SoldBeyerlinck, Laurentius Conciones selectae variorumBeyerlinck, Laurentius Conciones selectae variorum argumentorum.... Mit 1 Holzschnitt TVignette. Köln, Hieratus, 1627. 8 Bll., 908 S., 25 Bll. Prgt. d. Zt. mit Jesus und Maria Supralibro u. reichen RSee Sold Price
SoldBeyerlinck, Laurentius Magnum theatrum vitae humanae.Beyerlinck, Laurentius Magnum theatrum vitae humanae. Bd. 2 (von 6). Mit 1 Holzstich-Titelvign. Köln, Hierati, 1631. 12 Bll., 648, 432 S. Folio. Blindgepräg. Schweinsleder auf Holzdeckeln mit schwarSee Sold Price
SoldBeyerlinck, Laurentius Magnum theatrum vitae humanae.Beyerlinck, Laurentius Magnum theatrum vitae humanae. (Edition novissima). Bd. 4 (von 6). Mit 1 gestoch. Titelvign. Lyon, Hugeuetan u. Ravaud, 1656. 13 Bll., 287, 496 (falsch 433), 310 S. Folio. Pgt.See Sold Price
SoldBeyerlinck, Laurentius Magnum theatrum vitae humanae.Beyerlinck, Laurentius Magnum theatrum vitae humanae. (Edition novissima). Bd. 2 (von 6). Mit 1 gestoch. Titelvign. Lyon, Hugeuetan u. Ravaud, 1656. 12 Bll., 648, 432 S. Folio. Pgt. d. Zt. Zweite AusgSee Sold Price
SoldLeaves of Grass Textual Variorum Poems Walt WhitmanLeaves of Grass: A Textual Variorum of the Printed Poems. Walt Whitman. Published by New York University Press, 1980. Binding: Hardcover. Book Condition: Near Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Good. EditioSee Sold Price
SoldPignorius (Laurentius) - De Servis,bound with Popma (Titus) De Operis Servorum liber. Edition novissima, Amsterdam, Andrea Frisius, 1674-72; engraved title, 2 titles with engraved devices, 40 text- and full-page engravings, including 1See Sold Price
Sold7 Bks (8 Vols): SELECTAE, Hale, TOMB..., 5 others[Franklin/Mount Vernon/American Imprints]. 7 Titles (8 Vols), 1 signed. ++ Memoirs Of Benjamin Franklin. Written by Himself, and continued by his Grandson and Others... 2 Vols. Phila: McCarty & Davis,See Sold Price
The Variorum Edition Of The Poems Of W. B. YeatsYeats, W. B., Peter Allt, ed. The Variorum Edition of the Poems of W. B. Yeats. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1957. 884p, index. 24cm. First printing. Dark blue cloth back and lighter blue cloth coSee Sold Price
1727 Leather Book London Conciones et Orationes“Conciones Et Orationes Ex Historicis Latinis Excerpta”, printed at London by Jacobi Tonson and Johannis Watts, MDCCXXVII (1727). Leather binding very good. 368 pages, Index. Internally Fine. MeasSee Sold Price
SoldHEILIGER LAURENTIUS Süddeutsch, MItte 18. Jh.HEILIGER LAURENTIUS Süddeutsch, MItte 18. Jh. Holz, plastisch geschnitzt, farbig gefasst, teils vergoldet. H. 45 cm. In einer architektonisch gegliederten Skulpturennische halbfigurige DarstellunSee Sold Price
SoldFRIES, ELIAS MAGNUS Mykologie. - Icones selectaeFRIES, ELIAS MAGNUS Mykologie. - Icones selectae Hymenomycetum nondum delineatorum. 2 Bde. Mit 1 Portrait des Autors u. 200 Chromolithographien. Stockholm/Uppsala, P.A. Nordstedt & Filii/Berling 1867-See Sold Price
SoldMathematics. EULER-FRISI. Dissertationes Selectae.EULER, Joh. Albert; FRISI, Paolo; BERAUD, Laurent. Dissertationes Selectae, quae ad Imperialem Scientiarum Petropolitanam Academiam An. 1755 missae sunt, cum Electricitati causa, et theoria, Praemio pSee Sold Price
