SoldBRASS SINUMBRA-TYPE STAND LAMPBRASS SINUMBRA-TYPE STAND LAMP, worn gilt lacquered finish, circular reservoir with white paint and brass filler cap supports a simple brass prism ring, ribbed columnar stem, cast-brass connectors andSee Sold Price
SoldW. CARLETON BRASS SINUMBRA STAND LAMPW. CARLETON BRASS SINUMBRA STAND LAMP, with filler cap, circular reservoir, colonial-style standard with an attached rectangular label marked "MANUFACTURED BY/W. CARELTON/BOSTON", square base, electriSee Sold Price
SoldBRASS SINUMBRA STAND LAMPBRASS SINUMBRA STAND LAMP, circular reservoir with filler cap and encased within a stamped band with heavy acorn and foliage pattern, tapered-form stem with applied stylized insect ornamentation, castSee Sold Price
SoldCAST-BRASS SINUMBRA STAND LAMPCAST-BRASS SINUMBRA STAND LAMP, with filler cap, circular reservoir, ribbed colonial standard, double-step marble base, electrified, appropriate period cut sinumbra shade with a Vintage motif, 26 periSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Gilt Brass, Marble Sinumbra-Type LampAn American Gilt Brass and Marble Sinumbra-Type Table Lamp , in the Classical taste, prism hung, fluted column on stepped marble base, now electrified, height 28 in., diameter 14 1/2 in * NO RETURNS ASee Sold Price
SoldCONTINENTAL BRASS WHALE OIL TYPE STAND LAMPS, LOT OF TWCONTINENTAL BRASS WHALE OIL TYPE STAND LAMPS, LOT OF TWO, comprising a pyriform font example and an acorn-form font example, each with a circular base and inset collar. Each fitted with a period singlSee Sold Price
SoldBRASS RUMFORD-TYPE SINGLE-ARM ARGAND STAND LAMPS, PAIRBRASS RUMFORD-TYPE SINGLE-ARM ARGAND STAND LAMPS, PAIR, baluster-form stem with various ribbed line and beading ornamentation, square foot with ringed step, supporting an urn-form reservoir, each reseSee Sold Price
Sold12 in. Brass Sinumbra Lamp12 in. Brass Sinumbra Lamp. Brass base stands on 3 feet and has heavy relief decorated design and a gilt finish; the font has leaf decorations rising up from the bottom and the lamp is electrified. ThSee Sold Price
SoldMELON TYPE STAND LAMPMELON TYPE STAND LAMP, colorless font, deep brilliant cobalt blue unidentified base, brass connector, No. 1 fine line collar. Fitted with a Phoenix Manuf. Co. Lambertson patented safety No. 1 slip burSee Sold Price
SoldMOLDED AND CUT DODGE-TYPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMPMOLDED AND CUT DODGE-TYPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMP, colorless with cut vine and floral pattern font, font peg is encased with a threaded cast-brass "rosette"-type sleeve fitted into a brass connector,See Sold Price
SoldFREE-BLOWN STRIPE KEROSENE STAND LAMPFREE-BLOWN STRIPE KEROSENE STAND LAMP, alternating wide opal and narrow cobalt stripes on a pinched-waist pyriform font, brass solar-type baluster-form brass base and double-step marble base with castSee Sold Price
SoldDOUBLE SEMI-CIRCLES STAND LAMPDOUBLE SEMI-CIRCLES STAND LAMP, translucent jade green, Baroque type base, brass connector, No. 1 fine line collar. Fitted with an E. Miller No. 1 hinged lip burner, thumbwheel marked "E. MILLER. PAT.See Sold Price
SoldOPALESCENT HORSE CHESTNUT-TYPE KEROSENE STAND LAMPOPALESCENT HORSE CHESTNUT-TYPE KEROSENE STAND LAMP, blue opalescent font, brass connector, marbled cased glass stem and base, cast metal foot, period collar. Probably English. First quarter 20th centuSee Sold Price
SoldATTERBURY SHELLEY KEROSENE STAND LAMPATTERBURY SHELLEY KEROSENE STAND LAMP, colorless font, opaque white Gem-type base, brass Atterbury screw-socket connector with impressed patent information, No. 2 fine-line collar with No. 1 adapter.See Sold Price
