SoldBMW Sales catalog "Die Wagen der überragendenBMW Sales catalog "Die Wagen der überragenden Leistung, 34 und 45 PS Sechszylinder" type 315 and 319, from 1936, 28 pages, German text, condition 1- German Description BMW Verkaufskatalog "Die WageSee Sold Price
SoldFORD 2 x V8-brochures, No. 1: sales catalog "Der WagenFORD 2 x V8-brochures, No. 1: sales catalog "Der Wagen den die Welt fährt", 32 pages, 1939, No. 2: brochure V8 Pullmann saloon, 4 pages, with glued in B/W photo, both with German text, condition 2- GSee Sold Price
SoldBMW Mixed lot of 5 pieces, No. 1: sales catalog "BMWBMW Mixed lot of 5 pieces, No. 1: sales catalog "BMW 1602 bis 2002 Cabrio-die Perfektion der Maschinen" (for internal use only), No. 2: "Industrie Journal" issue 1, 1964, No. 3: brochure "Automatic-FaSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot 3 pieces, No. 1: manufacturer BMW, Germanymixed lot 3 pieces, No. 1: manufacturer BMW, Germany 1932, sales catalog "Der neue BMW-Wagen 0,8 Liter/20PS" inclusive price list, No. 2: sales catalog BMW 22PS 4 cylinder and 34PS 6 cylinder inclusivSee Sold Price
SoldBMW mixed lot of 4 pieces, No. 1: Germany 1933, salesBMW mixed lot of 4 pieces, No. 1: Germany 1933, sales catalog BMW "Das schnellste und zuverlässigste Motorrad der Welt - Die neuen Modelle", 16 pages, No. 2: fold-out brochure models 1935, with priceSee Sold Price
SoldBMW Brochure 'BMW die Wagen der überragenden LeistungA 181 10/IX.36., type 315 and 319, GermanSee Sold Price
SoldBMW mixed lot of 2 sales catalogs, No. 1: 1933 "DeBMW mixed lot of 2 sales catalogs, No. 1: 1933 "Der neue BMW 4-Zylinder 0,8 Liter/20 PS", portfolio with different superstructures, No. 2: 1932, brochure "Der neue BMW Wagen 0,8 Liter/20 PS", both witSee Sold Price
SoldBMW sales catalog "Die großen europäischenBMW sales catalog "Die großen europäischen Achtzylinder" inclusive 507 and 503, 40 pages from 1956, spiral binding, condition 1-2 German Description BMW Verkaufskatalog "Die großen europäischen AcSee Sold Price
SoldBMW sales catalog "Die großen Europäischen AchtzylinderBMW sales catalog "Die großen Europäischen Achtzylinder 502/503/507", 40 pages, print number W147, German text, ring binding, condition 1-2 German Description BMW Verkaufskatalog "Die großen Europ�See Sold Price
SoldBMW sales catalog "Die großen europäischenBMW sales catalog "Die großen europäischen Achtzylinder" types 502/503/507, 40 pages, print number W147, German text, ring binding, condition 1-2 German Description BMW Verkaufskatalog "Die großenSee Sold Price
SoldBMW sales catalog "Die großen europäischenBMW sales catalog "Die großen europäischen Achtzylinder", types 502, 503 and 507, 42 pages, with ballpoint notes, good condition German Description BMW Verkaufskatalog "Die großen europäischen AchSee Sold Price
SoldBMW sales catalog "Die großen Europäischen AchtzylinderBMW sales catalog "Die großen Europäischen Achtzylinder BMW 502/503/507", ring binder, good condition German Description BMW Verkaufskatalog "Die großen Europäischen Achtzylinder BMW 502/503/507",See Sold Price
SoldBMW 1931, sales catalog "Die neuen BMW Modelle" (modelBMW 1931, sales catalog "Die neuen BMW Modelle" (model program), 16 pages, good condition German Description BMW 1931, Verkaufskatalog ?Die neuen BMW Modelle? (Modellprogramm), 16 Seiten, guter ZustanSee Sold Price
SoldBMW dealer sales catalog "Die Neue Klasse, Modelle 1964BMW dealer sales catalog "Die Neue Klasse, Modelle 1964 (nur für den internen Gebrauch", 38 pages, German text, condition 1-2 German Description BMW Händler-Verkaufskatalog "Die Neue Klasse, ModelleSee Sold Price