1727 London Printing Conciones Et Orationes Historicis“Conciones Et Orationes Ex Historicis Latinis Excerpta”, printed at London by Jacobi Tonson and Johannis Watts, MDCCXXVII (1727). Leather binding very good. 368 pages, Index. Internally Fine. MeasSee Sold Price
SoldValla, Laurentius [Lorenzo] (c. 1407-1457) De LinguaValla, Laurentius [Lorenzo] (c. 1407-1457) De Lingua Latina. Paris: [Johannis Barbier edibus], 1510.Folio, (dedicatory epistle mistakenly bound at the end); title page printed in red and black, titleSee Sold Price
SoldMaiolus, Laurentius: Epiphyllides - De gradibus meMaiolus, Laurentius. Epiphyllides in dialecticis. 158 nn. Bl. zu je 33 Zeilen in einer romanischen Type mit unausgefüllten Initialspatien und Custoden. - Derselbe. De gradibus medicinarum. 55 nn. Bl.See Sold Price
Knorr (Georg W.) Deliciae Naturae SelectaeKnorr (Georg Wolfgang) Deliciae Naturae Selectae,2 parts in 1 vol., first edition in Dutch, additional hand-coloured engraved title, 91 hand-coloured engraved plates, one double-page, list ofSee Sold Price
SoldTrew (C.J.) Plantae selectaeTrew (C.J.) Plantae selectae, first edition, general title and 10 section titles, all illuminated in red and gold, 3 fine mezzotint portraits (Trew, Ehret, Haid; the 4th portrait of Vogel is nSee Sold Price
SoldVALLA, Laurentius (1406-1457). De lingua Latina.VALLA, Laurentius (1406-1457). De lingua Latina. Venice: Jacobus Rubaeus, 1476. 204 leaves (of 212, lacking first gathering of 8 leaves). Small folio mostly in 6's and 8's, final gathering inSee Sold Price
1727 Leather Conciones Et Orationes“Conciones Et Orationes Ex Historicus Latinis Excerpta”, printed at London by Jacon Tonson and Johannis Watts, MDCCXXVII (1727). Leather binding with wear along joints, minor loss top of spine. InSee Sold Price
SoldCort, Cornelis: Das Martyrium des hl. LaurentiusDas Martyrium des hl. Laurentius. Kupferstich, nach Tizian. 47,9 x 35 cm. 1571. The New Hollstein 126, Bierens de Haan 11 I (von II). Wz. Fleur-de-lis mit angehängter Traube. Prachtvoller, herrlich nSee Sold Price
SoldBibliography.- Gronovius (Laurentius Theodorus) -first edition, presentation copy from the author to Morten Thrane Brunnich , some staining or foxing, lightly browned, contemporary half calf, sympathetically rebacked, corners worn, rubbed, 4to, LeidSee Sold Price
SoldHeister, Laurentius: ChirurgieHeister, Laurentius. Chirurgie, in welcher alles, was zur Wund-Artzney gehöret ... gründlich abgehandelt, und in vielen Kupfer-Tafeln die neuerfundene und dienlichste Instrumente, Nebst denSee Sold Price
SoldValla, Laurentius: De lingua latinaValla, Laurentius. De lingua latina q(uam) optime meriti: de eiusde elegantia libri sex ... cum Antonii Mancinelli limasuis Locis apposita. 6 nn. Bl., CXXIIII, XX Bl. Titel in Rot und Schwarz mit DrucSee Sold Price
SoldPerry (W.G.) Plantae Varvicenses SelectaePerry (W.G.) Plantae Varvicenses Selectae,2 copies, old boards, one worn, the other repaired, the latter inscribed by the author, Warwick, 1820 (c.40)See Sold Price
1675 PLINIUS PANEGYRICUS liber TRAIANO DICTUS antique VELLUM BOUNDJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024