SoldSHELDON SWIRL STAND LAMPSHELDON SWIRL STAND LAMP, cranberry opalescent font, colorless base, No. 2 brass fluted band type collar. Fourth quarter 19th century. 9" H to top of collar, 5 1/4" D base. Literature: Parallels ThuroSee Sold Price
SoldCUT OVERLAY PUNTY STAND LAMPCUT OVERLAY PUNTY STAND LAMP amethyst cut to colorless squatty pyriform font with three rows of punties, marbled lavender and maroon "Gem"-type base, brass connector, 15/16" ID fluid collar. DESCRIPTISee Sold Price
SoldATTERBURY CHAPMAN STAND LAMPATTERBURY CHAPMAN STAND LAMP, colorless font, vibrant marbled pale green and maroon Gem-type base, brass Atterbury screw socket, No. 1 Taplin-Brown collar, base of font with illegible embossing encircSee Sold Price
SoldTRIPLE PEG AND LOOP STAND LAMPTRIPLE PEG AND LOOP STAND LAMP, colorless font with engraved foliage to shoulder, vibrant marbled blue and maroon Gem-type base, brass connector, No. 1 fine-line collar. Fitted with a period set-up coSee Sold Price
SoldOWL AND SHIELD - NINE PANEL BASE KEROSENE STAND LAMPOWL AND SHIELD - NINE PANEL BASE KEROSENE STAND LAMP, amethyst font, opaque white marbled with burgundy, brown and lavender Gem-type base, brass connector, No. 1 fine-line collar. Fitted with a periodSee Sold Price
SoldFLAME BULLSEYE STAND LAMPFLAME BULLSEYE STAND LAMP, colorless font, marbled white and maroon Gem-type base, brass connector, No. 2 fine line collar. Fitted with a later No. 2 slip burner, thumbwheel marked "PAT.AUG.30 1892.",See Sold Price
SoldUNLISTED BULL'S EYE AND HAIRPIN STAND LAMP, keroseUNLISTED BULL'S EYE AND HAIRPIN STAND LAMP, kerosene period, colorless font, pale green alabaster Baroque-type base, brass connector, #1 fine line collar, period burner. 7 3/4" h, 3 1/2" sq baseSee Sold Price
SoldCUT OVERLAY STAND LAMPCUT OVERLAY STAND LAMP, white cut to colorless stylized floral band over punties with roughened leaves on a pyriform font, mottled sage green Gem-type base, brass connector, No. 2 fine line collar. FiSee Sold Price
SoldCUT DOUBLE OVERLAY GEOMETRICAL KEROSENE STAND LAMPCUT DOUBLE OVERLAY GEOMETRICAL KEROSENE STAND LAMP, opaque white to light ruby-cased colorless pyriform font with punties, oval panels within swags, opaque white Baroque-type base, brass connector, NoSee Sold Price
SoldRUBY-STAINED BLOWN-MOLDED FONT STAND LAMPRUBY-STAINED BLOWN-MOLDED FONT STAND LAMP, pyriform font with traces of gilt decoration, opaque white Gem-type base, brass connector, No. 2 fine line collar. Fitted with a No. 2 Eagle slip burner. TogSee Sold Price
Three American Brass and Marble Sinumbra Lamps, 19th c., Tallest- H.- 21 in., Dia.- 6 1/2 in.;Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Estate Antiques & Decorative Arts Incl. Brass Harp Desk Lamp, Advertising, Kitchen Tools, CoronaHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Dining Room Pendant Lamp 6 Light Farmhouse Chandelier Rustic Fixture Foyer 42 inBidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A vintage brass table lamp stand 27 x 14 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Vintage Gilded Floral Porcelain Table LampRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A BRASS HANUKKAH LAMP BY THE BEZALEL SCHOOL. Jerusalem, c.1920. The backplate is decorated withJ. Greenstein & Co., Inc.4.3(55)See Sold PriceApr 16, 2024
CHINESE GE TYPE PORCELAIN VASE MOUNTED AS LAMPA.H. Wilkens Auctions & Appraisals4.7(392)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024