Brazil Order Military Merit Commander medalB-072 Brazil. Order of Military Merit - Commander. Large white enameled neck cross with ends of arms shaped like an anchor. Green ringed relief head of a female on center. Reverse has an enameled circSee Sold Price
ORDER OF MILITARY MERIT Commander’s Cross, 3rd Class,Country: BRAZIL Neck Badge, silver gilt, 55 mm, enameled, both central medallions silver gilt, enameled, original suspension loop and neck ribbon in case of issue by "Arthus Bertrand, Paris". In perfeSee Sold Price
ORDER OF MILITARY MERIT Commander's Cross, 3rd Class,Country: BRAZIL "Neck Badge, silver gilt, 55 mm, enameled, both central medallions silver gilt, enameled, original suspension loop and neck ribbon in case of issue by "Arthus Bertrand, Paris". In perfSee Sold Price
ORDER OF MILITARY MERIT Commander’s Cross, 3rd Class,Country: BRAZIL Neck Badge, silver gilt, 55 mm, enameled, both central medallions silver gilt, enameled, original suspension loop and neck ribbon in case of issue by “Arthus Bertrand, Paris”. In pSee Sold Price
ORDER OF MILITARY MERIT Commander's Cross, 3rd Class,Country: BRAZIL Neck Badge, silver gilt, 55 mm, enameled, both central medallions silver gilt, enameled, original suspension loop and neck ribbon in case of issue by "Arthus Bertrand, Paris". In perfeSee Sold Price
ORDER OF MILITARY MERIT Commander's Cross, 3rd Class, iCountry: BRAZIL "Neck Badge, silver gilt, 55 mm, enameled, both central medallions silver gilt, enameled, original suspension loop and neck ribbon in case of issue by "Arthus Bertrand, Paris". In perfSee Sold Price
ORDER OF MILITARY MERITCountry: BRAZIL Commander's Cross 3rd Class instituted in 1934. Neck Badge 55 mm silver gilt enamelled both central medallions silver gilt enamelled with suspension loop and neck ribbon in case of issSee Sold Price
ORDER OF MILITARY MERITCountry: BRAZIL "Commander's Cross, 3rd Class, instituted in 1934. Neck Badge, 55 mm, silver gilt, enamelled, both central medallions silver gilt, enamelled, with suspension loop and neck ribbon in caSee Sold Price
SoldORDER OF MILITARY MERITCountry: BRAZIL Commander's Cross, 3rd Class, instituted in 1934. Neck Badge, 55 mm, silver gilt, enamelled, both central medallions silver gilt, enamelled, with suspension loop and neck ribbon in casSee Sold Price
ORDER OF MILITARY MERITCountry: BRAZIL "Commander's Cross, 3rd Class, instituted in 1934. Neck Badge, 55 mm, silver gilt, enamelled, both central medallions silver gilt, enamelled, with suspension loop and neck ribbon in caSee Sold Price
SoldUS MILITARY LEGION OF MERIT ORDER LOT OF TWOLot contains two Legion of Merit medals, one being the Legionnaire edition, the other being the Commander neck order. Both are in very good condition.See Sold Price
SoldUS MILITARY LEGION OF MERIT ORDER LOT OF TWOLot contains two Legion of Merit medals, one being the Legionnaire edition, the other being the Commander neck order. Both are in very good condition.See Sold Price
SoldMisc. Medals incl Norway Order of St John MeritGroup of Misc. Medals incl Norway Order of St John Merit, Brazil Order of Villa Vicosia, etc -See Sold Price
World Orders and DecorationsBrazil, Republic, Order of Naval Merit, Fifth Class breast badge, 58mm x 54mm, silver, gilt, and enamel, unmarked, extremely fine £60-£80 ------ For more information, additional images andSee Sold Price
SoldChain of 7 miniatures, 3rd Republic (1870-1947)Order of the Legion of Honor, Commander's Cross; Military Medal; War Cross 1914-1915, with Palm; Combatant Cross; Victory Medal; Order of Academic Palms, Officer, GOLD; Order of Social Merit, Knight,See Sold Price
SoldChain of 7 miniatures, 3rd Republic (1870-1947)Order of the Legion of Honor, Commander’s Cross; Military Medal; War Cross 1914-1915, with Palm; Combatant Cross; Victory Medal; Order of Academic Palms, Officer, GOLD; Order of Social Merit, KnightSee Sold Price
SoldChain of 7 miniatures, 3rd Republic (1870-1947)Order of the Legion of Honor, Commander`s Cross; Military Medal; War Cross 1914-1915, with Palm; Combatant Cross; Victory Medal; Order of Academic Palms, Officer, GOLD; Order of Social Merit, Knight,See Sold Price
SoldSpain Order Military Merit medalB-147 - Spain. Order of Military Merit - Breast Star. Enameled Spanish coat of arms on a disk applied to a white enameled cross with a fleur-de-lis between each arm - mounted on a convex facetted 8-poSee Sold Price
SoldSpain Order Military Merit medal starB-148 - Star to the above order. Basically the same - but smaller (65mm). Reverse has a center pin and two hooks for attaching to uniform thread loops. II.....$75.00See Sold Price
Brazil Order Military Merit Grand Cross Breast StarB-071 Brazil. Order of Military Merit. Grand Cross - Breast Star. Center medallion profile of a female within a round green frame. Large stylized white enameled cross (with anchor shaped ends). Top arSee Sold Price
SoldSpain Lot of 3 Order of Military Merit MedalB-294 Spain. Lot of 3 Order of Military Merit: (1) Red/white enameled roundel with the National Arms - affixed to the center of a white enameled Cross with a flat reverse. Crown suspension. Open pin-bSee Sold Price
SoldSouth Korea, Order of Military Merit Medal, WM 39 x 80,2nd Class Chungmu, 2nd Grade. 4th Class Wharang 3rd Grade. Obv. Five pointed star with red and blue enameled decoration/Rev. Official number--a RARE military medalSee Sold Price
SoldSouth Korea, Order of Military Merit Medal, WM 39 x 80,4th Class Wharang 3rd Grade. Obv. Five pointed star with red and blue enameled decoration/Rev. Official number--a RARE military medalSee Sold Price
Gold Military Merit Medal of the Allied Army for the operations against ParaguayLA GALERIE NUMISMATIQUE4.2(151)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
The Golden Medal of the Order of the Double DragonLA GALERIE NUMISMATIQUE4.2(151)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Gold “Bene Merenti?? Medal for Military MeritLA GALERIE NUMISMATIQUE4.2(151)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Silver "Bene Merenti" Medal for Military MeritLA GALERIE NUMISMATIQUE4.2(151)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Joint Service Commendation medal for military meritBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
US Air Force military merit award medal and ribbonBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Bavarian Napoleonic Military Merit Medal (1808-1848)Rapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Württemberg Military Merit MedalRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Prussian Military Merit Medal Second ClassRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024