SoldBritains - Set 145 - RAMC Ambulance - [1906]Britains - Set 145 - RAMC Ambulance - [1906 version], comprising: 4 x horse [dated horses] team with collar harness, 2 x drivers with whips [1 helmet ball missing], wire rope traces, together with khaSee Sold Price
SoldBritains-Set 145-RAMC Ambulance-[1906 version]Britains - Set 145 - RAMC Ambulance - [1906 version], comprising: 4 x horse [dated horses] team [2 x horses extensively repaired] with collar harness, 2 x drivers with whips [1 whip arm missing & 1 whSee Sold Price
SoldBritains-Set 145 - RAMC Ambulance - 1906 versionBritains - Set 145 - RAMC Ambulance - [1906 version], comprising: 4 x horse team with collar harness, 2 x drivers with whips, wire rope traces, together with khaki 4 x wheeled ambulance with folding cSee Sold Price
SoldBritains - Set 145 - RAMC AmbulanceBritains - Set 145 - RAMC Ambulance - [1906 version], comprising: 4 x horse team with collar harness, 2 x drivers with whips, wire rope traces, together with grey 4 x wheeled ambulance with folding caSee Sold Price
SoldBritains - Set 145 - RAMC AmbulanceBritains - Set 145 - RAMC Ambulance - [1906 version], comprising: 4 x horse team with collar harness, 2 x drivers with whips, wire rope traces, together with grey 4 x wheeled ambulance with folding caSee Sold Price
SoldBritains - Set 145 - RAMC AmbulanceBritains - Set 145 - RAMC Ambulance - [1906 version], comprising: 4 x horse team with collar harness, 2 x drivers with whips [1 head detached but present], wire rope traces, together with grey 4 x wheSee Sold Price
SoldBritains - Set 145 - RAMC AmbulanceBritains - Set 145 - RAMC Ambulance - 1906 version comprising of 4 Horse Team at the walk - collar harness - 2 drivers with whips - "Rope" type traces - 4 wheeled Ambulance Wagon with canvas tilt - 2See Sold Price
SoldBritains Set No.145 "RAMC Ambulance"Britains Set No.145 "RAMC Ambulance" - 1906 version comprising of 5 Horse Team at the walk - 2 x drivers, "rope" type traces - 4 wheeled Ambulance Wagon with canvas tilt - 2 seated Orderlies - overallSee Sold Price
SoldBritains Set #145 RAMC AmbulancePost War. Tied in original ROAN box. 7 Pieces. Condition Figures Excellent. Condition Box Excellent.See Sold Price
SoldBritains - Set 145 - RAMC AmbulanceBritains - Set 145 - RAMC Ambulance - 1920 version comprising of 4 Horse Team at the walk - light harness - 2 drivers with whips - wire traces - 4 wheeled khaki painted Ambulance Wagon with canvas tilSee Sold Price
SoldBritains - Set 145 - R.A.M.C. AmbulanceBritains - Set 145 - R.A.M.C. Ambulance [1920 version - 1939-41 issue], comprising: 4 x wheeled Ambulance with canvas tilt, 4 x Horse Team with 2 x Drivers & 2 x seated RAMC Personnel. Some paint lossSee Sold Price
SoldBritains Set #145 RAMC AmbulancePre War. In original Types of the British Army Box. 1st Version and Heavy Collar Harness. Circa 1914. 7 Pieces. Condition Figures Very Good; With chipping and missing one helmet spike. Condition Box VSee Sold Price
SoldBritains sets 145 RAMC Ambulance Waggon and 146 RASCBritains sets 145 RAMC Ambulance Waggon and 146 RASC Waggon, both complete in ROAN boxes, waggons VG, boxes F (10) box and lids slightly faded and scuffed on corners, 146 one split corner, 145 coverinSee Sold Price
SoldBritains wagons, set 145 RAMC Ambulance, twisted wireBritains wagons, set 145 RAMC Ambulance, twisted wire version, F, with later supply wagon, 2 unpainted and 2 original horses, generally F ambulance complete but 1 horse crushed, supply wagon detachedSee Sold Price
SoldBritains set 145 R.A.M.C. horse drawn ambulance,Britains set 145 R.A.M.C. horse drawn ambulance, complete with orderlies (2) VG (3)See Sold Price
SoldBritains - From Set 145A - RAMC AmbulanceBritains - From Set 145A - RAMC Ambulance - Service Dress - [1906/20 versions], now comprising: 2 x horse team with light breast harness, 2 x horse team with earlier heavy collar harness, 2 x driversSee Sold Price
SoldBritains-Set 145-R.A.M.C Ambulance-1956 versionBritains - Set 145 - Royal Army Medical Corps Ambulance - 1956 version - comprising of 4 Horse Team at the walk - light harness - 2 drivers with whips - "H" type traces to grey 4-wheeled Wagon - whiteSee Sold Price
SoldBritains-Set 145-R.A.M.C Ambulance-1914 versionBritains - Set 145 - Royal Army Medical Corps Ambulance - 1914 version - comprising of 4 Horse Team at the walk - collar harness - 2 drivers with whips - white "Rope" traces to khaki 4-wheeled AmbulanSee Sold Price
SoldBritains-Set 145-RAMC [Post War Issue]Britains - Set 145 - Royal Army Medical Corps [1920 version - Post War Issue], comprising: 4 x Horse Team at the walk with Light harness, 2 x drivers with whips, wire traces to 4 - wheeled Ambulance WSee Sold Price
SoldBritains-Set 145-R.A.M.C Ambulance-1916 versionBritains - Set 145 - Royal Army Medical Corps Ambulance - 1916 version - comprising of 4 Horse Team at the walk - collar harness - 2 drivers with whips - wire traces to grey 4-wheeled Ambulance WagonSee Sold Price
SoldBritains Set 145 - Royal Army Medical CorpsBritains - Set 145 - Royal Army Medical Corps [1906 version], comprising: 2 x Team Horses with Drivers, 2 x Team Horses [all have collar harness], 1 x 4 wheeled Ambulance with canvas tilt & 2 x seatedSee Sold Price
SoldBritains - Set 145 - RAMC-1906 versionBritains - Set 145 - Royal Army Medical Corps 1906 version - comprising of 4 Horse Team at the walk - collar harness - 2 drivers with whips - wire "rope" traces to 4-wheeled Ambulance Wagon - green khSee Sold Price
SoldBritains - Set 145 - Royal Army Medical CorpsBritains - Set 145 - Royal Army Medical Corps [1906 version], comprising: 4 x Horse Team at the walk with collar harness, 2 x drivers with whips, wire "rope" traces to 4-wheeled Ambulance Wagon in a gSee Sold Price
SoldBRITAINS ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS SET NO.145Britains Royal Army Medical Corps Set No.145 (1906). Two pairs of chestnut horses with riders dressed in Army Service Corps, twisted harnessing wires pulling a four wheel ambulance wagon, painted greySee Sold Price
Britains Set #1901 Capetown HighlandersOld Toy Soldier Auctions USA4.8(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
Britains Set #1287 British Military BandOld Toy Soldier Auctions USA4.8(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
Britains Set #2077 Kings Troop Royal ArtilleryOld Toy Soldier Auctions USA4.8(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
Britains Set #2077 Kings Troop Royal ArtilleryOld Toy Soldier Auctions USA4.8(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
Britains Set #1603 Republic of Ireland InfantryOld Toy Soldier Auctions USA4.8(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
Old Paper Bookbinding C1906 Lot of 60 Vellum Japon Type PaperAlbion Auctions4.6(341)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024