SoldBritains - Set 1322 - R.T.C - 1938 versionBritains - Set 1322 - Royal Tank Corps - 1938 version - comprising of 1203 Carden Loyd Tank - cast in tacks - driver - gunner and gun - khaki finish together with 1250 Tank Corps - Marching Officer wiSee Sold Price
Britains Set 1322 - RTC - 1936 versionBritains Set 1322 - Royal Tank Corps - 1936 version - comprising of standard Carden Loyd Tank - rubber tracks missing - includes driver - gunner and gun - together with Marching empty handed Officer aSee Sold Price
SoldBritains-Set 1541 - Territorials - 1938 versionBritains - Set 1541 - The Territorials - 1938 version - comprising of Officer at the present holding sword and scabbard together with 7 Soldiers with rifles at the present - fixed bayonets - review orSee Sold Price
SoldBritains-Set 135-Japanese Cav - 1938 versionBritains - Set 135 - Japanese Cavalry - 1938 version - comprising of Mounted Officer - extended sword arm - together with 4 Mounted Cavalry carrying long carbines - undated horses - rare dark blue tunSee Sold Price
SoldBritains - Set 144 - RFA - 1938 versionBritains - Set 144 - Royal Field Artillery - 1938 version - comprising of 6 Horse Team at the walk - light harness - 3 drivers with whips - new limber and field gun - mounted officer with extended swoSee Sold Price
SoldBritains-Set 1538 - Territorials - 1938 versionBritains - Set 1538 - The Territorials - 1938 version - comprising of Marching empty handed Officer together with 7 Marching Soldiers - rifles at the slope - green uniforms with peak caps - generallySee Sold Price
SoldBritains - Set 1620 - R.M.L.I - 1938 versionBritains - Set 1620 - Royal Marine Light Infantry - 1938 version - comprising of a Marching empty handed Officer together with 7 Marching Marines - rifles at the slope - fixed bayonets - red tunics -See Sold Price
SoldBritains - Set 1250 - RTC - 1936 versionBritains - Set 1250 - Royal Tank Corps - 1936 version - comprising of Marching Officer - brown boots - together with 7 Marching Soldiers - khaki uniforms - black berets - green puttees - all empty hanSee Sold Price
SoldBritains - Set 1330 - GS Wagon - 1938 versionBritains - Set 1330 - General Service Wagon - 1938 version - comprising of 2 horse team at the gallop - driver with whip - review order - 2 wheeled wagon together with similar limber - all VG and contSee Sold Price
SoldBritains - Set 171 - Greek Inf - 1938 versionBritains - Set 171 - Greek Infantry - 1938 version - now comprising of 8 Running Soldiers with rifles at the trail - green khaki uniforms - repainted to a good standard - unboxed.See Sold Price
SoldBritains - Set 171 - Greek Inf - 1938 versionBritains - Set 171 - Greek Infantry - 1938 version - comprising of Running Officer with drawn sword - together with 7 Running Infantry with rifles at the trail - square bases - full trousers - closedSee Sold Price
SoldBritains - Set 134 - Japanese Inf - 1938 versionBritains - Set 134 - Japanese Infantry - 1938 version - comprising of 8 Charging Infantry - fixed arm with rifles - 1 leg affixed to dark green oval undated bases - rare dark blue tunics with white trSee Sold Price
SoldBritains - Set 1563 - Welsh Regt - 1938 versionBritains - Set 1563 - The Welsh Regiment - 1938 version - comprising of Marching empty handed Officer together with 7 Marching Infantry at the slope - red tunics with white facings - blue helmet - excSee Sold Price
SoldBritains - Set 399 - U.S. Marines - 1938 versionBritains - Set 399 - United States Marines - 1938 version - comprising of 8 Marching Marines with rifles at the slope - Service Dress - peak caps with blue band - all VG and contained in a VG box withSee Sold Price
SoldBritains - Set 1618 - Rifle Regt - 1938 versionBritains - Set 1618 - Rifle Regiment - 1938 version - comprising of Marching Empty Handed Officer together with 7 Marching Riflemen - empty handed - dark green uniforms and peak caps - tan bases - ExcSee Sold Price
SoldBritains - Set 31 - 1st Dragoons - 1938 versionBritains - Set 31 - 1st Dragoons - 1938 version - comprising of Mounted Officer on a prancing horse - extended sword arm together with 4 Troopers - drawn swords - short rein - undated - all VG - minorSee Sold Price
SoldBritains - Set 258 - British Inf - 1938 versionBritains - Set 258 - British Infantry - 1938 version - comprising of 8 Marching Infantry with rifles at the trail - Active Service Equipment - shrapnel proof helmets - gas masks - Excellent in ExcelleSee Sold Price
SoldBritains - Set 189 - Belgian Inf - 1938 versionBritains - Set 189 - Belgian Infantry - 1938 version - comprising of 8 Infantry Standing at the on guard position - holding rifles with fixed bayonets - Excellent and contained restrung in a VG box wiSee Sold Price
SoldBritains - Set 1389 - Belgian Inf - 1938 versionBritains - Set 1389 - Belgian Infantry - 1938 version - comprising of Marching Empty Handed Officer together with 7 Marching Soldiers with rifles at the slope - fixed bayonets - active service order -See Sold Price
SoldBritains - Set 1329 - RASC Wagon - 1938 versionBritains - Set 1329 - Royal Army Service Corps Wagon - 1938 version - comprising of 2 Horse Team at the walk - light harness - driver with whip - 2 wheeled open wagon together with similar limber - maSee Sold Price
SoldBritains-Set 1522-4.5" A.A. Gun - 1938 versionBritains - Set 1522 - 4.5" Anti Aircraft Gun - 1938 version - comprising of 4.5 Gun mounted onto a circular base - separate screw mechanisms to rotate and elevate gun - spring loaded breech - fired bySee Sold Price
SoldBritains Set 332 - USAF Officers - 1938 versionBritains Set 332 - U.S. Air Force Officers - 1938 version - 8 x Standing Pilots - Flying Kit with Short Coats - mainly VG - minor paint loss - 1 figure slightly mismatched - unboxed.See Sold Price
SoldBritains - Set - 7th Rajput Regt - 1938 versionBritains - Set - 7th Rajput Regiment - 1938 version - comprising of 8 Marching Indian Soldiers with rifles at the slope - red tunics with yellow facings - Excellent - minor paint loss - contained restSee Sold Price
SoldBritains-Set 1436 - Italian Inf - 1938 versionBritains - Set 1436 - Italian Infantry - 1938 version - comprising of 8 Marching Infantry - rifles at the slope - Colonial Service Uniform - all Excellent - contained restrung in a VG box with "ArmiesSee Sold Price
Britains Set #1901 Capetown HighlandersOld Toy Soldier Auctions USA4.8(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
Britains #1619 Royal Marines In Tropical DressOld Toy Soldier Auctions USA4.8(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
Britains Set #1287 British Military BandOld Toy Soldier Auctions USA4.8(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
Britains Set #2077 Kings Troop Royal ArtilleryOld Toy Soldier Auctions USA4.8(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
Britains Set #2077 Kings Troop Royal ArtilleryOld Toy Soldier Auctions USA4.8(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
Britains Set #1603 Republic of Ireland InfantryOld Toy Soldier Auctions USA4.8(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
CHARLES BANKS WILSON (1918-2013) EGG TEMPERA PAINTINGSoulis Auctions4.8(953)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024