OIL ON CANVAS, RIVERSCAPE,Pridham's Auctions & Appraisals4.7(223)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
[THIRD MAN THE]: DEUTSCH ERNST (1890-1969)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
WW2 Canvas British Gas Mask Bag Dated 1943 VintageAnnzstiques Auction House4.4(615)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
S.A.GALTON (BRITISH, 19TH CENTURY) OIL ON CANVASHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceJul 12, 2024