SoldBUGATTI sales catalog "Der Wagen der Anspruchsvollen",BUGATTI sales catalog "Der Wagen der Anspruchsvollen", Bugatti 3.3 liter and 5.3 liter, 12 pages with German text, slight tear at cover, c. 3cm, otherwise good condition, rare German Description BUGATSee Sold Price
SoldBENZ & CIE. Sales catalog "Die Benz Wagen" from theBENZ & CIE. Sales catalog "Die Benz Wagen" from the first gasoline engine car up to the world-record car, c. 1913, in original slipcase, on the first page autographed by Georg Diehl who was at that tiSee Sold Price
SoldBENZ&CIE sales catalog "Die Benz Wagen vom erstenBENZ&CIE sales catalog "Die Benz Wagen vom ersten Benzin-Automobil bis zum Weltrekordwagen" good condition for its age German Description BENZ&CIE Verkaufskatalog "Die Benz Wagen vom ersten Benzin-AutSee Sold Price
BENZ & CIE. sales catalog "Die Benz Wagen vom erstenBENZ & CIE. sales catalog "Die Benz Wagen vom ersten Benzin-Automobil bis zum Weltrekordwagen" good condition for its age German Description BENZ & CIE. Verkaufskatalog "Die Benz Wagen vom ersten BenzSee Sold Price
SoldBMW sales catalog ring binder "Die großen EuropäischenBMW sales catalog ring binder "Die großen Europäischen Achtzylinder" good condition, rare German Description BMW Verkaufskatalog Ringbuch "Die großen Europäischen Achtzylinder" guter Zust. , selteSee Sold Price
SoldBMW sales catalog ring binder "Die großen europäischenBMW sales catalog ring binder "Die großen europäischen Achtzylinder", BMW 502, 503 and 507, German text, binding is at one place damaged, otherwise good condition German Description BMW VerkaufskataSee Sold Price
SoldOPEL, mixed lot of 5 pieces, among them 2x salesOPEL, mixed lot of 5 pieces, among them 2x sales catalogs Opel type Olympic, 1 brochure Opel six-cylinder, 8 pages, 1 sales catalog Opel Kapitän "Ein Wagen, der der Welt gehört" 16 pages, and 1 saleSee Sold Price
MG mixed lot of 4 sales catalogs, 1x folder, the nMG mixed lot of 4 sales catalogs, 1x folder, the new MG Midget, in German, 12 pages; 1x sales catalog, "MG B- der Wagen der Superlative", 16 pages, good condition, 1 fold in the middle; 2x folder, MGSee Sold Price
SoldVOLKSWAGEN/KDF sales brochure/sales catalog "DerVOLKSWAGEN/KDF sales brochure/sales catalog "Der KDF-Wagen", 8 pages, German text, from 1938/39, some traces of usage, slightly moldy, and some flaws in the middle of the brochures, otherwise good conSee Sold Price
Roman Gold Pendant with Garnet Gemstone Depicting VictoryTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.5(183)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Roman Marble Head of Hercules Wearing the Nemean Lion SkinTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.5(183)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Roman Bronze Hand-Shaped Military Standard FinialTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.5(183)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Roman Redware Pottery Sherd with Achilles and ThetisTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.5(183)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Kunstgewerbliche Schmuckformen fur die Flache, Pochoir PlateCatalog Projects4.5(60)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Karel Appel. Geh durch den Spiegel Issue n 29. 1962TheRedFinch Auctions4.4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
James Houston for Steuben, Arctic FishermanToomey & Co. Auctioneers4.7(390)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024