Book Irving, Washington - History of the Life and
Alton Tobey, Colonists feared the piratesMar 03, 2024Alton Tobey, The Atom Bomb explosion & planeMar 03, 2024Alton Tobey James Otis cheered in BostonMar 03, 2024Alton Tobey, Abraham Lincoln PortraitMar 03, 2024Alston S. Tobey, Blazing Southern gunsMar 03, 2024Alton S. Tobey, Johnstown Flood. May 13,1889Mar 03, 2024Alton S. Tobey, King Georges statue pulled downMar 03, 2024Alton S. Tobey, General Charles CornwallisMar 03, 2024Alton S. Tobey, Hurricane Damage to BattleshipsMar 03, 2024Alton S. Tobey, Toward the Arctic SunMar 03, 2024Alton S. Tobey, Building the Panama CanalMar 03, 2024Alton S. Tobey, Ku-Klux KlansmenMar 03, 2024Alton S. Tobey, Election DisputeMar 03, 2024THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES BY J.A. SPENCER, 1896, 4 VOLUMESMar 07, 2024ORIGINAL ETCHING TITLED ANCIENT BELL TOWER, 1818, 16IN x 19IN (41cm x 48cm)Mar 07, 2024GENERALS PATTON AND MACARTHUR BOOK SETMar 07, 2024SIX THOUSAND YEARS OF HISTORY BY EDGAR SANDERSON - 10 VOLUMES – 1899Mar 07, 2024Book: The Works of Tacitus, Volume II, containing his Five books of history, his Treatise ofFeb 26, 20241864 LIFE & LETTERS of WASHINGTON IRVINGS 4 VOLUMES SET antique CIVIL WAR ERAFeb 27, 2024Holmes (Oliver Wendell) The Poet at the Breakfast Table, 1902; and others (40).Feb 29, 2024Commemorative volume for A. Lincoln 1867Mar 07, 2024(13) books about Washington, Adams & JeffersonFeb 27, 2024The Amazing Spider-Man #637 by Marvel ComicsFeb 28, 2024"The Life of Washington" by Mason L. Weems - HCMar 03, 2024